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Chapter 1248 I want to find fault but there is no reason

Chapter 1248 I want to find fault but there is no reason
2000 yuan, so that those who make trouble have no choice but to leave.

They made a fuss about returning the goods. In their opinion, Mishell Electronics would never allow such a thing to happen.

Because once there is a return, it is likely to cause a series of chain reactions.

But to everyone's surprise, Shen Lin agreed to return the product.

And as long as it is confirmed that the product is defective, there will be no censure, and it will be returned unconditionally.

While surprising people, the understanding of rice shell electronics has also begun to change.

"I think this rice shell can still be trusted!"

"Yeah, I think so too!"

"Although the refrigerator is said to be made of copper-clad aluminum wires, it works well for me and has not had any problems."

"Our Walkman, I won't return it no matter what, it's more than 1000 cheaper than the one in the island country!"

As the returned refrigerator was taken away by the staff of Mishell Electronics, the middle-aged man who came to ask for money had to leave on his own tricycle.

However, when he left, he was not happy with the successful return of the goods. Instead, it made everyone feel that this person looked dejected, like a defeated quail.

"Sister Mi Yuan, your eloquence is really good, and your handling of problems is really great." The group leader who followed Mi Yuan down said with a smile, "If it were me, I wouldn't be able to express your aura."

Mi Yuan smiled and said, "What do I have, I just have a little more experience, so I can take it easy."

"Sister Mi Yuan, you didn't even look at the expression of the person who returned the goods. I bet that it was definitely found by those people with ulterior motives. Otherwise, why would he do that?"

The team leader said with a hint of worry: "Sister Mi Yuan, what if they return a bunch of products?"

Mi Yuan smiled and said: "The head office has already made arrangements in this regard. Those that should be retired, we will not even frown, and all will be refunded."

"But there is no quality problem, but we are entangled in returning the goods. We should refuse to reject it, and take other measures. We will definitely not let those people with ulterior motives mess up our plan."

Hearing what Mi Yuan said, the group leader said happily in his heart: "Sister Mi Yuan, it seems that we will be able to overcome the difficulties soon."

Mi Yuan listened to what the group leader said, but did not respond.

Who told her that she was not a senior executive of Mishell Electronics, but she knew in her heart that whether this matter could be properly resolved, the most important thing was to see Shen Lin's response.

I just don't know if Shen Lin can handle it by then.

And when Mi Yuan returned to her office, Sun Kang also met the troublemaker in a hotel room.

"Second son, why did you come back so soon?" Sun Kang's voice was full of dissatisfaction.

The second son glanced at Sun Kang, and said helplessly, "Brother Sun, it's not that I don't want to stay longer, it's that Mishell Electronics refunded the money directly after hearing my request."

"Tell me, how can I stay in this situation!"

While the second son was talking, he took out 2000 yuan and said, "This is the refunded money. Brother Sun, please order it."

For the 2000 yuan, Sun Kang didn't take it seriously at all. Hearing what the second son said, he said with a bit of resentment: "Aren't you usually good at talking? Why are you so cowardly?"

"They give money, you have to pester me for a while!"

The second son smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Sun, I also have the same idea, but this kind of thing is really too difficult to do."

"I'm afraid you don't know. They are recording it with a video recorder. If I don't leave after taking the money, hehe, I think it might be difficult to leave." "After all, I want to refund the money, and if they refund it, I will pester them again. That’s deliberately looking for trouble!”

Sun Kang really wanted to say, do you rarely find fault on purpose?But in the end, he didn't say it either.He also knew that since Mi Ke dared to give money here, Mi Ke Electronics might take other actions next.

"Okay, you can go back." Knowing that it would be useless to keep pestering him, Sun Kang waved at the second son.

He handed over the 2000 yuan and said, "If you want to come back, it's all yours."

The second son took the banknotes with a smile, then patted his head and said, "Oh, Brother Sun, look at my head, I'm too busy talking to you, I forgot the important things."

"Let me tell you, I just got the news, Shen Lin... Shen Lin is going to go on TV, and I will explain this time."

"I heard what their beautiful manager said!"

Sun Kang stood up all of a sudden. To Sun Kang, this was the most important thing. As for the others, he didn't care.

"What else did that beautiful manager say?" Sun Kang asked eagerly.

"Still talking about this matter, Shen Lin will give us an explanation."

The second son said: "The beautiful manager is really nice, but what a pity, she is a rose with thorns!"

While talking, he didn't say much, picked up the 2000 yuan in his hand, and walked away with a smile.But when he was about to leave, he smiled and said, "Brother Sun, if you have this opportunity to make money again, you must think about your brother."

"Although I can no longer go there in person, I can still help Brother Sun find someone for you."

Sun Kang looked at the lazy second son, nodded and said, "Okay, go get busy."

After seeing off the second son, Sun Kang quickly picked up the phone and called Bai Mingfu.

When Bai Mingfu heard that Mishell Electronics had started to refund the money, and there was no hesitation in refunding the money for these products with quality problems, he couldn't help but said: "Shen Lin is really willing!"

Sun Kang didn't intervene in Bai Mingfu's evaluation of Shen Lin. He knew very well that he and Shen Lin were not on the same level.

Bai Mingfu can comment on Shen Lin, but he is not qualified to comment on Shen Lin.

"Mr. Bai, Shen Lin is going to hold this TV meeting next time. Do you think he..."

Bai Mingfu said calmly: "No matter how Shen Lin explains, he still can't escape the knot of their quality problems."

"So, although we should pay attention to his meeting, we don't have to be too nervous."

"By the way, you have someone get the video recorder ready. We must record every word Shen Lin said for him."

"At that time, we can analyze it for him."

Putting down the phone, Bai Mingfu frowned and sat in front of his desk. Although he spoke calmly to Sun Kang, in fact, his heart was not too relaxed.

He has never underestimated Shen Lin as an opponent, and Shen Lin has never let her down many times.

Under the real hammer of such quality problems, what should Shen Lin do?

But no matter what he does, some facts can never be changed.

Thinking of this, Bai Mingfu's face became more and more determined. Although this matter felt like killing a thousand enemies, he still had to keep going!

(End of this chapter)

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