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Chapter 1247 Refund the money, or leave without refund

Chapter 1247 Refund the money, or leave without refund

Mi Yuan's life is stable and peaceful.

His mother's illness was under control, and he was fully engaged in his work in the rice shell electrical store.

Although the work is very busy, for a person like Mi Yuan who has work experience, it is easy to prioritize and deal with each one in an orderly manner.

Just a while ago, the personnel department gave her a very grand award.

All this made Mi Yuan happy and fulfilled even though she was busy.

However, the only thing that makes Mi Yuan feel lost is that Shen Lin has returned to Dongzhou!

Although she told herself again and again in her heart that that person only regarded herself as a good friend, the flood of longing still kept rushing forward, and she couldn't suppress it no matter what.

In the past two days, there was a problem with the power cord of the rice shell refrigerator, which made the entire rice shell electric appliance store look a bit depressed.

For the employees of Mishell Electronics, problems in their own company are certainly not what they want to see.

Although the above said that this is a small matter, they also felt something unusual.

"Sister Mi Yuan, there are people making trouble below." The team leader on a floor ran over and hurriedly said to Mi Yuan.

Originally, this kind of matter should be reported to the manager in charge of internal management, but the manager went out to handle errands, so the team leader ran to Mi Yuan.

Although Mi Yuan is not a manager, she has the highest rank.

After hearing the team leader's report, Mi Yuan's expression suddenly became serious.

She knew very well in her heart that this kind of thing was probably done on purpose.So after pondering for a while, Mi Yuan said in a deep voice: "Let's go, let's go there together."

While speaking, Mi Yuan brought the group leader to the gate of Mishell Electric Appliances Store.

At this time, many people had gathered at the gate.

Someone even fanned the flames and said: "It's not easy for us to earn money, this matter must not be left alone."

"Mishell Electronics must give us an explanation!"

"Money back, we demand money back!"

The middle-aged man felt very good when he heard the booing around him. It seems that this kind of response is good!He was a little smug in his heart. This time, it shouldn't be a problem to complete the task by himself.

Just when he proudly wanted to take out a cigarette for a smoke, he saw Mi Yuan, who was wearing the clothes of the rice shell electrical store, come out.

Mi Yuan's figure was originally tall, but at this time she was wearing the work clothes of Mishell Electronics, which gave people an extremely dazzling feeling.

Even those who were talking a lot couldn't help but be attracted by Mi Yuan's beauty at this moment.

"I'm Mi Yuan from the Mishell Electric Store. Excuse me, sir, is there anything I can do for you?"

Mi Yuan's words made the middle-aged man wake up.

Thinking of his mission, he immediately patted the refrigerator with his hand and said, "I bought this refrigerator from your rice shell."

"Now, there is a problem with the power cord of this refrigerator. How do you solve it?"

The middle-aged man roared angrily: "You guys, Mi Ke, won't try to bully our customers and make us consider ourselves unlucky, right?"

When Mi Yuan walked down, she had already thought about the strategy to deal with it, not to mention that the company had already made arrangements for this situation.

"Sir, is there something wrong with our refrigerator?" Mi Yuan asked calmly.

"There is a problem, of course there is a problem, and it is a big problem. Your refrigerator has serious quality problems."

Speaking of this, the man said loudly: "Ask everyone, do you know what the problem is?"

"You don't know, right?" Mi Yuan didn't panic after hearing this question. She still kept smiling and said, "I'm asking about your refrigerator. Is there anything wrong with it during use?"

"No, but I don't believe you rice shells anymore, you know? It's a good copper wire, you're black-hearted, and you actually use copper-clad aluminum. You're making black-hearted money."

"Let's talk about it, right?"

When the middle-aged man came, there was someone who came to make a fuss, but when they heard the middle-aged man's words, they all said loudly: "Yes, this is to make black-hearted money."

"Hey, I've always believed in Mi Ke, but I didn't expect them to be so irresponsible."

"What irresponsibility, this is pure deception!"

Listening to these discussions, Mi Yuan didn't speak immediately, but quietly waited for these people to finish, and then said: "Sir, what is the purpose of your visit?"

"I just want Mi Ke to solve the problem." The middle-aged man said: "You Mi Ke must give me an explanation!"

Having said that, the middle-aged man clapped the refrigerator in his hand and said, "If you don't solve the problem for me, then I won't leave today."

Seeing the man's cheating appearance, Mi Yuan became more and more aware that this man was probably not here to solve the problem, but to make trouble.

She smiled and said, "If you don't tell me your purpose, how can I solve it for you?"

Seeing Mi Yuan's bright smile, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Refund, I want a refund, I don't believe in your Mi Ke's refrigerator anymore!"

Having said that, the middle-aged man patted the refrigerator and said, "You want your money back!"

"If you don't refund, I won't agree!"

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, Mi Yuan said in a deep voice, "Sir, may I have a look at your refrigerator?"

Although the middle-aged man didn't know what Mi Yuan was going to do, but in this case, he had to let others.

"Okay, look, here's the refrigerator."

Mi Yuan immediately led the people, looked at the various signs on the back of the refrigerator, and said to the middle-aged man: "Sir, the refrigerator you bought is a product produced by Mishell Electronics in May. It belongs to A product with defective quality appeared."

Speaking of this, Mi Yuan continued: "According to the arrangement of our Mishell Electronics Corporation, your refrigerator is a dispute caused by our quality defects, so we agree to your request."

"Xiao Zhao, you go to the financial department to withdraw 2000 yuan and return the goods to this gentleman."

"No..." The middle-aged man instinctively wanted to object, but when he was about to say the word no, he suddenly reacted.

At this time, I seem to have nothing to say.

People have already refunded the money, if I say no at this time, then what exactly are I doing here?

What reason do I have to make a fuss?

Just when the middle-aged man was stunned, Mi Yuan had already said to the surroundings in a deep voice: "Everyone, we have received a notice from the head office that as long as the products of Mishell Electronics are consumed due to our quality defects, If the customer is not satisfied, we can provide a full refund."

"For example, the refrigerator that this gentleman bought was indeed due to our negligence, which caused the loss to this gentleman, so we will refund the money on the spot."

Mi Yuan's words caused many people watching the excitement around to applaud.

"Mike Electronics is good, although it is wrong, but I admit it!"

"Isn't it? It's much better than those who refuse to admit it."

Mi Yuan listened to the discussions around her, her smile grew a little bit, and she said to the surroundings: "Our head office attaches great importance to this matter, and has notified us, as long as there is a problem with the quality of our products We will refund all damages.”

"Also, our Chairman Shen will be interviewed by the TV station this afternoon to respond to the quality defect of the refrigerator."

(End of this chapter)

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