Chapter 1263
"Mr. Wen, I encountered a very embarrassing thing today!" Bai Mingfu tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and then said calmly.

At this time, he was talking to Wen Zaisong, but he hadn't reached the point where he could question Wen Zaisong.

So at this time, when he talks, he is more calm.

Wen Zaisong's laughter also rang out: "Boss Bai, what embarrassing things have happened to you, tell me and let me listen."

In fact, although Wen Zaisong was laughing at this time, he knew in his heart that Bai Mingfu said this to himself, and this embarrassing thing must have something to do with him.

In other words, it has something to do with your own company.

But no matter what, he still pretended to be ignorant and listened attentively.

Bai Mingfu was also polite, and after explaining the matter in detail, he said, "General Manager Wen, this matter embarrasses me! Tell me, Mishell Electronics is doing a recall, but what about us?" , but such a thing happened, doesn't it make us uncomfortable?"

Speaking of this, he paused and said: "Mr. Wen, I took a look, and the sales volume of our Taiyu Group's refrigerators is not too much."

"I think there can also be a recall, so that our reputation can be re-established."

"After all, we are a big brand, we must have the bearing of a big brand!"

Listening to Bai Mingfu's words, Wen Zaisong's expression kept changing.

From Bai Mingfu's point of view, he felt that what Bai Mingfu said was not unreasonable, and it was not a big deal.

But he also knew that he couldn't do this, and once he did, the consequences would be disastrous.

So after pondering for a while, he turned to Bai Mingfu and said, "Mr. Bai, what you said sounds very simple, but you need to know one thing, that is, one move can affect the whole body!"

"We, Taiyu Group, are not just a distributor of your Jiale Electric Appliances. If we have taken a recall here, what should we do elsewhere?"

"Even on our side, there is no recall system."

"So, Mr. Bai still needs to do more work on this matter. As for the recall, don't talk about it!"

Wen Zaisong's words at the beginning were firm, but in the end, they became soft. Although his attitude was good, this was not what Bai Mingfu wanted, what he wanted was Wen Zaisong's support.

But now, Wen Zaisong made him feel extremely disappointed.

After taking a deep breath, he said in a deep voice, "General Manager Wen, can't you really think about it?"

Wen Zaisong felt Bai Mingfu's anger, pondered for a moment and said: "President Bai, this matter is decided by our board of directors, and I can't change it."

While talking, Wen Zaisong hung up the phone.

At this moment, Bai Mingfu was really furious. He was a little furious. It was the first time that he met an ally who treated him like this.

But although he was angry in his heart, there was no other way at this time.

It is simply impossible for him to directly take a non-cooperative attitude towards Taiyu Electronics.

After all, the basis of their tripartite cooperation is Taiyu Electronics.

After cursing a few sentences, Bai Mingfu could only say to Sun Kang: "Sun Kang, think of a way to minimize the negative impact of this incident."

Having said that, his expression became more solemn.

Sun Kang wanted to say, what can I do?That reporter obviously looks like he wants the world to be in chaos, so let me contact him for public relations?How can it be done without paying a little price!
But looking at Bai Mingfu's expression, he could only nod in the end.

And when Bai Mingfu was angry, Shen Lin also heard about this incident, and it was Lan Weidong who called him.

When he heard Bai Mingfu being stunned by a middle-aged elder sister, Shen Lin couldn't help laughing and said: "Mr. Lan, we didn't arrange this for Mr. Bai, right?" "Director Shen, I I can assure you that this has nothing to do with us, it’s just that he, Bai Mingfu, was unlucky and ran into this kind of thing!"

Lan Weidong smiled and said, "However, I think he might think so."

"Today's incident is really a coincidence. No one would have thought that he would rush over secretly and encounter such a thing."

Shen Lin couldn't help laughing when he thought about what happened to Bai Mingfu.

"Mr. Shen, after this day's recall, I found that the turnover of our store has increased a lot."

Lan Weidong smiled and said: "Although we lost a lot of profits because of the vouchers, but after being calculated by others, I found that we didn't seem to be losing much money today."

"Moreover, there are obviously more customers who come to us to buy things than before!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "This is a good sign. As for the quality of the products, we have strengthened the internal supervision of Mishell Electronics."

"In the rice shell electrical store, we also need to strengthen supervision."

"This kind of supervision must not only involve our own products of Mishell Electronics, but also those brands we cooperate with."

"You absolutely can't smash your own brand because of other people's affairs like Bai Mingfu and the others."

Listening to Shen Lin's instructions, Lan Weidong said: "Please rest assured, Mr. Shen, I am asking someone to draw up a supervision mechanism, and I believe it will be implemented soon."

Shen Lin and Lan Weidong talked for a while, then put down the phone.

Thinking of what happened to Bai Mingfu, Shen Lin wanted to laugh.This kind of thing really happens by accident.

The phone rang again. When Shen Lin picked up the phone, he heard Wen Zaisong's voice coming from the phone.

"Mr. Shen, please forgive me for disturbing you!"

Wen Zaisong was extremely polite on the phone.

Shen Lin already had some guesses about Wen Zaisong's purpose, so he said with a smile: "General Manager Wen, if you have anything to say, just say it, don't be so out of touch."

"After all, I'm also a partner."

Hearing the words of the partner, Wen Zaisong felt that his teeth were a little sour. What kind of partners were he and Shen Lin? Could it be that they sold the semiconductor factory of Taiyu Group to Mi Ke?
But now, he is in a weak position, so now he is not qualified to lose his temper.

He could only say to Shen Lin: "Mr. Shen, I am calling you this time with great sincerity."

Speaking of this, he coughed and said: "Mr. Shen, we admire your recall method very much, but this method, I hope that after using this method, Mr. Shen will mention it less. "

Wen Zaisong's voice was soft, but there was a hint of firmness in his words.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Oh, General Manager Wen, what do you mean by this? Does Mishell Electronics' handling of its unqualified products hinder you, General Manager Wen?"

"If this is the case, are you stretching your hand too far and stretching it too wide?"

"Haha, even though we are old friends, you can't be so domineering, can you?"

While Shen Lin was speaking, although he was smiling, he showed no mercy at all. Hearing Shen Lin's words, Wen Zaisong's face twitched.

This Shen Lin is really out of control!

After hesitating for a moment, he still said: "Chairman Shen, I'm not asking, but a request. If you have any conditions, you can bring them up. If you have something to discuss!"

(End of this chapter)

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