Chapter 1252
In Jiale Electric's office, when the applause sounded, everyone felt a little harsh.

Someone even came running over, wanting to see that tough guy actually doing such a high-profile thing at such a time!

But when they wanted to stop it, they were surprised to find that the person applauding was actually Bai Mingfu.

As the boss, Bai Mingfu is of course not in the sequence of being dealt with.

After all, he is the boss.

Bai Mingfu looked at the staff who were embarrassed to leave, but didn't say anything. He glanced at the people around him and said, "What do you think of Shen Lin's meeting this time?"

The people around looked at each other quickly, but they didn't say anything.

Although Bai Mingfu applauded, in any case, Mi Ke's meeting this time was a victory for Mi Ke.

And since Mi Ke had won, it was the failure of himself and others.

Although Boss Bai had a smile on his face, who knows if Boss Bai is smiling back with anger at this time, if one is not good, it will be fatal.

So at this moment, no one made a sound, saving himself from being caught by his boss.

Bai Mingfu looked at the quiet situation, a shadow flashed in his eyes.

Of course he could guess what everyone was thinking, but everyone was so silent. This kind of behavior was not what he liked to hear.

In this business field, there are a lot of people who can share joys and sorrows, but there are too few people who share weal and woe!

Under the nest, how can there be no eggs?Everyone understands this kind of truth, but who can really share weal and woe with their own company?

Seeing the truth in times of crisis, it’s all at this juncture, everyone still thinks about their own gains and losses, why can’t we work together through thick and thin, and then think about how to turn defeat into victory?

Feeling depressed for a long time, he turned to Sun Kang and said, "Brother Sun, what do you think of Shen Lin's meeting this time?"

Sun Kang is Bai Mingfu's confidant, and he is also the one who knows Bai Mingfu the most among all the people. Hearing that Bai Mingfu began to call his name at this time, he knew that he couldn't hide this time.

He pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "Boss Bai, although Shen Lin is our opponent, I think his meeting this time was very successful."

"Especially with the launch of this recall system, coupled with the three selection methods, I think the negative impact caused by the unqualified power cord of the rice shell refrigerator should disappear soon."

"Even, Shen Lin's move is equivalent to giving consumers a reassurance, which may make more consumers more confident in Mishell Electronics."

"This time, Mishell Electronics lost a lot of money, but I have to admit that Mishell has launched a very good advertisement for itself this time. We should learn from Shen Lin if we can do this in crisis public relations. "

Bai Mingfu nodded and said: "Brother Sun, you are right. We really need to learn from Shen Lin."

"Brother Sun, continue."

Sun Kang said in his heart, I have finished what I should say, if I continue, you may be unhappy!
But what Bai Mingfu said made him have to continue: "Boss Bai, I think this time's matter should come to an end."

"As for the rest, I haven't thought about it yet."

Bai Mingfu waved his hand at Sun Kang, motioning for Sun Kang to sit down, then his eyes fell on the middle-aged man next to Sun Kang.

The middle-aged man is also Bai Mingfu's confidant. He knows that the boss is looking at him, so he can't hide no matter what, so after taking a breath, he said to Bai Mingfu: "Boss Bai, this This is how I see it..."

After talking a lot of nonsense that was highly consistent with Sun Kang, this one also sat down.

"What everyone said is very good. This time Mi Ke has successfully resolved the crisis, but this matter is not over yet!"

Bai Mingfu looked at the TV that was broadcasting the news, and said calmly: "According to what I know about Shen Lin, he will never let it go after suffering such a big loss, so we must be vigilant and do a good job in our shopping malls." work."

"Especially some product quality issues, we must attach great importance to it."

"For some unqualified manufacturers, we will make them rectify what they need to rectify. If they don't, they will withdraw from our mall immediately." Bai Mingfu felt a deep sense of crisis at this time.

He felt that after Shen Lin washed away the stains of Mi Ke Electronics, he was about to turn on the offensive mode.

When his subordinates left, he said to Sun Kang who was about to leave: "Brother Sun, do you know why I want to join forces with Taiyu Electronics?"

Sun Kang said: "I know, against the alliance of Mishell Electronics and Mishell Electric Mall."

"Yes, but now I realize that what I thought was a little too naive."

When Bai Mingfu said this, he thought of the combination of Mishell Electronics and Mishell Electric Store, and he had a headache and said: "The combination of Rice Shell Electronics and Rice Shell Electric Store is not just a simple one plus one!"

"Back then, Shen Lin's layout was really perfect. If I had the opportunity before, I would definitely lay out the physical industry."

Having said that, he shook his head again.

Thinking of the products of Mishell Electronics listed at the meeting, he felt tired for a while.

If you are an entity yourself, you may not be able to produce so many products!

Sun Kang didn't say a word, he understood Bai Mingfu's thoughts, but he was helpless.

Just when Bai Mingfu had a headache, Wen Zaisong's expression was a little gloomy.

After watching the press conference calmly, he picked up a pen and wrote down the large characters of the recall system on his draft paper.

Looking at the flamboyant words, Wen Zaisong took a long time before he said to Pu Yisheng who was standing beside him: "Manager Park, please contact Shen Lin for me, I hope to meet him."

Pu Yisheng was stunned for a moment and said, "Mr. Wen, even if Mishell Electronics managed to defuse the crisis this time, we don't need us to meet Shen Lin!"

"You go to see him now, I'm afraid he won't have a good face!"

Wen Zaisong glared at Pu Yisheng, thinking that this kind of thing doesn't need you to say it, I also know that I don't have a good face when I go to see Shen Lin now.

But, can I do without seeing Shen Lin?
After taking a breath, he said solemnly: "You contact him, we need to talk to him about something."

Pu Yisheng pondered for a moment, and said solemnly: "Mr. Wen, are you afraid that he will make a fuss about our products?"

"Our product problem has also been found out. Now Mi Ke chooses to recall, so what should we do?"

Wen Zaisong said solemnly: "It's the same as Mi Ke, are you recalling it?"

Park Yisheng has always felt uncomfortable with Shen Lin's resolution of the crisis of confidence in Mi Ke Electronics. He only realized that the recall system adopted by Mi Ke is definitely a double-edged sword when he heard Wen Zaisong's words.

Now, the recall of Mishell Electronics has caused Michel to suffer a lot of losses, but he can also hurt his own company.

"Can't we recall it?" After taking a breath, Pu Yisheng said in a deep voice: "If they can do it, so can we."

Wen Zaisong smiled and said: "Manager Park, you have to remember one sentence, the boat is easy to turn around."

"Mishell Electronics uses the recall system because they are not large in size and have very few unqualified products, but what about us?"

As the person in charge of Taiyu Electronics, Wen Zaisong said coldly: "Our products also have quality problems. Now that the rice shells are being recalled, do we have to recall them too?"

"If it is recalled, the products we sell in other markets will also be recalled!"

"Do you know how much it will cost to recall all these?"

(End of this chapter)

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