Chapter 1257 A Bright Way

When Aunt Fat left Shen Lin's office, her heart was full of excitement.

Not only because she wants to become P7, but also because her position is very important to the entire group company.

Just as she was walking past Fang Xiaomei's office, she saw Liao Yuansheng sitting beside her.

At this moment, the fat aunt wanted to talk to Liao Yuansheng for a while, but felt that she and Liao Yuansheng didn't seem to know what to say.

Do you want to share with this old friend how happy you are at this time?
So in the end, the fat aunt could only restrain her smile and nodded towards Liao Yuansheng.

Liao Yuansheng will be expelled, alas!
When Liao Yuansheng saw Fat Aunt, he could clearly see that Fat Aunt's face was flushed and her heart was full of joy.

After all, this is a person who can't hide his emotions.

At this time, in his heart, he was a little envious of Fat Aunt, not only being able to stay in Mishell Electronics, but also being entrusted with important tasks.

But he could only leave resentfully.

He watched the fat aunt's nod, and finally just nodded, and then followed Fang Xiaomei to Shen Lin's office.

Shen Lin was pouring tea, and after Liao Yuansheng came in, he handed a cup of poured tea to Liao Yuansheng.

Looking at Shen Lin who was handing him tea, Liao Yuansheng was filled with emotions. He couldn't help but think of the young man who came to Liyuan Village a few years ago to contract the light bulb factory.

At that time, the purpose of waiting for others was to go to work every day.

But I didn't expect that this class lasted for several years.

But now, when I least want to leave, I still have to leave eventually.

For a moment, Liao Yuansheng's heart was full of reluctance and sigh.But at this moment, no matter how reluctant he is, he has no other choice.

"Yuan Sheng, Mr. Cheng talked to you, right?" Shen Lin said first.

Liao Yuansheng nodded and said, "Boss Cheng has already talked to me."

"Don't blame Mr. Cheng, he tried his best for you, but I rejected it." Shen Lin turned to Liao Yuansheng and said calmly, "What you did this time is really too daring."

"If you don't deal with it seriously and kill others as an example, it won't take long for someone to repeat the same mistakes."

"So, I can only fire you."

Shen Lin's words were spoken with incomparable calmness. Hearing these words, Liao Yuansheng suddenly felt that his mood had inexplicably improved a lot.

He turned to Shen Lin and said, "Mr. Shen, thank you for your frankness. I...I understand that I mainly blame myself for this matter."

"This time caused a huge loss to the company, and I should take full responsibility."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Don't say anything about guilt, you have already assumed the responsibility, so everything is over."

"Since you want to leave the company, you have to pack lightly and don't put any restraint and pressure on yourself, which will affect your future development."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin took a sip of tea and said, "Next, what are you going to do? After all, you are still young!"

When Liao Yuansheng arrived, he had already thought about it, but Shen Lin's extremely calm words caused countless thoughts to arise in his heart.

So those prepared words were a little hard to say for a while, but in the end he said honestly: "Chairman Shen, I'm going to do some small business by myself, but I can't find the direction."

"So I want to ask Mr. Shen to help me point out a clear path."

Shen Lin looked at Liao Yuansheng, pondered for a moment and said: "Yuan Sheng, your ability is very good, it would be a pity not to develop it yourself."

Having said this, he tapped his fingers lightly on the table and said: 'If it were me, I would have two choices now. '"The first option is to make electric bicycles."

"You should know that the supply of electric bicycles of our rice shell is really in short supply, so in some places, electric bicycle assembly factories have begun to appear."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "We have no objection to such a factory, as long as we pay enough patent royalties and purchase our motors and batteries."

"If you find a place to do this, there will be good development."

Liao Yuansheng's eyes lit up immediately.He is well aware of the hot sales of rice shell electric vehicles, and the supply is simply in short supply.

Under such circumstances, if you open an electric vehicle OEM factory yourself, you can make a lot of money.

For a moment, he was overwhelmed.

"Mr. Shen, I..."

Just when Liao Yuansheng was about to make a choice, Shen Lin continued: "The electric car industry can make money at the beginning, but in the end, the competition will be very fierce, so you have to think carefully."

Liao Yuansheng said: "Mr. Shen, although I came from Mi Ke, I want to say, since when have we Mi Ke people been afraid of competition?"

"I still have confidence in things like competition."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "In addition to the OEM of electric vehicles, you can also be a living supermarket. Although this kind of supermarket is more cumbersome and difficult to develop, it is very stable."

"As long as you don't make mistakes and keep up with the trend, you can basically do it for a lifetime."

When Shen Lin said this, he stopped talking.

These two projects are very suitable for Liao Yuansheng.Needless to say, the electric vehicle project is still in short supply.

With the promotion of rice shell electric vehicles, some manufacturers have begun to transform and want to make electric vehicles, but their products, except for the use of rice shell batteries, are inferior to rice shell products in terms of technology and other aspects.

However, it is still possible to use it in the low-end market.

As for the supermarket, when Shen Lin started his business, he thought about opening a supermarket, but the development of the supermarket was very limited, so Shen Lin finally chose to give up.

In Liao Yuansheng's mind at this time, he quickly compared the two plans given by Shen Lin, one of which was a field he was more familiar with.

On the other hand, Shen Lin paid more attention to it, saying that it was not too risky to live in a supermarket.

After repeated comparisons, it was still difficult for him to make a decision.

"Yuan Sheng, you don't have to make a choice right away, you can go home and compare." Shen Lin took a sip of water and said with a smile.

At this moment, Liao Yuansheng finally made a decision: "Mr. Shen, I think it's better for me to stabilize at my age."

"However, to be a supermarket requires more funds. I know that our company has always had a fund dedicated to investment."

"Look, can you invest a certain amount of money in this life supermarket project, so as to occupy 50.00% of the shares."

When Liao Yuansheng said these words, he was still a little apprehensive. After all, it would be better for Mi Ke to end by himself.

Listening to Liao Yuansheng's words, Shen Lin couldn't help laughing.

He just casually gave Liao Yuansheng two ideas that he didn't need, but he didn't expect that he would actually want to pull himself into the stock.

"Since you proposed it, then I agree to you. However, Mi Ke's investment only accounts for 30.00%, and Mi Ke will also send a financial supervisor to the company you started."

Shen Lindao: "As for the rest, you still have to do it yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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