Chapter 1270 VCD is coming
Bai Mingfu was in a very upset mood, but there were some things that he couldn't hold back with his arms after all.

No matter how annoyed he was, he could only swallow his anger and continue doing it.

Who put him in a weak position, and once he was in a weak position, he had to accept the fact that he was suppressed by the opponent.

If you are not convinced, you can only endure it!

With a stomach full of grievances, Jiale Electric started the after-sales service of Taiyu electronic products. Some repairs went smoothly, but some were very uncomfortable.

For example, some refrigerators have a lot of defects when they are produced. It is difficult to reach the normal level just by replacing some small parts.

Under such circumstances, Jiale Electric is more difficult.

Especially when replacing a new product, or when there is no option to refund the money directly, Jiale Electric has suffered a lot of scolding.

When the person in charge of the mall reported these problems to Bai Mingfu, Bai Mingfu had no other choice but to pinch his nose to comfort him.

After all, he can't change this kind of thing.

As for Shen Lin, his focus at this time has been on the development of VCD players.

Before that, he had bought the patent needed for the DVD player through Zhang Yuqing.

Although these patents are not cheap, but because the DVD player has not yet been invented, the role of these patents has not been fully highlighted, so although it costs a lot of money, it is really a world of difference to buy it after the DVD player becomes popular.

"Mr. Shen, welcome!" Facing Shen Lin's arrival, Principal Li of the University of Technology pushed several official duties and specially greeted him.

Shen Lin shook hands with Principal Li, and said with a smile, "Principal Li, this time I came to see the research situation. You are usually so busy, so you don't need to come here."

"In the future, I might have more time to come."

Principal Li laughed and said: "Boss Shen, it's never too late for me to deal with work matters, but your old friend is here, and the opportunity is rare. If I don't welcome you, I will feel bad!"

While the two were chatting and joking, Principal Li accompanied Shen Lin to the scientific research park jointly built by both parties.

The scientific research park with more than a dozen buildings has all been completed at this time.Although the floors are not particularly high, the garden-like buildings and the large lake next to it still give people a sense of relaxation and joy.

"Mr. Shen, we had a meeting in our schools a few days ago. I brought those old guys to our scientific research park to have a look. They were all envious."

Principal Li said proudly: "But compared with this environment, what they envy more is our strategic partnership with Mi Ke."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Principal Li, you are too polite."

"Speaking of which, we are also very lucky to be able to cooperate with your school."

"As an electronics company, what we need most is the support of technology."

"Only technology can make us more competitive."

Around the two of them, there were quite a few accompanying people, but these people basically didn't say much, for fear of disturbing the conversation of the two of them.

During the chat between President Li and Shen Lin, they talked about the quality crisis of Mike's refrigerators these days. He smiled and said, "Mr. Shen, speaking, what I admire most about you is the way you deal with this crisis of trust. .”

"All of them were recalled. Although they lost a lot of money, they became an instant hit. In a more convincing way, the reputation of Mishell Electronics was greatly spread."

"Now, even some of our old school workers who don't know much about electronic products know that to buy electronic products, you must go to your rice shell electrical store."

"Of course, when purchasing, among various products, it is more important to identify the brand of Mihu." Shen Lin listened to Principal Li's praise and said a few words of humility.

While the two were chatting and laughing, they had already arrived at the VCD player research laboratory, which occupied a building.At this time, the people in the research room had already received the notice.

After Shen Lin arrived, Lu Dongsheng, the person in charge of the scientific research park, pointed at a middle-aged man wearing glasses who looked to be in his 40s and said: "Director Shen, this is the person in charge of our VCD player project Professor Chen.”

"Since taking over this project, Professor Chen led our research team to fight for half a year, and finally developed a DVD player..."

Shen Lin quickly stretched out his hands towards Professor Chen and said, "Professor Chen, thank you and all the researchers for their efforts. On behalf of Mishell Electronics, I would like to thank you."

Shen Lin said this very solemnly. After all, as long as the DVD player is launched, it will definitely become a milestone product of Mishell Electronics.

Professor Chen shook hands with Shen Lin and said, "Boss Shen, I dare not take credit for this video player project."

"Although this machine was developed by us as a whole, many of the key parts' settings and ideas were proposed with the help of Director Shen."

Speaking of this, Professor Chen smiled at Shen Lin and said, "I told some of my students, Mr. Shen, you are actually really suitable for scientific research."

"And you, you are purely a technological genius who was delayed by making money!"

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Professor Chen, you really praised me too much. I just have some ideas, but these ideas can't be implemented by myself. It is Chen who really turns them into reality." teach you."

At this moment, Lu Dongsheng had already taken out a CD, he smiled and said to Shen Lin: "Boss Shen, Principal Li, let's start then."

Shen Lin nodded. He came this time mainly to see the results.

As for Principal Li, he accompanied Shen Lin here with only one purpose, which was to further enhance the relationship with Shen Lin.

Only in this way can we get more funds from Mi Ke, and make life easier for the teachers and students of the University of Technology.

So as long as it is something that Shen Lin does not object to, he will naturally not object.

As Lu Dongsheng put the disc in an ugly black box, a line of words suddenly appeared on the TV that was originally full of snowflakes.

Mishell Electronics, use technology to change life!

Although Shen Lin was very familiar with this line, seeing this line appear on the TV screen, Shen Lin still felt a sense of pride in his heart.

Principal Li, sitting beside Shen Lin, looked at the words in the same way, but what Shen Lin thought in his heart was different.

In his heart, it was a kind of admiration.

Because this line is easy to say, but things are not easy to handle, but the rice shell electronics he feels is actually practicing this line.

At this moment, all the people gathered in the laboratory were engrossed in watching the TV screen, especially Professor Chen and others who were in charge of the research.

Although they are confident in their hearts, after all, they have tried many times, but at this moment, they are really afraid of something wrong.

After all, Shen Lin came here this time to test the DVD player.

Fortunately, when the logo of Mishell Electronics appeared for three seconds, the TV had quickly entered a new screen.

This made them breathe a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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