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Chapter 1268 There are some things, not just relying on hard work

Chapter 1268 There are some things, not just relying on hard work
In the private room, there was no sound at this time.

Although Guangzi, Qiangzi and others didn't know what this VCD player was, judging from the importance Shen Lin attached to it, they all knew that this thing was definitely something extraordinary.

Maybe this will be another blockbuster product launched by Mishell Group after the electric car.

"Okay, okay, okay, later you write me a document on the process of this research and development, and also ask the financial department to make a report. We must reward those who deserve rewards."

"I'll be going to the provincial capital in two days. Then, I'll treat everyone to dinner."

Shen Lin made this call for a full 10 minutes before hanging up.

Although he knew that the development of this disc player would definitely be successful.

After all, some technical patents have already been purchased, plus the experience he gained from repairing DVD players in his previous life...

But being able to make the DVD player a few years earlier, his heart was still full of excitement.

"Come on, we are very happy at Mishell Electronics today, let's have a toast."

Qiangzi and the others raised their wine glasses, their expressions also full of joy.

Although they didn't know what the DVD player was for, the things that made Director Shen so happy were definitely things that could make a lot of money.

As a beneficiary of Mishell Electronics, everyone present hopes that Mishell Electronics can get better and better.

Shen Lin was still in control of his drinking capacity, but this time he was really happy, so he inevitably drank two more glasses, so that when he fell asleep, he was a little groggy.

While Shen Lin was celebrating, Wen Zaisong and Pu Yisheng were drinking together.

This time the negotiation was almost a complete failure.

Although this failure was due to Shen Lin's extreme lack of cooperation, they really felt a deep sense of frustration in their hearts.

They had already come over in person, Shen Lin didn't accept them at first, and gave such a message when they came late.

Although they had shown their sincerity, Shen Lin refused to give up, which made them very uncomfortable.

Especially Pu Yisheng, he has always been proud and arrogant. This is the first time he has encountered such a thing.

"Mr. Wen, I think this time the incident is over, we still have to teach Shen Lin a lesson and let him know that there is a sky beyond the sky."

Pu Yisheng's heart was full of resentment, so after he took a sip of wine, he said angrily.

In Wen Zaisong's heart, why didn't he have such an idea?It's just that even though he thought so, he couldn't help it.Because he couldn't figure out how to teach Shen Lin a lesson.

After all, Taiyu Electronics is already a little bit hard to protect itself.

"It is necessary to teach Shen Lin a lesson, but our current priority is how to deal with the current problem."

Wen Zaisong said to Pu Yisheng: "Manager Park, when our quality problems are exposed, it will have an immeasurable impact on Taiyu Electronics."

"So, I am going to apply to the chairman to recall our products."

"While it's a huge amount of money and a loss, it will preserve our reputation."

When Wen Zaisong said this, he took a sip from his wine glass and said, "This matter, alone is not enough, I need your support."

Looking at Wen Zaisong with a solemn expression, Pu Yisheng's expression changed rapidly.

Like Shen Lin, recalling products to restore the company's reputation seems to be the right direction.

But the situation of Taiyu Group is not optimistic. The group now needs money everywhere.

Moreover, the group’s products have not experienced any quality problems.It's just that the group's approach has always been to delay as long as possible, thus perfectly covering up the problem.

If the recall is carried out in this market, what should be done in other places? Should they also be recalled? If all recalls are required, how much will it cost?

But the method Wen Zaisong said was indeed the only way.

"Mr. Wen, I can support you in this matter, but I can't guarantee whether it will be successful or not."

Wen Zaisong looked at Pu Yisheng who was demoralized, smiled and said: "President Park, I know this is not easy, what I need is your support."

"If it doesn't work, we can only accept it."

"All we have to do is to do our best."

Speaking of this, Wen Zaisong suddenly raised his wine glass and said, "Sometimes, I am quite envious of Mishell Electronics."

Park Yisheng has never had a good impression of Rice Shell Electronics.

He has never been very friendly to Shen Lin, from looking down on him in the past to being jealous now.

At this time, Wen Zaisong said that he was envious of Mi Ke, and couldn't help but said: "Mr. Wen, Mi Ke Electronics is just a small boat next to a big ship for our Taiyu Group. Maybe some waves can make him capsize directly. .”

"Compared with us, he has no advantage at all."

Looking at Pu Yisheng with obsession and jealousy in his eyes, Wen Zaisong shook his head and said: "That's right, Mike Electronics is not qualified to compare with us at all."

Wen Zaisong is a vigorous and resolute person. On the second day after making a decision, he reported his thoughts to the group company.

In his opinion, this report is very important.

The reply from the head office was also quite fast, almost half a day's work, and Wen Zaisong received a fax.

This fax was the reply to his request for instructions.

Wen Zaisong, who had been working with Chairman Jin before, could see the handwriting of his own chairman at a glance.

For the chairman's quick reply to his question, Wen Zaisong was full of apprehension, but the above content made him terrified.

There were only three words written on it: "You are crazy!"

Wen Zaisong didn't see anything except these three words, and when he saw these three words, his head started to buzz.

He has already realized that not only has his request not been granted, he is afraid that his position as the presiding officer of Taiyu Electronics will soon be replaced.

Although the development of Taiyu Electronics has not been very smooth recently, in Wen Zaisong's heart, he still regards Taiyu Electronics as a child raised by himself, full of deep feelings.

At this time, the child who was brought up by himself was about to be handed over to others, and his heart was full of reluctance.

And more importantly, if the higher-ups don't agree to their request, then...

In Wen Zaisong's heart, when all kinds of possibilities were constantly surging, the phone rang suddenly, and the moment he connected the phone, Wen Zaisong heard Luo Lisa's familiar voice in the receiver of the phone.

"Mr. Wen, I read yesterday's report, and I think Taiyu Electronics should give consumers an explanation, and the sooner the better."

Luo Lisa didn't have the usual greetings, and went straight to the point, and said to Wen Zaisong unquestionably.

To be honest, Wen Zaisong didn't like Luo Lisa's domineering attitude very much, but he really needed Luo Lisa's support now.

"Miss Rolisa, I want to explain this matter to you."

(End of this chapter)

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