Chapter 1279
After having a meal at Lu Dahai's home, Lu Futang and the others prepared to leave.

The purpose of their running here this time was to see if Lu Dahai could help them buy fertilizer.Now that Lu Dahai's son-in-law said it was resolved, of course they have to go back and take a look.

In order to make Lu Dahai look good, Shen Lin called Chengzi and asked him to drive all the people back home.

Lu Dahai is still very happy to be able to help relatives and neighbors in his hometown.

After Lu Futang and the others left, he smiled and asked Shen Lin, "Shen Lin, this matter won't make things difficult for you, will it?"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Dad, don't worry about this matter, it's fine."

"It's the little things."

Seeing how relaxed Shen Lin said, Lu Dahai felt relieved.In fact, with the rise of Mishell Electronics in Dongzhou, Lu Dahai has become more and more aware of Shen Lin's influence.

For example, when he handles certain things by himself, there is either a problem or a problem somewhere.

But when others know that he is Shen Lin's father-in-law, many problems can be ignored, and none of them are problems!
Chen Hongying had already finished washing the bowls. She placed the tea cup opposite Lu Dahai and said with a stern face: "Lu Dahai, I'm not telling you that you shouldn't recruit people for this kind of thing!"

"The village came to look for you this time to buy fertilizer, will they still look for you in the future? You can't ask Shen Lin to help them buy fertilizer every time, can you?"

"If you want me to say, if you should refuse, you have to refuse. Although you lose face for a while, but face is more important than making trouble for your son-in-law, can't you figure it out!"

At home, Chen Hongying has always been the top leader, and Lu Dahai listened to what his wife said made sense, so he couldn't help but lower his head.

Seeing that his father-in-law looked like he had done something wrong, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Mom, isn't this someone who came home? They are all from the same village, so my dad can't refuse."

"What's more, even if you come again, it's not a big deal."

Having said that, he said to Lu Hai: "Dad, about your 60th birthday, I discussed with Xiao Rong to see what you and Mom think."

"Which restaurant do you want to host and how many people will you invite?"

Before Lu Dahai could speak, Chen Hongying took out a notebook and said, "Shen Lin, your father and I made a rough estimate of this matter."

"The restaurant is at the Second Sister Restaurant. It is not only clean but also affordable. As for how many people to invite, your father's acquaintances and I will add up to a dozen tables."

"Let's book fifteen tables tentatively."

"As for tobacco and alcohol, I think we can use our local products, which cost more than ten yuan a bottle. As for cigarettes, we can use Nabi."

Listening to Chen Hongying's plan, Shen Lin knew that what Lu Dahai and his wife planned were all their old friends and relationships.

Although Shen Lin reckoned that this plan might be a bit small, he didn't say much, after all, he just asked the Second Sister Restaurant to prepare more later.

"Okay, then follow your plan. I'll go home and talk to my dad and let them come over then."

Shen Lin said here: "Xiao Shan and I will come over at that time."

Seeing that Shen Lin didn't object to her arrangement, Chen Hongying was very happy. She turned to Shen Lin and said, "You just need to know about this matter. You are tired enough every day. I can arrange it with your dad."

"At that time, you just let Xiaorong and Guoke come over as soon as possible."

When Shen Lin left, Lu Futang and others were almost at the entrance of the village.

They have never been in such a high-end car, so after getting into the car one by one, they all looked up and down curiously, looked left and right, touched the seats quietly, and stroked the cushions, but their hearts were full of apprehension. .

I was afraid that if I didn't pay attention, I would break the car.

"Uncle Futang, can you really deliver the chemical fertilizer to the entrance of the village?" When we were about to reach the village, someone finally couldn't help asking.

Lu Futang also had no idea about this matter.But he still said: "Why can't it be sent to the entrance of the village? Dahai's son-in-law called me, and the fertilizer factory agreed."

"They agreed, but I listened, it seems that they didn't say when to send it!"

At this moment, Lu Futang didn't know what to say.

Cheng Zi, who sent off Lu Futang and others, knew that these people were relatives and neighbors of Lu Dahai, and after hearing their worries, he smiled and said: "Don't worry, what Chairman Shen promised will definitely be done."

"Maybe when we arrive at the village, the fertilizer will arrive earlier than us."

Lu Futang glanced at Chengzi, smiled and said, "Oh, it would be great if it was really like what my brother said."

Cheng Zi didn't say much, he just drove his car seriously.

Ten minutes later, the car arrived at Lu Dahai's hometown.

There is no road in the village, so when entering the village, the car shakes a little.But when the car just entered the entrance of the village, it saw several large trucks parked on the field at the entrance of the village, full of things.

When Lu Futang and the others got out of the car, a middle-aged man who looked to be in his 40s and carried a black leather bag walked over quickly.

He saw Lu Futang getting off the car and said, "Hello, who is Lu Futang?"

Lu Futang said: "I am Lu Futang, you are..."

"I'm from the sales department of our fertilizer factory. Our factory manager asked me to send you two thousand bags of fertilizer for smoking." The middle-aged man explained his reason for coming, and quickly took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. , Pass cigarettes to Lu Futang.

Looking at these big trucks, Lu Futang couldn't believe that the fertilizer would arrive so quickly.

"This is only a quarter, but tomorrow morning, all of them will be in place, so don't worry."

The middle-aged man in the sales department smiled as he passed the cigarette, "Uncle Lu, where do you think the fertilizer is dumped?"

When Lu Futang bought chemical fertilizers, he often had to put a smile on his face in order to get some fertilizers. Now they delivered them to his door in person with a smile on his face, which made him never expect.

His heart was full of surprises, and he felt that he couldn't speak at this moment.

"Just unload here, I'll let someone help you unload the car." Lu Futang lit a cigarette and shouted to the people around: "Come some people, help the master unload the car."

Having said that, he said to the middle-aged man again: "Let's go to my house to drink water, haha, I'll ask someone to collect the money for the fertilizer first."

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Uncle, don't worry about this. Our factory manager said that he would like you to call Mr. Shen first and tell him that we have delivered the fertilizer."

"Call, I... I don't have the number of the son-in-law of the Dahai family. I'll call Brother Dahai and ask him to tell his son-in-law."

Lu Futang scratched his head and said.

"That's fine, hahaha, Uncle Lu, are you familiar with Shen Dong's father-in-law?"

"We are very familiar. When we were young, we all grew up in this village. In a blink of an eye, we are almost 60 years old." Speaking of this, Lu Futang slapped his thigh and said, "Oh, it will be Brother Dahai in two days. 60th birthday, I almost forgot about it!"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, and quickly said: "Uncle, you remember correctly, right?"

"How can I remember wrongly? His birthday is two days away from mine. Oh, I didn't think of it when I was having dinner at his house today."

Lu Futang patted his thigh and said, "I'll call him later."

(End of this chapter)

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