Chapter 1262 If Everything Can Be Repeated

If time could be turned back, Bai Mingfu would never come to see the recall of Mishell Electronics this time.

If the choice could be repeated, Bai Mingfu felt that he would never quarrel with this shrew-like middle-aged woman.

in case……

But now there is no if, what I do, I can only be responsible for my own actions.

At this time, Bai Mingfu was responsible for his recklessness.

So at this time, facing the gazes looking at him one after another, even though his face was filled with embarrassment, it was difficult for him to just leave like this.

"Sister, I don't know if what you said is true or not. I will definitely investigate after I go back."

"Once I find out that it is our Jiale Electric's fault, I will deal with it strictly."

When Bai Mingfu said these words, he only felt a slap in the face, which was really uncomfortable.

Why can't I just do this?

The middle-aged woman said: "Boss Bai, although it's not about our family, Lao Wang and my family have been old neighbors for many years."

"You just said that what I said was not true. Why don't we go and see together. Did you buy the old Wang's refrigerator in your mall? Is it not cooling?"

"Let's go!"

"Let's go and see this reporter too!"

Reporters naturally like interviews, not to mention that this interview involves Bai Mingfu.

The person in charge of Mishell Electronics, the boss of Jiale Electric, and an enthusiastic audience.These characters get mixed up and there's something for discussion here...

For a moment, the reporter's heart was full of anticipation.

But Bai Mingfu is not willing, he has clearly realized that whether this matter is true or false, it will not benefit him at all.

He even wants to be the background board of Mishell Electronics.

So he said in a deep voice: "I have other things, I really can't spare time today, or how about we make an appointment another day?"

While speaking, he glanced at his watch and said loudly: "Brother Sun, let's go, or we won't be able to make it to the meeting!"

While speaking, Bai Mingfu turned around and walked out.

Lan Weidong looked at it with a grin. He found it funny that Bai Mingfu fled in a hurry.

But he can't stop it either, after all, both parties are still friendly businessmen, so it's a bit unreasonable for him to stop Bai Mingfu here.

But if he doesn't stop, that middle-aged woman can't do it.

She had just quarreled with Bai Mingfu, and she was already angry.

Now it is obvious that he has the upper hand, and he intends to seek an explanation from his good neighbor Lao Wang, so he directly blocks Bai Mingfu's way.

"Mr. Bai, I'm just giving you an explanation. Can't you just give us one happily?"

"We consumers, we buy things from you because we trust you, Jiale Electric. Can't you even look at them?"

"You can't go today!"

Bai Mingfu is physically strong, and Sun Kang exercises regularly. Both of them can be said to be very good at fighting, but in this situation, the problem cannot be solved by force.

Looking at the smiling Lan Weidong, a strange idea suddenly popped up in Bai Mingfu's heart, that is, this matter, Lan Weidong didn't deliberately arrange it for her, right?

If this is the case, then Lan Weidong is too insidious!
Or, I came here by accident today to find out, because Shen Lin guessed his psychology, dug a hole early, and waited for himself to jump!
"Mr. Bai, go take a look. I think no matter how big the issue is, it is not as important as the reputation of your own brand." Lan Weidong came to Bai Mingfu's side and said with a smile.Bai Mingfu's nose twitched.

He glanced at the reporter who was walking towards him and said, "I'm really in a hurry, so how about it, I'll ask Brother Sun to take a look with you."

Speaking of this, Bai Mingfu winked at Sun Kang, telling him to block the middle-aged woman, and then hurried away by himself.

For Bai Mingfu's departure, the middle-aged woman was very unhappy. She wanted to rush over to grab Bai Mingfu and ask him to follow her to the neighbor's house, but was stopped by Sun Kang.

Sun Kang stood in front of the middle-aged woman and said, "Elder sister, our Boss Bai really has something to do, so, can I go there instead of him?"

"Haha, sister, don't worry, I will help you deal with this matter."

After Bai Mingfu left, he felt helpless. He never thought that he would be so unlucky.

This time spying on the military situation, not to mention not getting any good things, and throwing Sun Kang into the pit!

Back in the office, Bai Mingfu became more and more angry as he thought about it, but at this moment, he couldn't think of any good way, so he could only hold back his breath.

After waiting for two full hours, Sun Kang finally came back.

When Sun Kang came back, his expression was full of exhaustion. He came to Bai Mingfu's office, took a few sips of ice dew pure water, and then said: "Boss Bai, I went to see it, and it is indeed here. products purchased."

Bai Mingfu immediately stood up and said, "Since you bought it from us, why didn't you notify the manufacturer to be responsible?"

"You have to wait until things get out of hand before you let me come out to wipe your ass!"

Bai Mingfu's voice was loud, and his words were full of reproach.

Sun Kang was busy for a while, but when he came here, he was criticized and his face twitched immediately.

But in the end, he suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, and said to Bai Mingfu: "President Bai, I also asked the person in charge of the store, and the person in charge of the store said that you have explained that for the products of Taiyu Electronics, Take care."

"And the person in charge also knows that Taiyu Electronics and us are partners, so he has been communicating with Taiyu Electronics on this matter."

Sun Kang's words immediately extinguished most of the anger in Bai Mingfu's heart.

He himself knows the relationship between him and Taiyu Electronics best.The problem now is Taiyu Electronics' products, no wonder the subordinates adopted this method.

Speaking of which, his subordinates were also sharing his worries.

"How did you deal with it?" Bai Mingfu asked after taking a breath to calm himself down.

Sun Kang said: "I want to change another one for someone else, but the customer disagrees with life and death and insists on a full refund. Then the old Wang went to Rice Shell Electronics and bought a rice shell refrigerator."

Speaking of this, Sun Kang said: "All the reporters followed along the way, I see this posture, maybe we are going to report on the news!"

Bai Mingfu's face became more and more gloomy.

Impatiently, he cursed a few foul words, then picked up the phone on his desk, and quickly dialed it.

After a while, Pu Yisheng's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Boss Bai, do you have anything to do when you call? General Manager Wen is meeting guests right now."

Bai Mingfu had completely calmed down at this time, and he said in a deep voice: "President Park, I have something important to discuss with General Manager Wen."

"Please ask General Manager Wen to answer the phone."

"Then just wait a moment." While speaking, Pu Yisheng hung up the phone.

From Park Yisheng's words, Bai Mingfu felt that he was a little unhappy, but at this moment, he no longer cared about whether he had any thoughts.

After waiting for 5 minutes, Bai Mingfu heard Wen Zaisong's voice: "Mr. Bai, is there anything urgent you need to do with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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