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Chapter 1286 Proposal for Share Swap

Chapter 1286 Proposal for Share Swap

When Shen Lin shook his head, Roberts couldn't believe his eyes.

After all, in his opinion, 5.00% of the shares is already very low, but now, this person shakes his head dissatisfied.

Does he know that if the money he refuses is invested in the development of Mishell Electronics, it will surely enable Mishell Electronics to develop rapidly?
Is he really stupid?
Just when Roberts felt angry in his heart, Shen Lin said calmly: "Mr. Roberts, I'm very sorry, we, Mishell Electronics, have no idea of ​​releasing the equity for the time being."

"So, I can only thank you for your kindness!"

Roberts couldn't help but said: "Mr. Shen, you should know that my investment of [-] million dollars will allow Mishell Electronics to develop even greater."

"Your refusal may cause you a lot of losses. Are you really not thinking about it anymore?"

Shen Lin looked at Roberts' expression, shook his head and said: "Mr. Roberts, the current cash flow of Mishell Electronics can still support our development plan, so your $[-] million won't impress me."

Roberts looked at Shen Lin who was unmoved at all, feeling helpless in his heart.

The person who said that Mi Ke's cash flow is sufficient to support the development of Mi Ke is not a lie.

At least when he came, he had seen the financial report of Mishell Electronics, and the financial report of Mishell Electronics was still very healthy.

However, this kind of cash flow is difficult to support the rapid expansion of Mishell Electronics.

After pondering for a while, Roberts said: "Mr. Shen, your company's cash flow is good, but this is only for your current development."

"If Mishell Electronics wants to develop by leaps and bounds, it needs a lot of financial support."

"I've heard a saying that market share is so much that if you don't occupy it, it will become someone else's."

"Mr. Shen, I think it will not be an easy task for you to compete for shares next."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Roberts, I admit that what you said makes sense."

"However, I like this as a person. I can do as many things as I have money."

"So, I can't accept your investment of [-] million dollars."

Roberts was completely convinced this time. He couldn't buy 5.00% of the other party's shares with a dollar of [-] million dollars. While he was angry, he deeply realized that it was really not a good thing to come to negotiate with Shen Lin.

"Chairman Shen, since you insist, let's make another proposal."

"Our Dongmen Electric's intention to strengthen cooperation with Mishell Electronics will not change. Since you do not agree to cash investment, when I came, our general manager also mentioned another method."

"That is, Dongmen Electric is willing to exchange shares with Mishell Electronics, so as to increase the cooperation between us."

"Mr. Shen, if you agree to this proposal, you will soon become a shareholder of our Dongmen Electronics."

Exchange shares to achieve strategic cooperation!
This method is generally adopted among large companies.Now Dongmen Electric is willing to take the initiative to exchange shares with Rice Shell Electronics. In Roberts' opinion, he really thinks highly of Rice Shell Electronics!
At this time, Shen Lin was also heartbroken.

After all, becoming a shareholder of Dongmen Electric will bring many benefits.

However, he did not respond immediately, but said in a deep voice, "I don't know how many shares Dongmen Electric is going to give me?"

"Dongmen Electric's stock price, Mr. Shen should be clear, we are going to offer shares worth [-] million US dollars in exchange for [-]% of the shares of Mishell Electronics."

"This kind of cooperation should be a win-win situation."

"After all, if MiKe has the support of Dongmen Electric, its next development will be smooth sailing." With [-] million shares, MiKe Electronics has [-]% equity.

Shen Lin's fingers moved slightly, and his heart was completely calmed down.

Although Dongmen Electric had always been a big company in the previous life, the [-] million shares was less than [-]% to them.

But [-]% of the shares in his own family will definitely have a big impact on Mishell Electronics.

So, after weighing it for a while, Shen Lin said with a smile: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Roberts, thank you again for the importance you place on Mishell Electronics."

"But right now, we really have no plans to expand our shareholders."

"So, for your attention, I can only thank you."

To thank means to disagree.Roberts knew the meaning of Shen Lin's words very well, so he looked at Shen Lin at this time, full of surprise and disbelief.

Before he came, he felt that his task should be easy to complete, but at this moment, he realized that the person he wanted to persuade was really not an easy guy to persuade.

"Mr. Shen, don't you really think about it any more?"

Roberts knows that saying this kind of thing will put him in a disadvantageous position in many cases, but now, he can't care so much anymore!
Shen Lin smiled and said, "Sorry!"

While speaking, Shen Lin stood up and said, "Mr. Roberts, I have already had the guest room ready. You can take a little rest today, and then I will send someone over to accompany you to see the night view of our Dongzhou."

"I hope this arrangement will allow you to have a good night."

"Of course, if you have other needs, feel free to ask those who accompany you, we will try our best to make you feel at home."

After saying this, Shen Lin said goodbye and left.

Roberts looked at Shen Lin who was leaving, and an inexplicable thought arose in his heart, that is this man, what a proud guy.

However, in his heart, there was a feeling of loss.

It seems that this time the business was not negotiated, which caused him a lot of losses.

What Shen Lin and Roberts said was not an excuse. After he met Roberts, he really wanted to meet a lot of people.

There are even people waiting outside.

"Mr. Shen, I am Lu Yuanguang. I have admired Mr. Shen for a long time. To be honest, I admire Mr. Shen the most..."

Shen Lin, who came to another reception room, greeted the new collaborator with a smile.

After saying a few long-awaited words to each other, Lu Yuanguang smiled and said: "Mr. Shen, I am the distributor of Mishell electric vehicles, but the production of Mishell electric vehicles really cannot keep up with the market demand..."

"As far as I know, although Rice Shell Electronics has been working overtime in production in this regard, the demand from all parties is really too great!"

"I came here this time to ask Mr. Shen to build a branch factory with us. I can provide the site and funds for the construction of this branch factory, and we, Mishell Electronics, will lead the production of this branch factory..."

Listening to Lu Yuanguang's words, Shen Lin understood his thoughts, he pondered for a moment and said: "Mr. Lu, we can try your proposal, but the division of shares between us must be done in advance. "

"After all, break first and then not mess!"

(End of this chapter)

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