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Chapter 1267 1 Everything As You Wish

Chapter 1267 Everything is as you wish

Although Shen Lin said that he would call anyone who was still asleep, but when Lu Xiaoshan made a phone call, Qiang Zi and the others ran over in a mighty manner.

"Brother Shen, I went on a business trip two days ago, and I happened to get two bottles of good wine, and I happened to drink it today." Guangzi, who was holding two bottles of good wine, said with a smile.

Shen Lin looked at the date on the bottle and was a little reluctant: "It's such a good wine, it's a pity to drink it!"

Although he said so, he unscrewed the lid directly.

After pouring the wine, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Come on, with the good wine of Guangzi, let us have a good toast."

"For a while, we haven't had a good get together for a while."


Shen Lin's proposal received a response from everyone, and everyone's wine glasses even collided in mid-air, looking extremely happy.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Shen Lin and the others started chatting.

In fact, the content of their chat is not about work, but the life of some childhood partners.

For example, who is married, whose family has a baby, and whose family is divorced.

"Brother Shen, do you still remember Xiaohu?" Guangzi, who had drunk some wine, asked Shen Lin with a smile.

Tiger?Shen Lin was stunned for a moment, and then realized that what Photon was talking about was a little friend who played together in school back then.

It's just that as he gets older, Xiao Hu's family is in another factory, so he seldom sees each other.

"What's wrong?" Shen Lin put down his glass and asked.

"Brother Shen, Xiaohu's factory is not working anymore. They haven't paid their wages for two months. His wife is divorcing him recently."

Photon said: "He came to me two days ago, hoping that I could let him work in our rice shell transportation team."

Before Guangzi finished speaking, someone said: "This kid deserves it. When Brother Shen just established Mike Electronics, he was asked to come here. He was busy holding his own job. Now he is fine and wants to come back."

"What did you do earlier? After passing this village, there will be no such shop!"

Photon glared at the speaker, but looked at Shen Lin.

In fact, the matter of Xiaohu was a trivial matter for Photon. The reason why he couldn't make up his mind was because of Shen Lin.

When Shen Lin's business was just starting up, he sent them an invitation.At that time, they accepted Shen Lin's invitation.

As for Xiaohu, he flatly refused.

Because he didn't know Shen Lin's attitude on this matter, he was hesitating whether he should help.

So taking advantage of Shen Lin's invitation to drink, I happened to tell Shen Lin about this matter.

In Shen Lin's mind, the appearance of Xiaohu appeared. In the previous life, Xiaohu's life seemed to be not very satisfactory.

As for what happened in the end, Shen Lin couldn't remember clearly, after all, we didn't have much contact with each other afterwards.

But after all, they were friends who played together back then. If they didn't have the ability, then they would naturally forget about it. Now that they are clearly capable, if they don't care, it's a bit unreasonable.

From Photon's expression, Shen Lin could still feel that the reason why he asked himself such a thing was because he was concerned about himself.

He smiled and said, "For such a small matter, you... help him."

Originally, Shen Lin wanted to say that you are the master, but he suddenly thought of some ideas, and directly changed the word master into helping him.

Of course, this is because I am afraid that Photon will get it wrong.

When Qiangzi, Guangzi and others heard what Shen Lin said, the smiles on their faces became more intense. Qiangzi raised his wine glass and said: "Brother Shen, this time is finally over. Come, let's all meet again." Let’s have a drink.” When friends gather together, they drink wine quickly.

Although no one poured wine into Shen Lin, but after more than half an hour, Shen Lin also felt his head was a little dazed.

He knew that if he drank any more, he might get drunk, so he started to slow down, and everyone's topic began to change to gossip.

"Brother Shen, many people in our factory are eagerly looking forward to building a new house in the rice shell garden of our factory. Some people even wait for our house to wait without building a new house."

Qiangzi's face was a little red, and he seemed a little casual when he spoke at this time: "But I see what you mean, don't you really want to continue building the rice shell garden?"

Qiangzi's words immediately made everyone present look at Shen Lin.

Those who can gather here are basically the executives of Mishell Electronics, and their housing is naturally not a problem.

Although there are few houses in Mi Ke Garden, although many people compete for them, their share is indispensable.

But as the head of the department, there are a lot of people under their subordinates.

Most of these people have not been allocated a house in the rice shell garden, and these people are looking forward to the house in the rice shell garden.

It can be said that the house of Rice Shell Garden has attracted too many people's attention.

The question they encounter from time to time is when the group will build the second phase of Mike Garden.

Shen Lin is well aware of this situation, but he doesn't want Mishell Electronics to become a company that builds houses, so he puts this matter aside.

Seeing Shen Lin remain silent, Qiangzi continued: "Brother Shen, I met Lao Chen from the General Iron and Steel Plant two days ago, and he said that there are many people in the General Iron and Steel Plant who are looking forward to our construction of the second phase of Rice Shell Garden." .”

"At that time, as long as they have a certain purchase index, they are willing to give us some good steel at a reasonable price."

Shen Lin glanced at Qiangzi and said, "Although the industry of building houses is very profitable, I really don't want to enter this market."

"As for the second phase of Rice Shell Garden, wait a little longer, next year."

Qiangzi originally wanted to convince Shen Lin that this was a very lucrative project after all, but seeing Shen Lin's indifferent expression, he finally swallowed the words when they reached his lips.

Even he knows that this industry is very profitable, but judging from Brother Shen, he is not willing to enter it.

"By the way, Brother Shen, when I just came from home, I received a call from Lu Dongsheng. On the phone, he vaguely said something about v... V has successfully researched something, let me tell you. "

Seeing that Shen Lin's interest was not high, Photon changed the subject.

After hearing Guangzi's words, Shen Lin stood up and said loudly: "It's a VCD player!"

"Is it really successful? Who has a big brother, let me make a call!"

Shen Lin himself has a big brother, but he really doesn't like to use it. People from later generations feel that it is a bit too shameful for him to bring such a big brick.

Photon quickly took his eldest brother over and handed it to Shen Lin.

While calling Lu Dongsheng's home, Shen Lin picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

Although he knew that the development of VCD disc players was very smooth, he did not expect that the development of this product would be so successful.

It seems that I don't have to worry about the winter conference this time.

The moment the call was connected, Shen Lin looked at the other end of the phone and asked, "Dong Sheng, is what you told Guangzi true?" '

Lu Dongsheng on the other end of the phone naturally knew Shen Lin's importance to this matter, he smiled and said: "Brother Shen, as you wished, we really succeeded!"

(End of this chapter)

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