Chapter 1261

Bai Mingfu never thought that he would be interviewed.

And it's still on competitor territory.

At this moment, his heart can be said to be full of entanglements.

He doesn't even know what to say!

If he is dissatisfied, he really can't find a reason. After all, Mishell Electronics has already achieved this level, so what reason is there for him to be dissatisfied?
However, if you want to say you are satisfied, wouldn't you applaud your opponent in public?

For a moment, he was really tangled.

Sun Kang was also very helpless at this time, he came with Bai Mingfu, and he was very clear about the purpose of coming here, just to see the situation of Mi Ke's recall this time.

But people didn't expect that he and Bai Mingfu would be interviewed when they came here.

Isn't Boss Bai so handsome!

No matter what he thinks in his heart, as a subordinate, when he sees his boss encountering embarrassment, he must come out bravely. What is this called?This is called courage to take responsibility!

Otherwise, what is waiting for Sun Kang is probably Bai Mingfu's anger.

He immediately stepped forward and said, "Hello, comrade reporter, we are not here to exchange goods, haha, so we don't know."

But the reporter persisted and continued to ask: "You two are both consumers, and what you represent should be the standpoint of consumers."

"I just want to hear what you think about this matter from the perspective of consumers."

"As for the others, I'm not going to ask you guys either!"

Bai Mingfu was almost furious at this time, your grandma said that the small eyes focus on the light, which eye of yours can tell that I am a consumer?And let me stand from the perspective of a consumer, am I a fucking consumer!

Fortunately, Sun Kang came to make a rescue, so he simply stepped aside.

Just when Bai Mingfu adopted this ignoring attitude, the reporter pointed the microphone at a middle-aged woman not far away.

"Sister, are you satisfied with the recall method of Mishell Electronics?"

The middle-aged woman was holding a rice shell learning machine in her hand, and her face was full of joy.She smiled and said, "Satisfied, quite satisfied!"

"If you want me to say, Mishell Electronics, it is really a conscientious company!"

"If it weren't for the uproar in this newspaper, I wouldn't even know that there is a problem with our rice-hull refrigerator."

"Oh, in fact, our refrigerator is much better than the one bought by our neighbor Lao Wang. Not only is it cheaper, but it has never had any problems."

"The old Wang next door, the refrigerator in his house is fine, but it doesn't cool down, which makes Lao Wang very worried!"

Hearing this, Bai Mingfu shook his head helplessly, and just as he was about to leave, he heard the middle-aged elder sister say: "He went to the mall many times, but the mall said it had nothing to do with them, and asked Lao Wang to find him." factory."

"But the manufacturer is abroad. Tell me, how can Pharaoh find a merchant? The travel expenses are not cheap!"

"Tsk tsk, I'm fine here. Mishell Electronics has replaced the power cord, and even gave me a 200 yuan voucher."

"Tsk tsk, I just bought a learning machine for my child."

"In the past, I was really reluctant."

The reporter is very perceptive. After hearing a lot from the elder sister, he asked directly: "Excuse me, elder sister, Lao Wang, your neighbor next door, did you buy the refrigerator at the Mike Electric Store?"

"Oh, how is that possible? How could such a conscientious company as the Mishell Electronics Store come up with such a thing? Little girl, let me tell you, don't talk nonsense and ruin the reputation of Mishell Electronics."

When the middle-aged elder sister said this, she looked around and said quietly: "He bought it at Jiale Electrical Appliances. Tsk, tsk, you should report these unreasonable shopping malls. Why should the child cry? Give it to your mother?" Bai Mingfu suddenly became a little angry!

He never imagined that things would turn out to be such a mess.

I haven't said anything yet, this middle-aged woman actually made such a mess for herself, it's like sitting at home, and the disaster comes from heaven.

Damn, this is worse than eating a fly.

"Eldest sister, you have to be responsible for saying these things!" Bai Mingfu angrily scolded, no longer caring about concealing his identity.

Sun Kang looked at Bai Mingfu who had already stepped forward, and couldn't help shaking his head. He could understand Bai Mingfu's mood at this time, but he didn't agree with his actions.

At this time, you are arguing with a middle-aged woman, brother, do you know what the result will be?

This is absolutely not good for us!

But Bai Mingfu had already stepped forward, so he could only follow up and bite the bullet and said: "Sister, what we mean is, don't talk nonsense about things that you haven't confirmed, so that you can save yourself from talking."

"What am I afraid of? Everything I say is the truth, and the trouble comes out of my mouth. Why, you still want to threaten me!"

The middle-aged woman herself has never lost in a quarrel with her husband. At this time, hearing Bai Mingfu's unceremonious words, her voice became louder: "Big brother, what I said is the truth, you If you don’t believe me, let the reporter follow me to see it.”

"Ask Old Wang if his refrigerator isn't cooling, and your people don't care about it!"

Bai Mingfu had calmed down at this time, and when he was about to retreat, the middle-aged woman said relentlessly: "Big brother, I said Jiale Electric is unreasonable, what's wrong, what's bothering you?"

"Is someone from your family working there? Let me tell you, try to stay as little as possible in this kind of dishonest shopping mall in the future!"

Bai Ming's energetic seven orifices were smoking, but there was nothing he could do.

Just when he was about to leave quickly to avoid embarrassment, someone suddenly said with a smile: "Oh, isn't this Mr. Bai?"

"Boss Bai, when you come to our mall, don't say anything, let me welcome you too." Accompanied by this enthusiastic voice, Lan Weidong walked out with a smile.

While speaking, he stretched out his big hand towards Bai Mingfu.

Looking at Lan Weidong's palm, Bai Mingfu's heart felt a little greasy.

He has always regarded himself very highly, and he never put Lan Weidong in his eyes at all.He felt that he was at least on the same level as Shen Lin.

But now, Lan Weidong took the initiative to extend his palm towards him, which was simply an insult.

After taking a breath, he finally stretched out his hand towards Lan Weidong.

No matter what, I still have to maintain my demeanor.

Otherwise, I don't know what Mishell Electronics can say about itself!

"Hello Mr. Lan, I'm here to learn." Bai Mingfu said calmly.

The smile on Lan Weidong's face became even brighter, and he said to Bai Mingfu: "Boss Bai, you Jiale Electric Appliances have done a very good job, and you have always been a role model for us to learn from. Very welcome!"

The middle-aged woman was already high-spirited. When she heard Lan Weidong's words, her eyes lit up immediately, and she pointed at Bai Mingfu and said, "Oh, why don't you let me talk about Jiale Electric? It turns out that you are The boss of Jiale Electric!"

"Tsk tsk, you were quite imposing just now, come on, tell me, why the refrigerator you bought from your house has nothing to do with you?"

Having said that, she turned to the reporter again: "Sister reporter, please help me to ask, why are they so arrogant? There is something wrong with the things they sell, and they still refuse to admit it!"

(End of this chapter)

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