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Chapter 1269 Big Fish Eat Small Fish

Chapter 1269 Big Fish Eat Small Fish

Wen Zai Song did not hide anything!
He told Lorisa all about his efforts and his predicament.Of course, among these, more are the consequences that will eventually appear once recalled.

Luo Lisa frowned, she did not expect that the Taiyu Group she chose to cooperate with had so many problems.

If these problems are not resolved, then what she will face next, I am afraid...

"Mr. Wen, what are you going to do?" Luo Lisa asked Wen Zaisong in a deep voice after taking a breath.

Wen Zaisong felt a trace of obvious anger from Luo Lisa's words.

But at this moment, he was no longer in the mood to think about these things, and he quickly said to Luo Lisa: "Miss Luo Lisa, I know this matter, it makes you very embarrassed."

"But now, our most important thing is to solve this matter."

"The products of our Taiyu Electronics are mostly sold by Bai Mingfu's Jiale Electric Appliances."

"If Boss Bai can be persuaded to take care of after-sales for us, then this crisis can be overcome."

"After all, for consumers, there is no way to complain."

Wen Zaisong's words made the corners of Luolisa's mouth twitch. It seems that Wen Zaisong's approach can really solve the problem.

But among them, there must first be a major premise, that is, Bai Mingfu is willing to be taken advantage of.

But Luo Lisa understood Bai Mingfu's personality, this is a person who is smarter than a monkey, how could he do such a thankless thing?

"Mr. Wen, how are you going to get Bai Mingfu to agree?" Although Luo Lisa really wanted to ignore this kind of crap, she couldn't ignore this matter.

After all, she invested money in Taiyu Electronics.

And she invested a lot of money. If the money is completely lost, then her life will not be too easy.

When Wen Zaisong mentioned this matter to Luo Lisa, he was actually prepared in his heart.

At this time, when Luo Lisa mentioned it, he smiled and said: "Miss Luo Lisa, as a strategic partner, I will never let Bai Mingfu suffer."

"We will bear the cost of maintenance, and we can also calculate piecework to give Jiale some compensation."

"Of course, if Bai Mingfu has other ideas, it's not impossible to discuss them, but the conditions he raised should not be too excessive."

Listening to Wen Zaisong's words, Luo Lisa fell into deep thought.

Although repairing the things sold by his home does not seem to have much impact on Bai Mingfu's company.

But in fact, if the things purchased in a shopping mall need to be repaired frequently, and you still have to go to the shopping mall where you bought them to repair them, this will have an immeasurable negative impact on the reputation of the shopping mall.

After much deliberation, Luolisa finally decided to help Wen Zaisong lobby.

As for why one prefers one over another, it is naturally because of the cooperation among the three companies, Wen Zaisong's Taiyu Electronics is in the most important position.

Without Taiyu Electronics, the investment of our own company would be in vain.

After finishing the communication with Wen Zaisong, Luo Lisa pondered for a while before calling Bai Mingfu.

Bai Mingfu was a bit rebellious, but it also depended on who he was dealing with. He always kept a low profile when facing Luo Lisa, the big benefactor.

"Miss Luo Lisa, I don't know what arrangements you have?" Bai Mingfu asked with a smile the moment the phone was connected.

Luo Lisha smiled and said: "Mr. Bai, do you have to have something to do before I can call this handsome guy like you?" Listening to Luo Lisha's teasing, Bai Mingfu not only did not relax in his heart, but on the contrary, at this time, he , but I felt a little more wary.

Luo Lisa was a woman, he knew her character too well, she was courageous and straightforward, and under normal circumstances, although Luo Lisa was very polite to him, she would keep a certain distance.

The sudden closeness now made him feel very bad.

"Haha, Miss Luolisa, you are joking. I welcome Miss Luolisa to guide me, hahaha..."

After saying these words, Bai Mingfu felt a little sweat on his forehead.

Luo Lisa and Bai Mingfu chatted about cooperation, and then changed the subject: "Mr. Bai, I have always believed that as long as the three of us cooperate sincerely, we will definitely achieve the unity of the three parties, and the benefits will cut through the gold. Therefore, We have to support each other."

Bai Mingfu didn't say a word, he knew that the important point he had to face today was coming soon!

While speaking, Luo Lisa pondered Bai Mingfu's emotions on the other end of the phone. From Bai Mingfu's silent reaction, she understood that Bai Mingfu had peeped into her intentions, and at this moment, she was already very disgusted.

But now, she has no choice but to attack!
"Mr. Bai, Taiyu Electronics has encountered difficulties. Mr. Wen has thought of many ways to solve the difficulties these days."

"He didn't hide it from me. He even went to find Shen Lin himself, and wanted to use the method of cutting flesh to calm this matter down, but Shen Lin was unwilling."

Luo Lisha smiled and said: "In fact, he is quite resentful about this matter. After all, this idea was made by Yin. However, because we are partners, he is unwilling to tell you."

"I think, instead of letting him hold this resentment in his heart, which is not conducive to our sincere cooperation, it is better to let him resolve this resentment!"

"Mr. Bai, Mr. Wen told me that most of their products are sold through Jiale Electric."

"Look at Jiale Electric, can we sell Taiyu Electronics' products after sales? Although it's a bit troublesome, Mr. Wen said that he will never let you suffer in this matter."

Hearing Luo Lisa's persuasion with a smile, Bai Mingfu wanted to give this smiling woman a punch.

What do you mean this matter is related to me?The idea is that there is nothing wrong with my decision, but there is a problem with Taiyu Electronics' products. Is this also related to me?

What's more, when this plan was implemented, didn't you all agree with it?At that time, you were only thinking of giving Shen Lin a devastating blow, and you didn't even think that this incident might hurt you.

Now the fire is on Taiyu Electronics, let me wipe his ass, this...

This kind of butt wiping is not an easy task. It not only requires a lot of manpower and material resources, but also faces various doubts from the public.

In particular, Jiale Electric Appliances, as the seller of Taiyu electronic products, has to face doubts, not to mention the repair of these products now.

Amid flashing thoughts, Bai Mingfu couldn't help but said: "Miss Luolisa, have you ever thought about it, if we do this after-sales service, what will people think of our Jiale Electric Appliances?"

"Do people think that Jiale Electric is deliberately selling unqualified products, and that Jiale Electric and Taiyu Electronics have partnered to deceive consumers?"

"Moreover, our store will sell Taiyu Electronics products in the future!"

"This will make it difficult for us to argue!"

"He will seriously affect the reputation of our Jiale Electric."

Listening to Bai Mingfu's questioning words, Luo Lisa frowned slightly, and finally said: "Boss Bai, we are partners, this time, you will suffer a loss."

"As for the rest, we'll talk about it later."

(End of this chapter)

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