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Chapter 1280 Chapter 1280 Let’s prepare more secretly

Chapter 1280 Chapter [-] Let’s secretly prepare more

Lu Dahai's [-]th birthday is proceeding in an orderly manner according to his and Chen Hongying's plan.

His acquaintances and friends are basically near the hardware machinery factory, so the notification is very simple.

I made a few phone calls, a friend took a call, and occasionally met...

These methods take turns to go into battle, and finally the link of notification is completed.

For Dad's [-]th birthday, Lu Xiaoshan ran home to help, but after helping for a while, he hid in Shen Lin's office.

"Brother-in-law, my mother has already arranged this matter, so I don't need to worry about it at all." Lu Xiaoshan sat down opposite Shen Lin and said with a smile.

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaoshan, and asked with a light smile, "Looking at you like this, have you been scolded?"

"Isn't that right? I just raised two opinions, and my mother gave me a hard lesson. Hey, tell my mother, I won't go back, and she said no one will help; I'll go back, and she Picking your nose and eyes, despising my this and that for a while, and that and that for a while."

"I, I'd better hide and let the old man keep his heart out of sight!"

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaoshan who looked helpless, and felt a little sympathetic for this brother-in-law in his heart.

Chen Hongying's personality is very strong, and now she is planning the whole process of this matter, and Lu Xiaoshan raised her own opinions, which is purely to make herself feel uncomfortable.

"By the way, what advice did you give our mother?"

Lu Xiaoshan picked up the water glass to add some water to himself, and then said: "Brother, my opinions are all small things, and I dare not mention big ones."

"Our mother has booked fifteen tables at the Second Sister Restaurant, ready to receive guests."

"I told her that her reservation was too little. My brother-in-law has many friends. Don't be unable to sit down when the time comes. Please prepare ten more tables."

When Lu Xiaoshan said this, he said angrily: "Guess what my mother said, my mother said, this time I didn't inform your brother-in-law's friend, how could he come?"

"I also said to prepare ten more tables, even if it is not needed, I have to give more money to the restaurant."

"And said I was out of ideas."

Speaking of this, Lu Xiaoshan shook his head helplessly and said: "So, this family has no choice but to stay. I will run out and seek refuge with you, brother-in-law."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "I think there may be some friends. After receiving the news of our father's birthday, I asked my second sister to prepare ten more tables."

"Why do you have to be serious with our mother about this kind of thing, just let the restaurant prepare it."

"Are you short of these few cents?"

Shen Lin's words made Lu Xiaoshan feel speechless.He then patted himself on the head heavily and said, "I'm really a pig's brain."

"Why didn't I think of it, why did I twist my head and go to my mother to reason."

"I... who gave me the courage!"

Lu Xiaoshan, who was talking to himself, was full of annoyance.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Okay, don't stay here with me, it's time to go home."

Lu Xiaoshan didn't want to leave at this time, he said in a deep voice: "Brother-in-law, our cordless phone is ready to be put into production."

"But I don't think we can support our winter conference with cordless phones alone."

"After all, compared to electric cars, cordless phones are a bit...a bit petty."

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaoshan's serious expression, and said with a smile, "Did someone tell you something?"

"Brother-in-law, I've heard a lot of gossip. Some people said that MiKe Electronics' spring press conference was very high-profile. We should be satisfied with the successful launch of electric vehicles, but in the end we will have another autumn conference." "People. They say we can’t release anything good.”

When Lu Xiaoshan said this, his voice was full of resentment: "Brother-in-law, many people are going to read our joke!"

Shen Lin said with a smile: "Look at our joke, what's so funny, what do you think if I release the second-generation electric car?"

Listening to Shen Lin's words, Lu Xiaoshan was really speechless for the second generation electric car.

And Shen Lin said with a smile: "Don't worry, now is not the time to launch the second-generation electric car."

"We have already successfully researched a new product, and now we have almost applied for various patents."

"During the autumn press conference, it will definitely be a blockbuster for those who watch our excitement."

Lu Xiaoshan asked curiously, "What project was successfully researched?"

"VCD player." After Shen Lin said this, he stood up from his chair and said, "Soon, we will have another product that is in short supply."

"At that time, our export prices will be more expensive than domestic ones."

Lu Xiaoshan knew about the VCD project, but he didn't know much about it. Looking at the confident Shen Lin, he couldn't help but said: "Brother-in-law, is this video player really that powerful?"

"You can wait and see." Shen Lin said with a light smile.

Lu Xiaoshan chatted with Shen Lin for a while, and then left Shen Lin's office excitedly. At this time, he wished that the autumn press conference would start immediately.

Shen Lin didn't pay much attention to the situation reported by Lu Xiaoshan.There are too many factories that are jealous of Mishell Electronics. If he pays attention to what others say, then he is really too busy.

For Lu Haihai's [-]th birthday, Shen Lin not only secretly added tables, but also privately explained to the restaurant, and secretly increased the amount of dishes.

Of course, I also used the method of giving away to ask for a few other programs, which can be regarded as an arrangement for Chen Hongying, adding something.

Soon, Lu Dahai's [-]th birthday was coming, and Lu Xiaorong and Lu Xiaoshan, who came back one day earlier, started to get busy.

Especially Lu Xiaoshan, whether relatives or friends came, or the arrangement of various things, he was indispensable.

For a while, there was a feeling of busy feet not touching the ground.

At ten o'clock at noon, Lu Xiaoshan complained to Lu Xiaorong while eating in a private room of Ermei restaurant, "Sister, you don't know how strict our mother is."

"I said that there are many things to do, and I asked a few friends to help, but she is fine, saying that there are not many guests, so don't bother others."

"Look, I haven't eaten until now."

Regarding Lu Xiaoshan's complaints, Lu Xiaorong said with a smile: "It's my father's [-]th birthday, you shouldn't be busy."

"Okay, eat quickly, you will have the strength to work after eating."

While the two were talking, Cheng Zi quickly ran over and said, "Brother Xiaoshan, hurry up, my aunt is looking for you."

Lu Xiaoshan suddenly showed a look of lovelessness and said: "Do you know what my mother wants me for?"

"Someone came from your hometown. Thirty or forty people came all at once. My aunt asked you to go over and help Uncle Lu receive it."

Lu Xiaoshan's brows furrowed even tighter, but no matter how uncomfortable he was, he still had to greet them with a smile.

As soon as he walked to the door, he helped Lu Dahai say a few words to a few cousins ​​he still knew, when the waiter from Ermei restaurant came over and said, "Mr. Lu, there are a few cars coming up ahead. I came to celebrate uncle's birthday, why don't you go and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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