Chapter 1276

Ba Tongsheng never expected that after he said a few words, Shen Lin made a decision on the spot:

Remove rice husks and transport to report.

In the industry of Mishell Group, although no one said it clearly, almost everyone felt that the real core of Mishell Electronics was electronics, followed by the Mishell Electronics store. In the end, it was really not good enough, so it was sent to the transportation company.

Now, as the dignified person in charge of a business department, Ba Tongsheng was directly thrown to the transportation company, which is already a very severe punishment.

Ba Tongsheng felt his head buzzing when he heard this decision.

He felt aggrieved, after all, the quarrel between himself and the fat aunt was mainly for the purpose of giving birth.

But what Shen Lin said just now has blocked his way to defend himself.

There was no way to explain it, Ba Tongsheng hoped that other people could plead for him, but when his gaze passed Cheng Zhenyuan and the others, he found that Cheng Zhenyuan and the others all looked indifferent, not even a glance Not willing to give it to him.

At this moment, although he has already regretted it in his heart, but at this moment, he himself has no way out.

"Except for Ba Tongsheng, the heads of other business departments will withhold three months' performance rewards."

Shen Lin ignored Ba Tongsheng who was in panic, but continued: "What Mike Electronics needs is rules, which is to strictly abide by production discipline and implement it without compromise."

"Not a self-righteous arrogant soldier!"

"If you feel that it is difficult to give full play to your intelligence and wisdom in Mishell Electronics, and you are in a state of being underappreciated, then, in order to make the best of your talents, I am willing to send you away."

When Shen Lin said this, he patted his palm on the table lightly and said: "However, if you don't plan to find another job and want to work in Mi Ke, then please abide by Mi Ke's rules. "

"If anyone messes with me during the quality inspection level, then don't blame me, and terminate the contract with everyone."

Having said that, Shen Lin glanced around and said: "If any of you have any opinions, you can raise them with me. The meeting is adjourned now."

While speaking, Shen Lin stepped out of the meeting room.

This meeting lasted only ten minutes, but the decision of this meeting was extremely strict.

As a result, many people in the meeting were sweating on their foreheads.

Especially those in charge of the rice shell business department, they felt even more terrified.

There are some flexible minds, after they and others besieged the fat aunt, they knew that this matter would never be let go, but they did not expect that Shen Lin's reaction would be so resolute and tough.

The person in charge of a business department like Ba Tongsheng was directly dismissed!

Ba Tongsheng can be regarded as an old employee of Mi Ke, and after becoming the head of the business department, he has also made outstanding achievements.

But now, Shen Lin kicked him directly to the rice shell transportation department.

After Shen Lin and other high-level executives left, Ba Tongsheng walked out with a sullen face, and none of the people around him spoke to him at this time.

The reason for this is that everyone is afraid of being implicated by him at this time.

After all, Boss Shen Da had already made up his mind, and if he murmured after Ba Tongsheng, it would be dissatisfied with the decision of Shen Lin, the boss, in the eyes of those who cared about him.

They dare not be dissatisfied with Shen Lin!
Ba Tongsheng walked out of the conference room under the strange eyes of everyone.Just as he was about to turn back to his office, he was stopped by someone.

"Manager Ba, Mr. Cheng asked you to go to his office." A young man in his 20s said softly to Ba Tongsheng.

Ba Tongsheng was stunned for a moment, and finally came to Cheng Zhenyuan's office.

In the past, when Ba Tongsheng came to Cheng Zhenyuan's office, he was always very carefree, but this time, he was much more low-key. "Mr. Cheng, what do you want from me?" Ba Tongsheng asked in a low voice.

Cheng Zhenyuan looked at Ba Tongsheng, and said in his heart that he knew this earlier, so why did you do it in the first place.

"Sit down." Cheng Zhenyuan glanced at Ba Tongsheng and said, "Do you know where I went wrong now?"

"My mistake is that I should not only think about production and forget about quality." Ba Tongsheng said with a trace of resentment.

Cheng Zhenyuan snorted and said, "Production is very important, but quality is equally important."

"Director Shen has made it very clear, don't you understand?"

"Because of your deeds, our production and quality inspection are in conflict. If Director Shen didn't care about your work achievements over the years, it wouldn't be too much to fire you."

Cheng Zhenyuan said lightly: "What you have to do now is to admit your mistakes to Chairman Shen and Aunt Fat, and then improve yourself."

"Only in this way will it be possible to return to the position of the head of the business department."

"If you can't do this, then follow Photon and work in the rice shell transport team."

Although Ba Tongsheng felt a little wronged in his heart at this time, he could still do it if he asked him to apologize to Shen Lin.

After all, Boss Shen single-handedly helped him from being down to the present state of life. Although he claims to be capable, but looking at the lives of the people around him, he knows very well that without Boss Shen, he might not be much better than others.

He didn't feel too much pressure to admit his mistakes to Shen Lin, but he felt that he couldn't do it when he admitted his mistakes to Fat Aunt.

So after hesitating for a while, he still said: "Mr. Cheng, I'd better admit my mistake to Chairman Shen."

"That's up to you, but let me tell you, if you don't realize your mistakes deeply, then if you want to become the head of the business department, you have to wait."

Ba Tongsheng said: "Mr. Cheng, my position has been changed. Even if I admit my mistake, what can I do? Can Chairman Shen let me go back again!"

Cheng Zhenyuan looked at Ba Tongsheng who looked helpless, and said flatly: "Our rice shell is not just the business department in front of us."

"I believe it won't be long before there will be more business divisions."

"Taking this year as an example, we will have a very important business department established. Originally, you have a very good chance, but..."

Cheng Zhenyuan is the general manager of Mishell Electronics, and he was able to speak very well, which aroused Ba Tongsheng's curiosity.

After all, there are not too many people who can be praised by Cheng Zhenyuan.

"Mr. Cheng, what business department is it?"

"It's still in the confidential stage, wait for our autumn press conference." Cheng Zhenyuan said with a smile.

Ba Tongsheng looked at Cheng Zhenyuan's solemn expression, and knew that no matter how much he asked, he probably wouldn't be able to ask anything.

But immediately he understood Cheng Zhenyuan's purpose of talking to him, no wonder Cheng Zhenyuan looked like he hated iron, he was afraid that if he was stubborn, he would suffer in the future!
He smiled gratefully and said, "Mr. Cheng, then I'll go find Chairman Shen right away."

Walking out of Cheng Zhenyuan's office, Ba Tongsheng knew that he would go to Shen Lin's no matter what, to meet and make a statement.

As the leader of the company, this Chairman Shen looks very gentle, but when he is domineering, he is definitely not lacking in domineering. He absolutely does not allow a person who dares to speak out, and stays in Mishell Electronics An Ansheng.

Now, although he also feels that he has some abilities, he is more aware that once he leaves Mi Ke to start a business, he may not be able to succeed.

And staying in Mi Ke will have a better future.

(End of this chapter)

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