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Chapter 1253 The Right Person, The Right Position

Chapter 1253 The Right Person, The Right Position
When Pu Yisheng called Shen Lin, he couldn't get through at all.

At this time, Shen Lin's phone call was like a hotline.

"Brother Zhong, am I photogenic? Hahaha, you don't know. Although I said it firmly this time, tears are streaming down my face."

Shen Lin sat on the chair, held the phone and said leisurely: "This time, I'm going to bleed a lot!"

Zhong Tianyang said with a smile: "If we can successfully resolve this crisis of trust and establish the image of Mishell Electronics that regards quality as life, no matter how much money it costs, it will be worth it."

"By the way, who did you answer the phone call for so long?"

Shen Lin said with a smile: "It's the caring call from the higher-ups, asking if we need to coordinate the loan. The higher-ups are willing to help us coordinate a sum of money."

"Hehe, I really care about you." Zhong Tianyang smiled and said, "How about it, do you want to build a branch factory here and enjoy double the care?"

Listening to the half-joking and half-serious attitude in Zhong Tianyang's words, Shen Lin pondered for a moment and said, "Brother Zhong, since you've said everything, it's not impossible."

"We are preparing to launch a new product. If Brother Zhong supports it, we can build the new factory there."

Zhong Tianyang was just asking casually, but when he heard Shen Lin's quick answer, he was overjoyed and said, "Hahaha, Mr. Shen, you are a man of good words. Once you say something, it's hard to take it back. If you can't say it, it doesn't count!"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Brother Zhong, please stop joking. I am not a man of words, but don't worry, I will definitely not disappoint you with what I promised."

While talking and laughing, the two hung up the phone.

Holding the receiver of the phone, Shen Lin felt a burst of fatigue. Since the show was broadcast, he had been answering the phone for an hour, and his ears were hot.

But I wanted to walk, but because of the problem of the telephone line, I couldn't walk at all.

As for fighting with the big brother, it's not impossible, but the battery of the big brother is not strong!

Thinking of the battery of the mobile phone, Shen Lin suddenly thought of an incident a while ago. The company that produced the mobile phone wanted to purchase its own lithium battery patent.

In fact, this business can also be done.

Just as thoughts were surging in Shen Lin's mind, Fang Xiaomei walked in quickly.

I don't know if it's because she feels that the company's crisis has been resolved, but at this time Fang Xiaomei walks with a windy feeling.

"Mr. Shen, just now Taiyu Electronics called and said that their general manager Wen Zaisong wanted to meet with you." Although Fang Xiaomei didn't know what the hell was going on there, when she mentioned the other party, she Just a little gnashing of teeth.

After all, in this crisis of trust in Mishell Electronics, there is the shadow of the other party floating in it.

Shen Lin pondered for a while and said, "Tell Mr. Wen that I'm a little tired these days and I'm not going to see guests."

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Hearing the answer she was expecting, Fang Xiaomei agreed and was about to go out.

Shen Lin looked at Fang Xiaomei who was coming and going in a hurry, and couldn't help smiling.

He had a feeling in his heart about Wen Zaisong's purpose in wanting to see him.

But this time, he wasn't going to just give Wen Zaisong this opportunity for nothing.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a light knock on the door, Shen Lin said to come in, and Cheng Zhenyuan walked over with a solemn expression.

"Mr. Cheng, sit down quickly." Shen Lin stood up and poured tea with a smile.

Cheng Zhenyuan took the tea from Shen Lin's hand, and said: "Mr. Shen, although we have suffered losses this time, we have finally regained the trust of consumers in us."

"Thank you so much to Director Shen for strategizing!" Cheng Zhenyuan was undoubtedly a person who was not good at flattering, so he mostly praised Shen Lin for his strategizing.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mr. Cheng, although the crisis has been resolved this time, it also exposed some of our problems."

"So I think we have to list our quality inspection department separately."

"This quality inspection department is solely responsible for the head office and reports directly to Mr. Cheng. As for their performance evaluation, it is whether they can find more unqualified products."

When Shen Lin said this, he said murderously: "The operation and management of each business department can be done freely, but when it comes to quality issues, they must not relax in the slightest."

"This situation cannot happen now."

Cheng Zhenyuan nodded and said: "This matter can be done."

"I don't know who Director Shen is going to let be the person in charge of the quality inspection department?"

In Shen Lin's mind, the shadows of several people flashed.Because this quality inspection department is actually a department that offends people, this requires the person in charge of the quality inspection department not only to have the ability, but more importantly, to have a firm will and not be afraid of offending people.

"What's more, this person's qualifications must be deep enough, and if he offends others, he can hold down the factory."

After Shen Lin thought about it for a while, he said, "Mr. Cheng, what do you think of Fat Auntie?"

Fat aunt!
Cheng Zhenyuan was stunned for a moment.

As for Aunt Fat, an old neighbor and old subordinate, he is naturally very clear, but Aunt Fat has been in the logistics department all the time, and she is doing well now.

Although she is the earliest employee after the establishment of Mi Ke, her qualifications are definitely deep enough, but can her carefree personality do it?
Although this was Shen Lin's proposal, Cheng Zhenyuan still hesitated and said, "Mr. Shen, can fat aunt do it?"

"She didn't..."

"Auntie Fat looks careless on the surface, but she can stick to the things that should be insisted on. She is still very principled. And in terms of quality inspection, not only must supervision be done well, but internally, we must not quarrel with various production departments. Too stiff."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "So, I think Aunt Fat is the most suitable for this position."

After saying that, Shen Lin smiled and said, "How about we try it out first. If possible, let Fat Auntie be promoted to P7 and become the head of the quality inspection department."

Cheng Zhenyuan thought about the character of the fat aunt, pondered for a while and said: "Since you think she is a suitable candidate, Mr. Shen, you might as well let her try."

"But Mr. Shen, let's keep an eye on her a little more. Auntie Fat is always bluffing, she tends to get flustered sometimes!"

While chatting and joking, the two settled on the matter of the fat aunt.

Shen Lin knew that Cheng Zhenyuan came to him probably because of Liao Yuansheng's affairs. After all, Liao Yuansheng and Cheng Zhenyuan had a very good relationship.

However, Shen Lin didn't intend to bring up this topic immediately. He just said that Cheng Zhenyuan said other things, which meant that he wanted Cheng Zhenyuan to dispel his idea of ​​pleading.

Why didn't Cheng Zhenyuan understand what Shen Lin meant?But when he thought of Liao Yuansheng looking for him these two days, he wanted to cry bitterly, and he felt that he needed to help Liao Yuansheng.

Even if Shen Lin disagrees, he should try his best.

So after a little hesitation, he still turned to Shen Lin and said, "Mr. Shen, what are you going to do about Liao Yuansheng?"

Shen Lin wasn't going to say it at first, but since Cheng Zhenyuan had already mentioned it, he couldn't delay it any longer.

As he gently put down the teacup in his hand, the smile on his face disappeared immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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