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Chapter 1256 The most discerning person

Chapter 1256 The most discerning person

When Liao Yuansheng walked out of Cheng Zhenyuan's office, he was in deep thought.

He just casually said about starting a business, but in fact, there was also a hint of anger.

Although it seemed that there was nothing wrong with Shen Lin and Mi Ke expelling him, he was still a little unwilling in his heart.

But now, Cheng Zhenyuan's exhortations are more in his mind.

Shen Lin fired himself, but he has not forgotten his contribution to you. You can take this opportunity to chat with Mr. Shen about your idea of ​​starting a business.

I have never met anyone with more vision than Chairman Shen!
Although Cheng Zhenyuan said this sentence, in Liao Yuansheng's heart, he also admitted that what Cheng Zhenyuan said was right.

Because he also felt the same, Shen Lin's vision was really beyond his comparability.

Thinking of the journey of Mi Ke Electronics along the way, he felt that Shen Lin was like an omnipotent helmsman, not to mention taking the big boat of Mi Ke to ride the wind and waves, and it seemed true that he had not encountered any major risks.

It seems that the biggest risk is myself this time.

From this point of view alone, it seems that there is nothing wrong with expelling himself.

It's good to go to him to learn from him, not to mention that once he is fired, it may not be easy to see Shen Lin in the future.

While thoughts were flashing in his mind, Liao Yuansheng arrived outside Shen Lin's office by a strange coincidence.

"President Liao!" Fang Xiaomei quickly stood up and greeted Liao Yuansheng when she saw Liao Yuansheng.

Although she already knew that the decision to deal with Liao Yuansheng would definitely not be taken lightly, but the respect she showed for Liao Yuansheng at this time was still incomparably true.

Liao Yuansheng looked at Fang Xiaomei who was standing pretty in front of him, and smiled wryly in his heart.

Originally, Fang Xiaomei's status in the company was not necessarily worse than her own. If she was fired in the future and Fang Xiaomei continued to be Shen Lin's assistant, the status of the two would be completely different.

Although he has the idea of ​​starting his own business, he knows in his heart that starting a business by himself may not succeed immediately.

After hesitating for a while, he smiled and said, "Xiaomei, I'm here to report to Chairman Shen, is Chairman Shen free now?"

Fang Xiaomei hesitated for a moment and said: "Mr. Yuan, Chairman Shen has already decided to go out, but now he is talking with Aunt Fat, and the car is already waiting for him."

Having said that, he picked up the phone and said, "I'll ask Mr. Shen for instructions."

After the call was connected, Fang Xiaomei said a few words, then put down the phone and said, "Mr. Yuan, Chairman Shen asked you to wait for him for a while. He has finished this conversation, please come in."

Liao Yuansheng originally thought that Shen Lin might not see him, but he did not expect that after Fang Xiaomei reported, Shen Lin would let him go.

This made him a little overjoyed.

After all, this meant that Shen Lin still had some affection for him.

After expressing his thanks to Fang Xiaomei, he sat down on the chair in the reception room. While thinking about what he and Shen Lin said, he couldn't help guessing what Shen Lin and Aunt Fat were talking about at this time.

Aunt Fat was in Shen Lin's office at this time, and she was really a little panicked!
As the veteran of the company, and she is a carefree person, Aunt Fat's popularity in the company is quite good.

In addition, her level itself is not low, so Fat Aunt not only got a house in Mike Garden, but also had a large deposit.

In the past two years, she has been thinking about whether to buy an additional house for herself.

After all, Director Shen said that there is really no place to use money, you can invest in real estate, as for cars and the like, it is better not to invest.

Although she is not too smart, she is completely at ease with Shen Lin's words.However, what she could like was the house in Mike Garden, but it was a pity that no one was selling the house here.

This time, Shen Lin asked her to come to the office, saying that there was something to do, which filled Aunt Fat's heart with excitement and anxiety.

What is exciting is that Chairman Shen has not forgotten her, and he can still arrange work for her. What is disturbing is that this time he has to find something for himself, which may not be small.

But she never expected that Chairman Shen would ask her to be the person in charge of the newly established quality management department.

And the level was directly upgraded to P7!

This level is the same level as the head of the business department.

These years, after Liao Yuansheng and others took up this high-level position, she was extremely envious in her heart!

But she is very self-aware and knows her abilities. It is very difficult to become the person in charge of a P7 level party.

So slowly, she will be content and happy!
But he didn't expect that when he no longer wanted to do this kind of thing, this position would actually start waving at her.

"Chairman Shen, I'm afraid I can't do well!"

"Director Shen, I know this as a human being. If you ask me to do some small things, I can do it. But as the person in charge of quality, I'm afraid I'll mess it up."

After being excited, the fat aunt quickly waved her hands and said, "I'm afraid that I will make a problem with this matter, and it will cause a big loss to the company!" "

Shen Lin looked at the anxious fat aunt, and said with a smile: "Fat aunt, in terms of quality supervision, you have to do it if you say it is easy, and it is not easy to do it if you say it is not good."

"But I think it's very easy for you, fat aunt."

"You can not only stick to the principles, but also deal well with various business units of our company."

"Believe in yourself, try it, if it doesn't work, you can come to me again and just replace you." Shen Lin said with a smile: "Fat aunt, Mr. Cheng and I both think that you are the most suitable candidate. "

"Have faith in yourself!"

The fat aunt looked at Shen Lin's smile, hesitated for a moment, then stomped her foot and said: "Chairman Shen, let me try it, if it doesn't work, it will delay the work of the company, you can replace me."

"That's right. You have to remember that quality is the lifeline for our company. If you want Mishell Electronics to develop more healthily, you must not relax at all in terms of quality."

"Once the quality requirements are relaxed, it will be a disaster for our company."

"And now, the company and I entrust this burden to you, fat aunt, I hope you can live up to the company's trust, and I believe you will not let me down."

When Shen Lin said this, he said solemnly: "If you encounter any difficulties, just come to me and Mr. Cheng. You can do it boldly, and I will back you up."

After listening to Shen Lin's words, Aunt Fat felt a surge of excitement in her heart, and immediately assured her solemnly: "Mr. Shen, don't worry, I will definitely do the work you arranged."

After talking with Shen Lin about supervision, Aunt Fat was about to leave, but when she was about to walk to the door, she couldn't help but said to Shen Lin: "Mr. Shen, what are you going to do with Liao Yuansheng?" what?"

"Expulsion!" Shen Lin didn't hide anything, and said directly: "Fat Aunt, if you don't want to see more old colleagues being expelled, you must pay attention to quality supervision!"

"The tighter you supervise, the more responsible you are to them in a sense."

"Okay, I got it!" Shen Lin said, and the fat aunt's face became more and more determined.

(End of this chapter)

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