Chapter 1272 Great Happiness

The afternoon sun is poisonous!
Kong Shuiyun stood under the shade of a tree, looking anxiously at the plum watch on her wrist.

It's already past one o'clock, why hasn't that idiot come yet.

I have already called him twice, and he still told himself to wait, this time I have to give him a good look!
Thinking of her father's attitude when she said at home that she wanted to take him to recognize the family, Kong Shuiyun was agitated for a while.

There must be housing for marriage.

For a person like him who hasn't even graduated from a graduate school, where can he apply for housing?
Although the housing in their school is not too tight, but he is a graduate student who is not even a teaching assistant, where can he find a house.

There is also the matter of distribution...

Thinking about it, Kong Shuiyun felt that her heart was blocked and panicked.

When her patience was almost exhausted, Kong Shuiyun, who was looking forward to seeing through her eyes, finally saw a familiar figure, staggering and walking over with a little distraught.

Seeing him like this, Kong Shuiyun felt that her anger was coming from nowhere.

Why is he like this?Why can't he be smarter...

After Cheng Binghao approached, Kong Shuiyun couldn't help but said loudly: "Why are you here now?"

"Ah, Chairman Shen of Mi Ke is here, we...we..."

Before Cheng Binghao finished speaking, Kong Shuiyun couldn't help but said: "He is here, what does it have to do with you?"

"It's your teacher who's receiving you. Why can he give me more money?"

"You won't think of a way, come here quickly?"

Hearing Kong Shuiyun's questioning, Cheng Binghao finally came to his senses. He smiled at Kong Shuiyun and said, "Mr. Shen is here to test our research project, so Professor Chen attaches great importance to it."

"Fortunately, I didn't go away, or I would regret it to death."

When Cheng Binghao said this, a smile appeared on his face.

"Why, you are still being favored by a Shen Dong who gave you a big reward!" Kong Shuiyun curled her lips and asked with some dissatisfaction.

Cheng Binghao scratched his head and said, "It's really a big reward, take a look at what it is?"

While speaking, Cheng Binghao handed Kong Shuiyun a key with a flashing silver light.

Seeing this high-end key, Kong Shuiyun was stunned for a moment: "Where is this key?"

Cheng Binghao pointed towards the opposite side of the lake: "Didn't you always envy the lakeside houses built by the school and Mi Ke?"

"This is the key to room 90 of the building near the lake. I heard it has more than [-] square meters, three rooms and two halls!"

Cheng Binghao's voice couldn't help but get louder when he got here: "This is the reward from Chairman Shen."

There are three bedrooms and two living rooms near the lake, and it is also a house in Mike Garden.

Kong Shuiyun has always been yearning for the lakeside bungalow built by Mike Electronics, but she also knows how difficult it is to live in such a house.

Not to mention students like them who just graduated from school, even if they are teachers of the school, they don't have any real skills, and they can't live there.

Although they couldn't live there, some students who had the same thoughts as Kong Shuiyun couldn't help but go for a walk in the garden-like place.

After all, there is not only a beautiful environment, but also various sports facilities for exercising.

Among other things, the court for playing badminton is much better than the brick-paved ground of the school.

Every time she walked past there, what Kong Shuiyun thought most about was when she would be able to own a house in it.

"You...are you kidding me? How could Director Shen give you such a house?" "It's true, Director Shen said, this is a reward for the six people who have contributed the most to the VCD project, one set for each person." house."

Cheng Binghao said: "The reward for Mr. Chen is a garden villa under construction."

Kong Shuiyun was not interested in the garden villa, she pulled Cheng Binghao and said, " are not lying to me, let's go and have a look."

Cheng Binghao was also full of expectations for this new house, he nodded and said: "Okay, let's go and have a look."

Although the sun is very hot, the hearts of the two people are full of excitement.Encountering a shaded place, the two of them couldn't help running.

In just over ten minutes, both of them arrived at the rice shell garden built near the lake already covered in sweat.After finding the building, the two quickly came to the third floor.

"This is [-]!"

Cheng Binghao said excitedly looking at the brown number plate that revealed a hint of high-end feeling.

He took out the key and opened the door carefully. At this moment, his heart was in his throat.

Although he knew in his heart that there would be absolutely no problem, after all, this was something Shen Dong decided to do, but before the door was opened, there was still a trace of uneasiness in his heart.


With a crisp sound, the door was opened.

Walking into the room, what caught their eyes was clean and flat floor tiles, freshly painted white walls, and some porch decorations...

It can be said that everything that a home should have is basically ready here, fully meeting the conditions for moving in with bags.

"Binghao, come and see!" Kong Shuiyun stood on the balcony and shouted loudly.

Cheng Binghao quickly came to the balcony, and saw the glass-enclosed balcony facing a lake.

On the sunny lake, there is a feeling that the lake and the sky are one color.

The two people who watched all this arm in arm, their eyes were full of intoxication at this moment.

"Is this our home?" Kong Shuiyun asked in disbelief.

"Yes, this is our home." Cheng Binghao said: "Principal Li also appreciated our research this time, and he also said that we must let outstanding talents like us stay in the school."

There was a hint of excitement in Cheng Binghao's voice.

"That's really great! If you can stay in school, then we will be perfect." Kong Shuiyun excitedly pulled Cheng Binghao when he heard the news.

At this time, her heart was full of joy, because today, she received too much good news.

There was no joy in Cheng Binghao's expression, he pondered for a while and said: "Shui Yun, I actually have another choice."

"Mice Shell's Director Shen said that they are setting up a professional research institute. I... I still hope that I can go there!"

Speaking of this, he said with a trace of expectation in his voice: "After all... After all, it's better there."

"And the pay is higher."

Kong Shuiyun was stunned for a moment, looking a little nervous, but Cheng Binghao, who looked firm, suddenly laughed and said, "It's okay to get into the rice shell! Although it's not an iron rice bowl, the treatment of the rice shell is really super good. "

"You don't know, I have a classmate who was praised to the sky just because he joined the rice shell electric store."

"If you enter the Rice Shell Research Institute, they will not be envious, I support you!"

(End of this chapter)

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