Chapter 1277 We have no way out

In the quality inspection office, Aunt Fat's subordinates gathered in the office excitedly.

They were also surprised by the outcome of this meeting.

While unexpected, I also feel extremely excited!
Originally, Fat Aunt was besieged by Ba Tongsheng and others at the meeting, accusing them of purely nitpicking and delaying production, and the rumors spread wildly, which greatly affected their work.

Some people have even said that because they committed public outrage, sooner or later the higher-ups will have to withdraw their department.

Because there are so many sayings like this, many people's hearts have already begun to panic.

However, just when they felt that there was almost no hope, they did not expect that Chairman Shen, who had returned, would support them so firmly.

The head of the business department like Ba Tongsheng was transferred directly, and he was transferred to an unimportant position.

That alone says it all.

"You don't know, I just met Lao Chen from the small home appliance production department. This guy said a while ago that we were going to be disbanded, but when he saw me just now, he was like a mouse seeing a cat. He didn't even say hello. , run away quickly!"

A young quality supervisor said a little proudly: "I'll see later, let's go to the quality inspection, who else dares to say strange things."

His words immediately attracted the response of many companions.

This meeting made them feel elated, and made them feel that their status, in the whole rice shell, could rise rapidly.

"What are you doing?" The door was pushed open, and the fat aunt came over with a serious expression.

Seeing Aunt Fat, almost all the subordinates smiled and said, "Director, you are back."

"Director, please sit down."

"Sister Fat, it's so relieved that you will open this meeting! Let's see if they still dare to say that we are just pointing fingers!"

Hearing the compliments from her subordinates, the fat aunt showed a wry smile on her face, she waved her hands and said, "Okay, everyone, don't say such words that are not conducive to unity."

"Xiao Li, call someone and let's have a meeting."

After hearing the arrangement, Xiao Li excitedly agreed, "I'll call someone right away."

There are more than a dozen people in charge of quality supervision, and they are all elite soldiers drawn from various aspects.

At the beginning, they were a little uncomfortable, but gradually, after the fat aunt was besieged by Ba Tongsheng and others, various uncomfortable thoughts arose in their hearts.

But now, because of Shen Lin's strong support, they should all be in high spirits.

The fat aunt looked at her subordinates, smiled and said, "Everyone attended today's meeting. I believe you all have seen Director Shen's support for us."

"Ba Tongsheng's qualifications, I believe that some of you know better than me, and now you are sent to sit on the bench, this is what Director Shen came here to let us start the work situation as soon as possible. .”

As the fat aunt said, the smile on her face disappeared.

There was a hint of solemnity in her voice: "We can say that we have the strongest support for quality supervision, but this also puts us on the opposite side of other business divisions of the group."

"When we are staring at their quality, they are also staring at us to see if our work is in place."

"They want to see if we have the firmest support of Chairman Shen with a salary higher than theirs, and whether we have seized the company's quality."

"If we can't catch it, including myself, do you think we are ashamed to continue to stay in Mishell Electronics?"

"What face do you have, taking this salary is one grade higher than that of colleagues at the same level?"

The fat aunt's eyes glanced around and said: "Now, I will say something ugly first. If anyone is perfunctory during the quality inspection process, then I am sorry, please leave the quality inspection department immediately." "Do you think you can still stay at MiKe Electronics if you leave the quality supervision department? Can you still gain a foothold in MiKe?"

Having said that, Fat Aunt said firmly: "Our situation has been opened. If we want our colleagues to recognize us, then we have to rely on our own efforts to improve the quality of the company's products in an all-round way."

"Only in this way can we secure our own position in Mishell Electronics, and let the employees of other departments truly agree with our quality inspection department."

Listening to Aunt Fat's words, Xiao Li and other young people were all enthusiastic. When they realized that they had a great responsibility, they also felt a sense of pride.

Shen Lin was not surprised that Ba Tongsheng came to admit his mistake.

After all, after Ba Tongsheng was criticized by himself, if he wanted to continue working in Mishell Electronics, he had to admit his mistakes.

Although at the meeting, Shen Lin transferred Ba Tongsheng directly and showed no mercy, but when he came to his office, Shen Lin had a gentle smile on his face.

This kind of smile made Ba Tongsheng tremble in his heart.

When he came here, he actually hoped that Shen Lin could scold him head-on and face-to-face.Just like Cheng Zhenyuan, he threw out all kinds of bad words and curses, but he reminded himself what to do next!

If Shen Lin could also treat himself like this, scolding himself, then he would feel that even if he was transferred, he had already passed the test with Director Shen, and he could still feel at ease, but now, Shen Lin's smile scared him.

"Mr. Shen, I was wrong! At that time, I was only thinking about the affairs of my production department and my family, and I didn't look at the overall situation of our entire Mishell Electronics."

As soon as Ba Tongsheng sat down, he sincerely criticized Shen Lin.

Shen Lin held the cup and listened to Ba Tongsheng's words, and then said: "Manager Ba, you can realize this, which shows that you are very aware of the importance of quality."

"And the reason why you are dissatisfied with Fat Auntie's audit is actually because Fat Auntie's strict control has touched your interests."

Shen Lin's words made Ba Tongsheng feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that what Shen Lin said made sense.

As the person in charge of the business department, he knows very well that the more he produces and sells, the more commission he can get.

If your own production and sales can't increase, you won't get much money. After all, isn't it just for those few taels of silver!

"Mr. Shen, I was short-sighted and didn't consider the long-term. I promise, I will never make such a mistake again." Ba Tongsheng promised.

Shen Lin waved his hand and said, "I have no objection to your desire to earn more bonuses for yourself."

"Even I encourage you to do so."

"But if you do this, you need to do it under the premise of ensuring quality. You can't guarantee the quality. You are patronizing the immediate interests. You are not doing it for the sake of Mike Electronics. You are smashing the rice shell electronics."

"So, I asked you to change places."

"However, don't carry any mental burden. Take advantage of this period of time to learn more. As long as you can work hard, we, Mishell Electronics, still have many opportunities."

Ba Tongsheng came out of Shen Lin's office with sweat on his back.

He originally thought that he was ready to admit his mistake, but he didn't expect that Shen Lin's words would be so creepy.

Only at this moment did he realize that if he hadn't stopped in time, the transfer would have been trivial.

After wiping the sweat from his forehead, he walked towards the fat aunt's office.

(End of this chapter)

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