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Chapter 1249 A Rice Shell Everywhere

Chapter 1249 A rice shell everywhere
Shen Lin personally explained it!

Sitting behind a wide desk, Zhong Tianyang, who was flipping through documents, frowned slightly.

Although he has left the General Iron and Steel Factory and is no longer in charge of the enterprise, his sensitivity to enterprise management still exists!

Immediately, he picked up the phone.

However, his first phone call was not to Shen Lin directly, but to his sister.

"Zhong Qing, Shen Lin is going to go on TV in person to explain this matter, do you know?" After connecting the phone, Zhong Tianyang asked his sister on the other end of the phone with a questioning tone.

Zhong Qing said calmly: "Brother, I just found out."

"Did you call him? If he does this, it's easy to go wrong." Zhong Tianyang was a little impatient.

Zhong Qing said: "After I heard the news, I immediately called Shen Lin, but I couldn't get through. His secretary said that the content of the interview was recorded and broadcast yesterday."

"It's just going to be released today."

Hearing what Zhong Qing said, Zhong Tianyang sighed and said, "Well, since he decides to do this, let him do it."

"It's just that it's too risky to do so."

While speaking, Zhong Tianyang changed the subject: "How is your side?"

"Very good. Now not only is ice dew pure water selling very well, but our iced black tea and iced green tea, although they have only been launched for three months, have already caught up with the sales of the eight major soda factories. Tsk tsk, if we combine iced black tea and iced green tea Added up, iced green tea is more than enough to surpass them.”

"Now some people say that our ice dew is the ninth largest soda factory."

Zhong Tianyang nodded and said: "Your sales are indeed good. Even here, we sell your tea drinks."

"But Zhong Qing, the business is endless, and the money is also endless."

"You, it's time to think about personal matters. After all, you are still young, so it's not a big deal to be single all the time."

After hearing Zhong Tianyang's words, Zhong Qing pondered for a while and said, "Brother, it's not that I don't want to look for it. Don't worry, I'm not a bachelor, but I can't find a suitable one."

"I can like it, but people don't like me; they like me, but I don't like it. This is an endless loop. Brother, what can I do?"

Speaking of this, she said with a grinning grin: "Brother, don't just worry about me. At worst, I will live my whole life by myself and earn so much money. Do I still need to count on a stinky man to support me?"

Zhong Tianyang shook his head. He was very clear about his sister's situation, and the reason why he kept nagging was because he didn't want to see her being single all the time.

Now, after hearing my sister's explanation, I can only sigh and say: "Well, it's all your reason, so you can do it yourself."

Now that Shen Lin was ready, Zhong Tianyang didn't continue to make calls, but after he glanced at his watch, he told the secretary: "Postpone the next meeting for half an hour for me. "

Although the secretary didn't know what Zhong Tianyang meant by delaying for half an hour, he still honestly made arrangements for Zhong Tianyang's decision.

After entering the lounge and turning on the TV, Zhong Tianyang found the channel that would broadcast Shen Lin's response to this matter.

Looking at the advertisement being played, Zhong Tianyang was guessing Shen Lin's thoughts in his heart.

Is he in a hurry, or is he confident...

For a long time, Shen Lin gave him the impression that he was orderly, and it was this impression that made him unwilling to believe that when he encountered a little difficulty at this time, Shen Lin would be anxious.

However, anyone who encounters such a situation will be anxious.

And once in a hurry, people tend to make foolish tricks. Could Shen Lin's interview this time be a foolish trick?

"Dear viewers and friends, today we are very honored to invite Mr. Shen Lin, the chairman of MiKe Electronics. Let us welcome Mr. Shen Lin with warm applause." Following the host's opening remarks, the screen showed Shen Lin's figure appeared.

Unlike Shen Lin who was dressed in casual clothes at the product launch event, today's Shen Lin is wearing a black formal suit, which gives people a solemn and solemn feeling.

"Hello, everyone, I'm Shen Lin from Mi Ke. It's a pleasure to meet you here."

Just as Shen Lin was saying hello, someone in the audience applauded.

Zhong Tianyang looked at the calm Shen Lin, and the worries in his heart disappeared a lot.

From Shen Lin's expression, Zhong Tianyang felt that Shen Lin was not panicking at this time.

"Mr. Shen, I feel very honored that you are a guest on our show this time. I am no stranger to rice shells, because many daily necessities in my family use rice shells."

When the host said this, he smiled and said: "The motto of Mishell Electronics is, Mishell, use technology to change life."

"And in our life, since we have rice shells, it is indeed a lot more convenient."

While talking, he said with a smile: "Next, let's take stock of what kind of convenience rice shell has brought us over the years."

Bai Mingfu looked at the various products that kept appearing on the TV, and his face was a little gloomy.

Although he knew very well that the purpose of Shen Lin's interview this time was to publicize Mi Ke's image.

But at this time, looking at the products of Mishell Electronics, he still felt sour.

"Mike has so many products!" A manager of Jiale Electrical Appliances, who was sitting not far from Bai Mingfu, said with a hint of surprise.

Hearing these words in Bai Mingfu's ears, Bai Mingfu's face immediately changed. He didn't expect that among his subordinates, there were people who didn't know so much about Mike Electronics, which made him feel uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart. .

hateful!As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to survive a hundred battles.You don't even know your opponent, what kind of executive are you!
Just when Bai Mingfu was furious, he heard someone on TV introduce: "MiKe Electronics has independent patents..., electric vehicles, LED energy-saving lamps, air fryers and other first-in-class products, once launched... "

Listening to these introductions, Bai Mingfu frowned.

He had already sensed Shen Lin's strategy, but although he knew it in his heart, it was difficult to decipher it.

After all, this is indeed Mi Ke's achievements over the years. You can't change the upright things.

When there was a problem with the power cord of the rice shell refrigerator, it seemed that everyone was concerned about the shortcomings of the rice shell electronics, but now, when each achievement was brought out, people suddenly discovered that the rice shell electronics is so strong .

"This year, MiKe exported LED energy-saving lamps, electric vehicles, air fryers, and Walkmans... and earned US$[-] million in foreign exchange from exports, realizing profits..."

Zhong Tianyang's expression has completely relaxed.

Now is the critical moment for earning foreign exchange through export, and all walks of life are actively working hard to make their own contributions.

A rice shell electronics company can export and earn so much foreign exchange just by producing electronic products, which makes people feel proud.

Therefore, even if it is a bit flawed, I am afraid that many consumers will feel that it can be forgiven.

As soon as Shen Lin came up, he told about Mi Ke's achievements. From this point of view, this press conference will not be overturned.

Bai Mingfu, on the other hand, frowned.

But now, he can only watch.

(End of this chapter)

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