Chapter 1258
Liao Yuansheng left Shen Lin's office contentedly.

Although he was fired, at this moment, he was full of gratitude to Shen Lin.

He knew very well that the mistakes he made almost caused a catastrophe. If Shen Lin had to fire him, then he had no choice but to do so.

But now, Chairman Shen not only gave him generous treatment, but also pointed out a path for himself.

More importantly, he can also rely on the big tree Mi Ke to do some things of his own.

With the support of Mi Ke, among other things, in Dongzhou, the supermarket should be able to open soon.

And once the supermarket is opened, then...

As each thought flashed, the only trace of dissatisfaction in Liao Yuansheng's heart had completely disappeared at this moment.

Shen Dong Renyi is also good to me, what else can I say?Roll up your sleeves and work hard!

Shen Lin watched Liao Yuansheng walk out of the office, and shook his head slightly.He did this not out of mercy.

In addition to the fact that this project can really make money, while resolutely dismissing him, as the person in charge, he still has to reassure people.

In any case, Liao Yuansheng is considered an old employee.

As a person in charge, he can't be too harsh.How did prestige come from?Then rewards and punishments are clearly distinguished, and the combination of grace and power is both fearful and respectful.

In addition, instead of wasting many projects in Shen Lin's hands, it is better to use this kind of cooperation to make a wave of money for himself.

"Mr. Shen, shall we go to the Engineering College now?" Fang Xiaomei reminded in a low voice after knocking on the door lightly.

Shen Lin glanced at Fang Xiaomei and said, "Xiaomei, what degree do you have?"

"Chairman Shen, I... I graduated from a technical secondary school." Fang Xiaomei said with a little inferiority after being stunned for a moment.

Although among the rice shells, there are not too many people with top education, but as Shen Lin's assistant, Fang Xiaomei always feels that her education is a bit low.

Shen Lin looked at the young Fang Xiaomei and said with a smile, "Although you are a bit busy at work, you must not forget to recharge your batteries. There are some things that you need to study further."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said with a smile: "You have to attend the cram school jointly organized by us and the business school, you know?"

cram school!
Fang Xiaomei was stunned for a moment, and thought, why didn't I know there was this cram school?
Just when she was surprised, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Let's go, let's go to the business school, and after we go, we will go to the engineering school."

Cheng Zi's car was already waiting below, and after Shen Lin boarded the car, Cheng Zi drove the car smoothly into Dongzhou's business school.

Dongzhou Business School is a technical secondary school. When the graduate package was distributed, it was still very famous in Dongzhou.

But this reputation is also relative. Nowadays, as many factories are struggling, some graduates have begun to set their goals on the vibrant Mishell Electronics.

The visit of the boss of Mishell Electronics made Principal Sun of Dongzhou Commercial School surprised at first, and then ecstatic.

Although the school is not bad, as the principal, he has already felt the pressure deeply.

Especially the shortage of office funds in the past two years, it is no exaggeration to say that it is simply stretched, which often makes him feel like a smart woman can't cook without rice.

He felt a little jealous when he saw the mouthful of greasy food in the not-too-distant Gongda University.

Although he is the principal, he does not live in the family courtyard of his own family, but in the second phase of the Mi Ke Garden jointly built by the Institute of Engineering and Mi Ke.

The reason for this is because his wife is an associate professor of engineering.

The salary is not as high as that of his wife, and the living conditions still depend on his wife, which makes Principal Sun feel a little uncomfortable.

Of course, he can't blame anyone, after all, he is the principal, and the school doesn't treat him well, so others can only blame him.

At first, he thought the news of Shen Lin's visit was wrong. After all, Shen Lin was so busy, why would he come to his place.But when Shen Lin got out of the car, he quickly came to Shen Lin and extended his hands enthusiastically.

"Chairman Shen, welcome!"

Shen Lin looked at Principal Sun, who was in his 40s and had a little bald hair, and shook hands enthusiastically, "Hi Principal Sun, please forgive me for disturbing you this time."

excuse me?Hey, what's wrong with you? I wish you could come!

Although Principal Sun said this in his heart, on the surface, he smiled and said: "Mr. Shen, you are too kind. If you can come, we are flourishing."

After the two chatted and laughed, Shen Lin came to President Sun's office. After drinking a few sips of tea, Shen Lin chatted with President Sun.

Principal Sun's eloquence is quite sharp, and his emotional intelligence is also very high, so the two chatted very happily.After chatting about some familiar people and things, Shen Lin said straight to the point: "Principal Sun, I'm here to ask for your help!" "

The smile on Principal Sun's face became brighter and brighter. Although Shen Lin said it politely, he was very clear about the position between himself and Shen Lin.

No matter how you look at it, the difference between myself and this big boss who can shake the whole rice shell by stomping his feet is not 01:30.

"Mr. Shen, if you have anything to say, just say it. As long as I can do it, I will never let Mr. Shen down."

"Of course, I also believe that you, Mr. Shen, will not tell me what I can't do, hahaha!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "The problem we have now with Mi Ke is that the vision and ability of our employees need to be further improved."

"This kind of improvement is related to the future development of Mi Ke, and the only way to improve these is through learning."

"So, I hope to cooperate with your school and invite a special teacher to help us hold a one-month training class."

"My initial idea here is this."

When Shen Lin spoke, he quickly expressed his thoughts.

Principal Sun's expression became more serious when he heard Shen Lin's requirements for training, especially some key content requirements.

He looked at Shen Lin with more serious eyes.

At this time, even a large factory like the General Iron and Steel Works seldom conducts ability training for employees, let alone such a one-month off-duty study.

Although I don't know how the salary will be paid during the study period, but seeing Director Shen attaching so much importance to it, I am afraid that the study salary is the same!

As for what rice shell is, it is Shen Lin's own company. In other words, not only Shen Lin takes the money for the training, but also Shen Lin pays for the training subsidy.

Principal Sun pondered for a while and said, "Boss Shen, we will definitely go all out for what you said, and recruit the best teachers to fulfill your request."

"Although our school lacks strength in some aspects, we can also coordinate teachers from other institutions to complete this training class."

"Please don't worry about this."

Listening to President Sun's statement, Shen Lin naturally reciprocated and said: "Principal Sun, thank you for your strong support. There is a saying that before the soldiers and horses are moved, the food and grass go first. Look at the budget for this cram school. We can't Let you work hard to pay back the loss."

Both parties have cooperation intentions, so hit it off.

Under Principal Sun's warm hospitality, Shen Lin had a meal at the business school before boarding the car and returning.

In the car, Fang Xiaomei couldn't help asking: "Mr. Shen, you said that our recall system has many people returning products?"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "It's okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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