Chapter 1273 Your own team

At the celebration party for VCD R&D, although Shen Lin controlled his drinking capacity, he still drank a little too much, so at the end of the celebration party, he felt a little groggy.

Cheng Zi drove the car and sent him home with Lu Dongsheng.

Along the way, Shen Lin kept the windows open, and some damp wind blew in, which made him feel much more relaxed.

"Dong Sheng, how is your studies going?" Shen Lin picked up a bottle of ice dew purified water and drank a couple of sips, then asked Lu Dongsheng who was sitting in the co-pilot with a smile.

Lu Dongsheng is now a graduate student, but as a graduate student, he is more responsible for the connection between Mi Ke and the University of Technology, and it is difficult for him to devote a lot of energy to his studies.

Hearing Shen Lin's question at this moment, his face turned red and he said, "Mr. Shen, as a graduate student, I should be able to graduate."

Shen Lin smiled, he knew the meaning of Lu Dongsheng's words.

For such a situation, Shen Lin also understands very well. Although Lu Dongsheng is responsible for the simplest scientific research, in fact, there are many things involved.

Such as the selection of the project team, such as the supervision of project progress, such as the review of research results...

These things are gathered together, and it’s okay to say that there are fewer. As more and more projects of Mishell Electronics accumulate, Lu Dongsheng is often too busy to touch the ground.

Especially in the University of Technology, most of the people involved in the project are Lu Dongsheng's teachers. When facing these elders, he not only can't lose his temper, but also has to explain carefully in many cases.

When these things come together, it is naturally more hectic.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "We are doing very well in the way of colleges and industries, but we are still a bit amateur after all."

"In some places, we need our own scientific research team."

When Shen Lin said this, he said solemnly: "Especially in terms of VCD, although we have made achievements, we cannot slack off in this aspect."

"When launching the first generation, we have to prepare what the second generation VCD will look like. Only in this way can we be at the forefront."

"This team responsible for scientific research, you are responsible for building it."

"It's not easy to hire experts and professors, you just invite those capable young people."

When Shen Lin said this, he pondered for a moment and said: "By the way, I don't think you pay enough attention to the appearance of the product. This is wrong."

"Our products, in addition to grasping the quality, we must also make a good appearance."

"In this regard, we must strive for excellence."

Lu Dongsheng quickly wrote down Shen Lin's arrangement in his notebook.

Although he decided in his heart that the product could be used, he did not dare to neglect Shen Lin's request.

"Mr. Shen, after I go back, I will implement it immediately."

Shen Lin patted Lu Dongsheng on the shoulder and said, "Dongsheng, you should also spread the word about our reward this time and put some pressure on the other teams."

"Let them make their products as soon as possible."

Lu Dongsheng nodded heavily and said, "Mr. Shen, you don't need me to tell you. They should already know the news."

"Those houses and Professor Chen's reward of 10 yuan have made many people unable to sit still. I heard that all our laboratories are working overtime tonight."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Then expect them to make a breakthrough."

While chatting, the car had already stopped at the downstairs of Mi Ke Garden. After Shen Lin and Lu Dongsheng waved goodbye, they strode upstairs.

Lu Xiaorong was watching TV at home. When he saw Shen Lin walking in drunkenly, he couldn't help but said: "Why did you drink so much today?" "Today I celebrated the VCD project. I drank two more drinks. I will never drink more in the future." Got it." Shen Lin took the water handed over by Lu Xiaorong and said with a smile.

Lu Xiaorong is also very clear that at this kind of celebration party, Shen Lin is often involuntary. After all, when people pour wine for you, you have to drink it when you are happy.

"Where's your son?" Shen Lin put down his water glass and asked.

Lu Xiaorong pouted and said, "My son said he would wait for you, but since you didn't come back, he fell asleep by himself."

Speaking of this, Lu Xiaorong pointed to the children's room: "At first, my son was eagerly waiting for Dad to play with him, but I didn't expect you to be busy until now and drink too much."

Shen Lin walked into Xiao Guoke's room lightly, and saw that in the warm and comfortable children's room, Xiao Guoke was sleeping soundly while hugging a pillow.

Seeing the naive appearance of his sleeping baby son, Shen Lin couldn't help but want to kiss him, leaned down and stopped again, for fear of waking up his son accidentally.

After glancing at his son, Shen Lin tiptoed out of the room.

Lu Xiaorong looked at Shen Lin's appearance, and said with a smile: "You should rest early, and send your son to the kindergarten together tomorrow morning."

Shen Lin said: "I just drank some wine, and now I can't sleep."

"By the way, what happened at home recently?"

Lu Xiaorong hesitated for a moment and said, "My mother called today and said that it will be my father's 60th birthday in a few days."

"According to the rules on our side, she wants to be bigger."

"Let me ask your opinion."

Shen Lin patted his head and said: "What's your opinion? Of course it's over. Later, I will give Lu Xiaoshan two days off and let him go back to take care of it. Let's find out the time and mention one day to go back."

Hearing Shen Lin's support, Lu Xiaorong hesitated and said, "Husband, if it's a big deal, isn't it a bit too high-profile?"

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong's expression and knew what she was worried about, so he smiled and said, "Let's celebrate our old man's birthday, and we won't hinder anyone."

"If you feel afraid that someone will give you a big gift, you can set a limit on the amount of the gift, no more than ten yuan per person, isn't that all right?"

When Shen Lin said this, he came to Lu Xiaorong and said, "Although we don't need to make a high profile deliberately, we can't give up eating because of choking, don't you think?"

Being held by Shen Lin's palm, Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but slapped Shen Lin: "Today I received news from the US that my book The Truman World has been filmed. The script is very satisfying."

"Want to invite me to the premiere."

"Are you saying I should go?"

For this movie, Shen Lin is very confident. After all, this movie has gone through the box office test.

Go to America!
Shen Lin's heart moved, but soon, he suppressed this thought. In the recent period, he really didn't have time to pass.

After all, with the launch of VCD, he still has a lot to do.

"If you want to go, I'll ask Liang Jialuo to accompany you there. I think your movie will definitely be a hit."

"At that time, our family will be able to live a good life living on your royalties again!"

Listening to Shen Lin's ridicule, Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but waved his hand and gave him a thump. The lightness of the blow made the two of them closer.

(End of this chapter)

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