Chapter 1259

Li Lei has encountered a bad thing these two days!
As ordinary teachers, the couple had worked hard for a year to buy a refrigerator, which was a very happy thing.

Especially when summer is here, watching the children eat the popsicles that they have frozen in the refrigerator, watching the husband drinking cold beer, and she refrigerating half a watermelon, let alone how happy I am!
Mi Ke's refrigerator has become a treasure in her family.

But just as she was enjoying the convenience brought by this refrigerator, a piece of news suddenly came.

There is a problem with the power cord of the rice shell refrigerator!

Instead of an all-copper power cord, copper-clad aluminum is used.

This copper-clad aluminum power cord is unqualified!

For a while, all kinds of rumors spread, and they naturally reached the ears of Li Lei and his wife, which made them very entangled.

How to do it?

Looking for Mishell Electronics to return?But if the product is returned, what if the store does not return it?
After all, it has been used for more than half a year!

And never had a problem!
But if she didn't return the product, she would be so entangled in her heart that Li Lei couldn't think about going to work for the past two days, and her mind was full of this refrigerator.

I will never buy anything from Mishell Electronics again!

This is what Li Lei and her husband said, and she also complained to her husband, saying that she wanted to buy Taiyu at the beginning, which is a big foreign brand, and her husband insisted on buying products from Mishell Electronics.

It's all right now, so what if it's a rice shell?In the final analysis, it is only a domestic manufacturer, and their products are of course not acceptable.

After listening to her words, my husband made some excuses, but in the end, he was ruthlessly suppressed by Li Lei, who was the head of the family.

One day, Li Lei, who was sitting behind the desk, was grading homework when she saw a young colleague walk in hurriedly.

As soon as the colleague entered the door, he turned to Li Lei and said, "Sister Li, didn't you buy a rice-husk refrigerator?"

Hearing this, Li Lei really had the urge to quarrel. It's not like which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted. This Xiao He is really...

She suppressed the resentment in her heart and said, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"Sister Li, didn't you watch the meeting with Mr. Shen of Rice Shell just now? Rice Shell Electronics promised to implement a full recall system for all problematic refrigerators this time."

The colleague named Xiao He said loudly: "You should hurry up and contact the nearest shopping mall to see which service to choose."

"Xiao He, what did you say? Recall them all?" Li Lei suddenly couldn't sit still, and asked in surprise.

Xiao He said: "Total recall is to recall unqualified products to the factory, and the unqualified parts will be repaired by the manufacturer."

When Xiao He said this, he scratched his head and said, "This time on TV, Shen Lin from Mike Electronics gave three solutions."

"It appears that in addition to refurbishment, replacement with a new eligible product, plus, there is an option for a no-cost full refund."

Listening to Xiao He's words, Li Lei couldn't believe it was true.

Just a while ago, she bought a bottle of vinegar in a small store, and finally found that the vinegar was not the kind she wanted to buy. As a result, no matter how she explained, the store owner responded with one sentence: once sold, No returns.

Unexpectedly, Mishell Electronics even returned such a large item as a refrigerator.

She stared at Xiao He and said: "Xiao He, you are not lying to me, who is doing business like this!"

Not only did Li Lei express disbelief, but there were other employees in the office who said, "Yes, you can't joke about things like Xiao He."

"That's right, it's not a trivial matter."

Xiao He listened to the words of the two elder sisters and was about to defend himself when the phone rang suddenly.

Someone answered the phone and after saying a few words, he said to Li Lei: "Sister, it's your phone number, it's from Mike after-sales service." Hearing this, Li Lei was stunned for a moment. The word after-sales service, she This is the first time I heard it.

The moment the phone was connected, I heard a gentle voice from the other end of the phone: 'Hi, is this Ms. Li Lei? "


Li Lei was often called a teacher. This lady really made her feel a little flustered, so she immediately said, "I'm Li Lei, who are you?"

"Hello, Ms. Li Lei, I am the waiter No. [-] of the after-sales service of Mishell Electronics. I will call you today. In addition to apologizing to you for buying our unqualified products, I will also provide you with three a solution to the problem.”

"According to our Chairman Shen's promise, we will recall all of these products. You can choose one of the following three items..."

Li Lei's heart suddenly became tense. She listened quietly to the content of the three choices, for fear that she might hear it wrong.

In fact, when she heard these choices, she already had a tendency in her heart.

That is money back!
Only by refunding the money can I have more choices.

There was a refund, which made Li Lei very happy, but when she was about to choose, she heard the second item.

Give a new refrigerator, and it is still a qualified product of Rice Shell, and then give a rice shell voucher of [-] yuan.

One hundred yuan, not to mention changing to a refrigerator, but also a free one hundred yuan, which made Li Lei, who was a little tight on money, very excited.

After all, this is one hundred yuan!
However, when she heard the second choice, she became even more entangled.

Change a power cord, and then present a voucher of [-] yuan.

The [-] yuan voucher can be spent at will in the rice shell electrical store. If she can, she can buy the rice cooker she has long set her eyes on and take it home.

Replace the machine, or replace the power cord?

In other words, my refrigerator is still very easy to use, and I have used it for more than half a year without any problems.

There is also a very important point, the warranty of the whole machine is calculated from the time of replacing the power cord, which is different from the new machine...

"Ms. Li Lei, you can go to your nearest shopping mall to make your choice at any time, or you can contact our worker master to serve you at your door."

"wish you a happy life!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Lei took a while to put down the phone. After struggling for a while, she couldn't help but said to her colleague: "You guys, how should I choose?"

"Sister Li, the quality of Mishell Electronics is still excellent. Among other things, our water dispenser has not had any problems after using it for two or three years."

"What's more, other brands of refrigerators are not without problems. Take Taiyu's as an example, there are design flaws, and it is not safe for you to buy one."

"If it were me, I'd use rice shells, replace the power cord directly, and ask for a voucher of [-] yuan, which is also very beautiful."

"I think it's okay to change to a new one, after all, there are a lot of 100 yuan vouchers."

After listening to these suggestions, Li Lei had an idea in her heart.Just then, the phone on the desk rang again.

Li Lei picked up the phone and heard her husband's voice. Her husband said anxiously, "Did you choose the three options given by Mi Ke?"

"I haven't, which one do you think is better?" Li Lei didn't express her thoughts.

"Definitely choose the third option. Don't worry about the quality of the rice shells. If you earn 200 yuan for nothing, we can still buy a good rice cooker."

After hearing her husband's answer, Li Lei said, "Okay, then I will listen to you."

(End of this chapter)

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