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Chapter 1274 Quality and Efficiency

Chapter 1274 Quality and Efficiency

Shen Lin originally wanted to wait until the day before his father-in-law's birthday before returning to Dongzhou, but some things forced him to return earlier.

This matter is actually not too big, and Cheng Zhenyuan can handle it normally, but it also involves a dispute between the quality inspection department and the production department.

At the production conference the day before yesterday, Aunt Fat was mobbed by several business department heads. The siege had only one purpose, that is, the quality inspection department was critical and delayed the production progress of each department.

Some people even proposed that the quality inspection department should only be responsible for supervision. As for the specific quality inspection, each business department should be responsible for its own responsibility.

At the meeting at that time, Aunt Fat also refused to give an inch, and fought hard in the ring.

Although in the end, under the arrangement of Cheng Zhenyuan, the meeting was held smoothly, but in Mishell Electronics, a kind of not-so-good public opinion was formed.

As a secretary, Fang Xiaomei was naturally the first to report this matter to Shen Lin.

After hearing the report, Shen Lin decided to go back to Dongzhou first.

Since he arranged Aunt Fat in this position, he must support Aunt Fat and the others, and he must not let this matter go unnoticed.

Before coming back, Shen Lin made a phone call with Cheng Zhenyuan. During the phone call, Shen Lin knew the cause of this matter.

Because of Shen Lin's arrangement, Fat Aunt's requirements for product quality are too high, which increases the rework rate of each business department.

Under such circumstances, the performance of each business unit will naturally be reduced.

Many people have opinions, even the executives who are in charge of the business department will inevitably be full of complaints.

This not only affects their income, but also has a lot of opinions from below.

Therefore, at the last meeting, someone questioned Fat Auntie's quality inspection, which immediately aroused strong sympathy from other business departments, and rushed forward and fired at Fat Auntie.

Although Cheng Zhenyuan suppressed their proposals in the end, the content of this meeting was spread by many people.

Shen Lin held the microphone, and when Cheng Zhenyuan finished speaking, he said solemnly: "We can't just forget about this kind of thing."

"The issue of quality must not be opened in any way."

"Otherwise, why would I fire Liao Yuansheng?"

"I think it's someone who healed the scar and forgot the pain. This time, the person from the water dispenser department first brought up the trouble, so I'll have a good talk with Ba Tongsheng."

Cheng Zhenyuan hesitated on the phone and said: "Mr. Shen, the reason why Ba Tongsheng and the others gave advice to Fat Aunt is mainly because of the production."

"After all, our production efficiency dropped a lot last month."

"I think it's better to talk about it in private and let them pay attention."

What Cheng Zhenyuan meant, Shen Lin naturally understood that he wanted to make big things into small things, so that the enthusiasm of most of his subordinates would not be hurt.

Regarding such a proposal, Shen Lin flatly refused: "Mr. Cheng, I understand that you are considering it from the perspective of the entire group, but I think that sometimes, it is time for our company to rectify."

"Otherwise some people don't know what they should do!"

Hearing Shen Lin's murderous words, Cheng Zhenyuan knew that he couldn't persuade him anymore, and could only follow Shen Lin's arrangement in the end.

On the way back to Dongzhou, while thinking about the situation in the factory, Shen Lin read the newspaper that Fang Xiaomei had prepared for him.

Although these newspapers are divided into many categories, there are many places in them that question Taiyu Electronics' attitude towards products with quality problems.For example, some reports directly asked Taiyu Electronics why it could not quickly provide a recall solution like Mihu Electronics after a product problem occurred.

Looking at the questioning reports one after another, a smile appeared in Shen Lin's eyes.

Although Wen Zaisong took a solution and asked Jiale Electric to help solve it, it is obvious that there are not small problems in the connection between the two parties.

Looking at this situation, even if he is not behind to contribute to the flames, Taiyu Electronics will not be able to get out of the trouble of this kind of product quality in a short time.

And when this doubt reaches a certain level and affects Taiyu Group, then...

When Shen Lin's car returned to Dongzhou, he immediately called Aunt Fat to his office.

Fat aunt is still the same as before, carefree, giving people a feeling of smiling.

When she came to Shen Lin's office, she was not unfamiliar, and said with a smile, "Mr. Shen, this time Uncle Lu's 60th birthday, you have to take care of it!"

"If you need help, just arrange it for me. I'm pretty good at it."

Shen Lin looked at the grinning fat aunt, waved his hands and said, "You are now the quality steward of our entire electronics, if you are sent to organize the birthday party, it will be a bit too talented."

"So, you should arrest the quality problems in our factory."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin said to the fat aunt: "I once told you that to do our job is to offend others, has it come true?"

"Mr. Shen, from the very beginning, I was mentally prepared for this, but I didn't expect that their opposition to us would be so fierce."

In front of Shen Lin, the fat aunt didn't hide anything, and said solemnly: "The last meeting made me very uncomfortable."

Shen Lin looked at the appearance of the fat aunt, smiled and said: "I know, so I rushed back immediately to support you."

"One by one, talk about production, hehe, it seems that they have all made a lot of progress!"

Having said this, Shen Lin picked up the phone and called Fang Xiaomei: "Please inform me that in an hour, a meeting will be held for persons in charge of P3 and above of Mihu Electronics."

"Get everyone who works on the QA side involved."

Listening to Shen Lin's arrangement, Fat Aunt immediately understood that this Chairman Shen didn't seem to be here alone to solve this matter, but to deal with this matter drastically.

In fact, although she was smiling on the surface, she also felt aggrieved in her heart. The reason why she was strict was entirely for the sake of the company.

But she didn't expect that some people who had a good relationship with her would have objections to her because of her strict requirements, and even directly fired at her during the meeting.

Although Cheng Zhenyuan supported her, the speeches of those people made Aunt Fat feel very uncomfortable.

At first, the fat aunt thought that this matter would just pass away, but she didn't expect that Shen Lin would rush over the day after the meeting.

Not only must this matter be resolved, but it must also be done with great fanfare.

After hesitating for a while, the fat aunt couldn't help but said: "Mr Shen, there is no need to hold such a large-scale meeting, I think we can just hold a meeting in a small area!" "

"Fat aunt, when you were founded, I had too many things to explain, so I didn't explain some things clearly. Now is just an opportunity."

"It should also be to let these people know that we are determined to pay close attention to quality."

(End of this chapter)

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