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Chapter 1275 You report to another place

Chapter 1275 You report to another place
When Ba Tongsheng received the notice from the factory office, he was in his office arranging work for his subordinates.

"We still follow our current standards. As long as there are no mistakes in the power lines of the refrigerator factory, we will have no problems."

Ba Tongsheng said resolutely: "None of you need to talk about this matter, just do as I say!"

"Let me tell you, if any of you can't complete the production plan, don't blame me for turning your back on you!"

Those subordinates of Ba Tongsheng kept nodding their heads to take orders, but in the process, some people whispered: "President Ba, we can ignore Fat Auntie, but what if Chairman Shen comes forward in person?" ?”

"How should you explain it to Chairman Shen?"

Hearing his subordinate mention Shen Lin, Ba Tongsheng's expression changed. He pondered for a moment, and finally waved his hand and said: "I am doing this for the company, for all of us."

"I dare to pat my chest to assure that I don't have the slightest selfishness. I believe that Chairman Shen will understand me."

"Okay, if you don't have any other opinions, just follow this. Anyone who has opinions, leave them to me."

At this moment, the staff in charge of back office came in and said in a low voice, "Boss Ba, just received a notice from the factory office to ask all persons in charge above P3 to go to the factory office for a meeting."

Hearing this news, Ba Tongsheng's heart skipped a beat.

There are only two people who can hold a meeting of this level, one is Shen Lin and the other is Cheng Zhenyuan.

He had just had a meeting with Cheng Zhenyuan two days ago, and he knew that Mr. Cheng didn't give them the idea of ​​having a meeting, so the person who held the meeting immediately wanted to come out.

Thinking of Shen Lin holding a meeting for him and others, and reaching the P3 level directly, Ba Tongsheng's first thought was that the heads of several business departments, including himself, were besieging Fat Aunt'er.

Although he just said that he was not afraid of anything, his heart still twitched involuntarily when he thought of Shen Lin.

After all, Shen Lin founded Mishell Electronics from scratch, and he has unchallenged prestige in their hearts.

"Is it just our business department, or all the business departments?" When Ba Tongsheng hesitated, his deputy asked in a deep voice.

"It's all the business departments. This time, there is a general meeting."

The subordinate's answer caused Ba Tongsheng's face to change constantly, and he had a vague premonition.

"Everyone, please go back. If anything happens, we'll talk about it later." Ba Tongsheng waved his hand towards his subordinates, signaling everyone to leave.

In the office, only Ba Tongsheng and his deputy were left.

"This time, Chairman Shen's meeting is probably for the last time." The deputy hesitated and said: "President Ba, you have to be mentally prepared."

Ba Tongsheng took a sip of water and said, "Chairman Shen needs to deal with it, so I'll follow suit."

"I started a dispute with Fat Aunt because of work, and Chairman Shen can still dismiss me because of this!"

Although he was muttering in his heart, Ba Tongsheng rushed to the meeting room of the factory office as soon as possible.

The meeting room with hundreds of people quickly filled up. In previous meetings, many people would laugh, joke and pass cigarettes, but this time, many people sat quietly in their seats.

After all, the heads of various business departments all had gloomy faces, and although the people present had nothing to do with this matter, none of them dared to say anything more.

I am afraid that others will think that I am taking pleasure in others' misfortunes.When Shen Lin walked into the conference room, the huge conference room was already silent, and almost everyone's eyes were focused on Shen Lin.

Shen Lin's expression was very calm, his eyes passed over the participants, and then he said solemnly: "Everyone, this time I called you to the meeting for only one purpose, and that is to talk about the quality inspection of our factory. question."

Shen Lin's straightforwardness made Ba Tongsheng sweat silently on his forehead.

He has already realized that I'm afraid this time, it will not be so easy to pass.

At this moment, he suddenly felt Shen Lin's gaze on him, and he couldn't help lowering his head immediately.

"Everyone here should know that just two days ago, the heads of several business departments got angry at the quality inspection, saying that the quality inspection delayed their production progress."

When Shen Lin said this, he turned to Ba Tongsheng and said, "Ba Tongsheng, is there such a thing?"

When Cheng Zhenyuan presided over the meeting, Ba Tongsheng fired at the fat aunt loudly and gave a lot of reasons in one breath.

But now, when he heard Shen Lin's questioning, his face changed, and he stood up and said: "Mr. Release, not only caused a bad impact, but also reduced the efficiency of our production."

"Are you finished?" After Ba Tongsheng remained silent, Shen Lin asked calmly.

"Mr. Shen, I've finished." Ba Tongsheng looked at Shen Lin and said in a low voice.

Shen Lin didn't respond immediately, but everyone sitting next to Ba Tongsheng became extremely nervous at this moment.

Since Shen Lin called Ba Tongsheng's name, will he call himself and others next time? Once Shen Lin calls his name, what should he do?

Just when everyone was worried, Shen Lin's eyes had already fallen on the person next to Ba Tongsheng: "Chen Bin, is your opinion the same?"

Chen Bin stood up hesitantly and said, "Mr. Shen, what Fat Auntie and the others are doing is a bit too strict."

"As for quality supervision, we welcome it with both hands, but if it is too strict, it will be a bit of an overcorrection."

"I think we need to take care of both, both quality and development, hahaha!"

Although Chen Bin was smiling, many people felt that his smile was a bit stiff.

Shen Lin also didn't respond to Chen Bin's smiling words. Instead, he called out the people who had expressed their opinions to Fat Aunt and asked them to express their opinions.

After all the opinions were finished, Shen Lin said calmly: "After I founded Mishell Electronics, the first request I made was that quality is the most important red line of Mishell Electronics. step on."

"Liao Yuansheng stepped on this red line. Although I feel very sad in my heart, I have no choice but to let him leave Mishell Electronics."

"Quality is the lifeline for any enterprise. When the quality of an enterprise has a problem, then why does it make consumers buy its products? What makes consumers believe in it!"

Having said that, Shen Lin glanced at Aunt Fat and said: "Aunt Fat has done a very good job this time, Ding is Ding, Mao is Mao. In the future, I hope that Aunt Fat will perform her duties boldly. Guan not only needs to be constantly grasped and unremitting, but also to do every link, to keep an eye on and watch it firmly!"

Speaking of this, Shen Lin's eyes fell on Ba Tongsheng and said: "Manager Ba, since it is difficult for you to take care of quality issues while producing, then you, the person in charge of the business department, should change your position."

"From today onwards, you will report to Rice Shell Transport."

(End of this chapter)

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