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Chapter 1260 The return frenzy that did not come

Chapter 1260 The return frenzy that did not come

The provincial city store of Mishell Electronics Mall.

After Shen Lin made his decision, the two rice shell electrical stores have already started to prepare for the return.

Even the store manager specially arranged several full-time staff to take charge of this work.

Because Chairman Shen and the head office have already made an arrangement, this matter must be done well, and any mistakes are absolutely not allowed.

Therefore, several maintenance masters have already made preparations for continuous combat.

As expected, as soon as the store opened, many people were waiting at the door. After being guided to the service desk, these customers came over with their warranty certificates.

"Hello, ma'am, what is your choice?" the waiter Ma Ling asked with a smile.

Because of the emphasis on this matter, the people who come here to serve this matter are all experienced old employees in the mall.

Although it is the first time for them to do this kind of work, their experience is much better than that of new employees.

"I choose the third option." The middle-aged woman sitting on the stool said without hesitation at all.

The third option is to change the power cord and add a voucher of [-] yuan.

After taking out the [-] yuan voucher, Ma Ling smiled and said, "This is your voucher, please be sure to spend it within three months."

"In addition, our maintenance master will come to your door to help you replace the power cord within three days. I wish you a happy life."

The middle-aged woman took the voucher, looked at it again and again, and said with a smile: "It won't take three months, I can spend it today."

Listening to the middle-aged woman's words, Ma Ling smiled softly.

Then, another person sat in front of her.

one, two, three...

In just one hour, Ma Ling had already dealt with more than 30 customers' problems. When she picked up the [-]-yuan voucher, she suddenly found that the voucher in her drawer was gone.

The two hundred yuan is used up!
Surprised, she realized that most of the customers she received had asked for a voucher of [-] yuan.

Only one chose [-] yuan for a new one.

As for returns, they don't exist at all!
Such a situation gave Ma Ling peace of mind. As an employee of the Mishell Electric Store, she was very clear about the relationship between herself and the company.

They can live a good life only if the rice shell electric store can live a good life.

Otherwise, the small life of these employees would not be easy.

Originally, she was a little worried about returning too many products, but now, she is completely relieved.

"Sister Li, bring me another stack of [-]-yuan vouchers. I've run out of them here." Just as Ma Ling was about to greet the supervisor and give her a [-]-yuan voucher, she heard the colleague next to him shout loudly. shouted at the supervisor.

Ma Ling, who couldn't laugh or cry, also hurriedly shouted loudly: "Sister Li, I will also bring a stack here."

At this moment, a group of people with cameras came over, and one of them was holding a microphone.

Ma Ling was startled by the arrival of these people, but she felt relieved when she saw the calm look of the supervisor, Sister Li, who was standing aside.

"Hello, I would like to ask, are you satisfied with the way Mishell Electronics recalled its products?" The young reporter asked a middle-aged man in his 40s with a smile on his face.

The middle-aged man had just chosen the third after-sales service to replace the power cord at Ma Ling's side, and he was holding a voucher of [-] yuan at this time.

Hearing the reporter's words, he smiled and said: "I am very satisfied with this after-sales recall of MiKe Electronics." "To be honest, when I heard that MiKe Electronics' refrigerators had quality problems, I What I thought at the time was that it was over, and this time I would have to spend money to repair it myself.”

"It's like the TV set I bought when I got married. I bought it with tickets at the time. After I bought it, there was no one in three days."

When the middle-aged elder brother said this, he patted his thigh and said: "I was so angry at the time, I went directly to the department store to argue."

"But in the end, my arms still couldn't hold my thighs, so I went home honestly."

"If you find someone to repair it yourself, then it's not a waste of money."

"This time, I thought it was the same, but I didn't expect that not only the rice shell would be exchanged, but the money would also be returned."

"For such a factory, I believe in it in my heart, so I asked for a voucher."

"Originally, I wanted to buy a new color TV, but I was still a few hundred yuan short. With this [-] voucher, it is almost enough."

Listening to the words of the middle-aged elder brother, the reporter smiled and said, "Thank you for accepting our interview." '

And the middle-aged elder brother smiled and said: "It's okay, you can ask whatever you want, I really want to be on TV."

one, two, three...

The reporter interviewed several customers in a row, and finally came to Ma Ling. She smiled and said, "Comrade waiter, I want to ask, are there many customers who come to handle after-sales today?"

"A lot." Ma Ling said solemnly: "I have handled more than 50 after-sales requests from customers since I started work."

"These customers choose more of the three recall methods of Mishell Electronics." The young reporter said with a smile.

"During the process of my handling, many people choose the third option. I think that the reason why everyone chooses the third option is not only the compensation for the integrity of Mishell Electronics, but also the quality of Mishell products. It is related to the confidence of Mishell Electronics.”

In one breath, Ma Ling said a lot.

And what she said was from her own heart.

The reporter asked a few more questions before leaving with the camera.At this time, more and more customers came to handle the business of replacing power cords.

Situations like Ma Ling's happened not only in stores in the provincial capital, but also in stores in Dongzhou and Donghai. Such scenes were constantly happening.

Bai Mingfu also attaches great importance to this matter, so on the first day, he pretended to be an ordinary customer and came to the after-sales service of Mishell Electric Appliances Mall.

He wanted to see how many customers would buy into the after-sales method created by Mishell Electronics.

Seeing most of the customers who chose to replace the power cord, Bai Mingfu felt a little helpless in his heart.

Shen Lin's approach is upright, but facing this approach, he has no power to fight back.

Just when Bai Mingfu felt a little lost in his heart, there were also reporters from the TV station who came to interview this matter with a camera.

After all, this kind of product recall is very eye-catching.

Bai Mingfu was about to leave when the reporter who was in charge of the interview walked up to him somehow, and said with a smile: "My customer, I hope I can delay you for 2 minutes and interview you with two questions, okay?"

No, just as Bai Mingfu was about to answer, he heard the reporter ask, "Are you satisfied with the way Mishell Electronics recalled unqualified products this time?"

Looking at the microphone stretched out in front of him, Bai Mingfu felt tangled in his heart.

Satisfied?Still not satisfied?

(End of this chapter)

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