Chapter 1278 A little bit of face
After dealing with the company's affairs, Shen Lin came to Lu Dahai's home.

Lu Dahai's life is leisurely and peaceful.

Needless to say, his son-in-law and daughter now, those who lived in that day can be counted in the whole Dongzhou.Even his son Lu Xiaoshan, who has always worried him, is now an executive of Mi Ke.

Even become the head of a business unit.

As for himself, although he has retired now, he still has his own position in the water dispenser business department that was converted from the hardware machinery factory.

Of course, this position mainly depends on his mood. If he wants to go to work, he can go to work; if he doesn't want to go, no one is forcing him to go to work.

So now he is basically living a semi-retired life.

When Shen Lin came to the Lu's house in Mike Garden, Lu Dahai was chatting with the guests. When he saw Shen Lin coming, he waved quickly: "Shen Lin, come have a glass of water."

Shen Lin walked over and said, "Dad, I'm coming back early. Xiao Rong and Guo Ke will be back from the provincial capital in two days."

After handing Shen Lin a glass of water, Lu Dahai said: "If you want me to say, it's all because Xiao Rong is too busy. You said, this Guoke went to kindergarten, but he still has to go to the provincial capital."

"Can't we find a good kindergarten here in Dongzhou?"

"Didn't she, Lu Xiaorong, also graduated from our nursery?"

For his father-in-law's remarks, Shen Lin wisely chose to shut up and not participate in the discussion.

He smiled, and his eyes fell on several visitors. From the clothes of these people, Shen Lin felt that these people should be from Lu Dahai's hometown.

Although the clothes were brand new, Shen Lin could feel that they were different from the workers in the electronics factory, no matter in their expressions or other aspects, they looked a bit reserved.

"Brother Dahai, this is our son-in-law!" An old man in his 60s sitting next to Lu Dahai asked with a smile.

From his face, he seemed to be several years older than Lu Dahai, but at this moment, he called Lu Dahai his elder brother.

This is definitely not modesty, it should be in terms of age, he is really younger than Lu Dahai.

Lu Dahai said with a smile: "This is our son-in-law Shen Lin. Shen Lin, come here and let me introduce you. This is Uncle Qin Futang, the second eldest son of my third uncle's family."

Lu Futang hurriedly said: "Oh, I heard that you are a great son-in-law, Brother Dahai, and you are doing a big business!"

Speaking of this, Lu Futang introduced several people who followed him.

Most of these people are in their 50s and [-]s, and they seem to be respectable people in their hometown.

Shen Lin greeted these relatives, then sat down with a smile and poured tea, at this time Lu Futang hesitated, and said: "Brother Dahai, we came to you this time to see if you can do me a favor. "

"We're going to plant wheat soon. Everything else is easy to talk about, but the fertilizer is not enough!"

"In our neighboring village, someone built a car in the fertilizer factory through a relative, but he was so envious, so we came to you, Brother Dahai, to see if we could find a way."

While Lu Futang was speaking, his eyes turned to Shen Lin.

When he came, he had already inquired about it, and he knew that Lu Dahai is now well-off, not only his son and daughter are living a fairy-like life, but his son-in-law is even more powerful!

So I took a few young and old men in the village who could talk, and ran to the city to find Lu Dahai to think of a way.

Buy fertilizer!
Lu Dahai frowned. It is easy to buy electrical appliances. Most of Mike Electronics are electrical appliances.

But rice shell electronics does not produce chemical fertilizers!
If you don't want to help, people in my hometown have all rushed to the door and waited here. If nothing can be done, they won't say anything, but they must be unhappy in their hearts.

As a thought flashed through his mind, he looked at Shen Lin.When Shen Lin faced Lu Dahai's gaze, he naturally understood what his Lao Taishan was thinking. He smiled and said, "I know the old man from the fertilizer factory, so he should be able to give me a little face."

"How much are you going to want?"

Hearing Shen Lin talk about saving face, Lu Futang was a little disappointed.After all, a small face means not much, but now the fields need chemical fertilizers, and if you can get a little bit, it's okay to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!
So he stretched out a finger and said, "Either...or just ask him for a hundred bags, and a family in the village can share one bag."

One hundred bags, Shen Lin frowned subconsciously.

These one hundred bags are a little too small, how can I speak.

Seeing that Shen Lin frowned, Lu Futang felt that the mouth was too wide, and he was probably a little embarrassed, so he quickly changed his words and said: "If there are no one hundred bags, eighty bags are fine."

Listening to Lu Futang's words, Shen Lin smiled and said, "One hundred bags is a bit small, Uncle Futang, if our village needs enough bags, how many bags do we need?"

Lu Futang almost suspected that he had heard it wrong. If you use enough, it will take too much.Shen Lin, does he have such abilities!

He hesitated for a moment, and finally stretched out two fingers tremblingly: "If you use enough, you need more than 2000 bags."

"Now, basically no one uses chemical fertilizers like this, let's..."

Shen Lin waited for Lu Futang to finish speaking, then picked up the phone on the table. He did not call Director Cheng of the fertilizer factory, but Fang Xiaomei.

After all, he didn't have the phone number of the fertilizer factory in his hand.

Fang Xiaomei quickly found the phone number of the chemical fertilizer factory according to Shen Lin's request. Shen Lin recorded the phone number and dialed it directly.

The first time I dialed the phone, the result was that I didn't get through.

It was only after Shen Lin dialed helplessly for the second time that the call was connected.After Shen Lin reported his family name, he immediately received the most enthusiastic response.

That is to say, after a few polite words, Shen Lin made an agreement with the factory manager. During this period, it only took two to three minutes.

Lu Futang looked at Shen Lin and said a few words, then put down the phone, feeling that this matter was not going to be easy.

Just when he was hesitant to ask the question, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Uncle Futang, the factory manager Cheng is very enthusiastic, and he promised to send someone to deliver the fertilizer you need to the entrance of our village this afternoon. "

"The price of chemical fertilizers is par. When the time comes, you and others can settle directly."

Lu Futang was stunned for a moment, he couldn't believe his ears, two thousand bags of fertilizer were not only given, but also sent to the entrance of the village.

This made him feel like he was dreaming.

After all, chemical fertilizers are in short supply now, not to mention door-to-door delivery, even if you drive a car to pull the goods, you may not be able to wait for the goods at the fertilizer factory.

Now, not only did they readily give two thousand bags, but they also...

Lu Dahai looked at Lu Futang's appearance, frowned, and said to Shen Lin: "Is this not embarrassing for you?"

"It's okay, Dad, I have a pretty good relationship with the factory manager, not to mention that we pay them at the ex-factory price for their fertilizers."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Turning back to his favor, I'll just pay him back."

Seeing that Shen Lin said it easily, Lu Hai felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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