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Chapter 1271 A Big Reward Without Delay

Chapter 1271 A Big Reward Without Delay

The video shows Shaolin Temple!

Many people have watched this movie twice!
So when everyone saw the normal playback of the video, they felt that this playback experiment should end soon.

After all, Boss Shen's time is very, very precious.

But what they didn't expect was that Shen Lin was sitting on a chair, quietly watching the content on the TV screen, as if seeing this movie for the first time.

Because Shen Lin didn't leave, the movie could only continue playing.

Even Principal Li can only accompany him silently at this time.

1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes...

Four and 10 minutes have passed, half of the movie has been played, and the content on the disc player has also finished playing.

Shen Lin looked at the stopped screen, looked at Lu Dongsheng and said, "Let me finish watching this movie."

While speaking, he said to Principal Li: "Principal Li, this movie is very good, I'm going to take this opportunity to watch it again."

"If you have something to do, go and do it first, don't waste time here."

Principal Li looked at Shen Lin who was very interested. He didn't understand that Boss Shen's purpose at this time was to test the performance of the VCD he had developed.

Looking at such a black box, it can play videos, which is much easier to use than a video recorder, and he has already realized the value of this product.

"Mr. Shen, I have told several vice principals today that as long as it is something they can handle, let them handle it."

"Today, I serve Chairman Shen wholeheartedly."

Shen Lin knew that Principal Li was being modest. He smiled and said, "Principal Li is too polite. It may take me a lot of time to watch this VCD today."

"It's really not polite to you to ask you to busy yourself with your own affairs."

Principal Li said resolutely: "Mr. Shen, I am too busy to touch the ground every day. Just let me relax with you and watch a movie."

Seeing Principal Li's insistence, Shen Lin stopped persuading him. At this time, the movie also changed to the next movie and continued.

After a video ended, Shen Lin stood up from his chair and said: "Professor Chen, and all the researchers who participated in the VCD project research. On behalf of Mihu Electronics, I am here to thank you all for your hard work."

"What I want to say is that your research will give a huge impetus to the development of Mishell Electronics, and as the person in charge of Mishell Electronics, I will never let everyone pay in vain."

When Shen Lin said this, he pondered for a while and said, "The rewards for everyone will be distributed soon."

"I hope that everyone can continue to work hard and build on the existing foundation to a higher level."

After Shen Lin said his thanks, he entered a small conference room with Professor Chen and other core R&D personnel under the leadership of Lu Dongsheng.

What they want to talk about is some follow-up questions.

Standing in the crowd, Cheng Binghao looked at Shen Lin who was surrounded by stars and walked into the small conference room, full of anticipation in his heart.

He is Professor Chen's student and a graduate student at the school. He has made great contributions in this VCD research.

Among them, there are several problems that he led people to tackle.

Now, seeing the achievements of himself and others being recognized by Shen Lin, who is the big boss, his heart is also full of excitement.

"Brother Cheng, what kind of reward can Director Shen give us?"

"Should I give some bonuses!" Cheng Binghao said calmly when a junior fellow in the same project asked himself.

He had communicated with other seniors in the experimental group that MiKe Electronics was not stingy with rewards for scientific research projects. After the senior's project with his mentor was successful, he immediately received a bonus of 3000 yuan. 3000 yuan!

I hope that this time, Chairman Shen can give himself 3000 yuan.

If I can give myself a bonus of 3000 yuan, my father will not have to worry about his medical expenses. Moreover, when he visits his future father-in-law's house the day after tomorrow, he can also buy some good gifts.

Take the opportunity to buy a suit of clothes for my girlfriend...

Thinking of the possible bonus, Cheng Binghao was full of anticipation.

However, this expectation, as time passed, slowly began to fade away.

The professors and the others have been talking to Director Shen for such a long time and they haven't come out yet. Is it because Director Shen is dissatisfied with the VCD research?

Otherwise, why is it not over yet.

Also, if Director Shen is not satisfied with the results of this research, they...

Just as he was thinking wildly in his mind, he saw a few young men in rice shell overalls, carrying a few boxes, silently coming outside their office.

Because these people arrived without any noise, Cheng Binghao and the others didn't feel much.

Finally, after a full hour and a half, the door of the small conference room was gently opened. The chairman Shen, who was younger than himself but gave an extremely calm feeling, was accompanied by Principal Li and others. walked out.

Seeing the smile on his face, Cheng Binghao felt that what happened this time should not be too bad.


The phone rang, and a junior who had not been in the institute for a long time quickly went to answer the phone.

In just half a minute, the younger brother walked quickly to his side.

"Brother Cheng, sister-in-law called and asked you to meet at the old place tonight."

In Cheng Binghao's heart, he was inexplicably a little irritable. He knew why his girlfriend asked him out at this time.

Thinking that he only had 200 yuan on him, he felt a little bad.

Of course, what he is looking forward to more is that the big boss of Mi Ke can finish this investigation as soon as possible, so that he can have time to go to his girlfriend's date.

Just when he felt that the big boss of Mi Ke gave them a few words of encouragement and was about to leave, he heard Shen Lin say: "Just now I listened to Professor Chen's introduction to our project research, thank you very much for your support commitment to this project.”

"Although we haven't produced the final product yet, I think our research on this project has been successful."

"So besides expressing my gratitude to all of you for your contributions on behalf of Mishell Electronics, there is one more thing, and that is to give you the rewards you deserve."

When Shen Lin said this, he looked at the young people wearing rice shell electronic work clothes.

Give out rewards?After Cheng Binghao was stunned for a while, his heart suddenly became excited.

Now, what he needs most is a reward.

As long as the rewards are issued, the family affairs and the meeting with his girlfriend's family should be able to be resolved.

I hope this time, my reward can reach 3000 yuan.

Just when Cheng Binghao felt uneasy, he saw those young people had already opened the boxes they brought, and there were piles of great unity inside.

The first time he saw Cheng Binghao with so much money, he felt that his mouth was a little dry, and he even felt that he was a little speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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