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Chapter 1287 Helping Mi Ke to Promote

Chapter 1287 Helping Mi Ke to Promote

one, two, three...

From afternoon to night, Shen Lin met dozens of business partners who came to celebrate their birthdays. Among these people, some wanted to join the supply chain of Mishell, and some wanted to increase the supply of Mishell Electronics. Have……

Although Shen Lin could make decisions on the spot for many things, it was not a simple matter, so after finishing this matter, Shen Lin felt exhausted.

When he got home, he was so weak that he lay limp on the bed, not wanting to move.

Lu Xiaorong brought Shen Lin a glass of water, then gently pressed Shen Lin's forehead with his hand, and complained lovingly: "There are so many guests, why do you go to see them all at once, you won't let them wait , Let’s talk about it tomorrow!”

Shen Lin looked at Lu Xiaorong's angry look, hugged her lightly and said, "He came from afar, so I should at least treat him warmly?"

"What's more, people are also in a hurry to go back. If we can respond immediately, we will respond as soon as possible. If we can't, we can't delay."

"Fortunately, Mr. Cheng and the others helped, and the matter was finally settled."

While massaging Shen Lin's forehead, Lu Xiaorong said: "My dad said that once his birthday is over this time, he will be satisfied. In the future, we don't have to celebrate his birthday like this again."

"For future birthdays, it's enough for our family to have a meal."

Listening to Lu Xiaorong's words, Shen Lin couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Lu Xiaorong suddenly whispered: "Little Guoke wants to play at grandma's house, so there is no need to pick him up tonight."

Seeing the smile on Lu Xiaorong's face, Shen Lin's heart melted instantly.

Early the next morning, Shen Lin began to see off the guests. Although many people had already left the day before, there were also some people who stayed.

For example, Roberts, he did not leave.

After being rejected by Shen Lin, he immediately called his superiors, so when Shen Lin sent him back, Roberts stood by the car and said to Shen Lin: "Mr. Shen, I will report the situation of our negotiations to the superiors." for a moment."

"The above means that there are some things that can be discussed again."

Speaking of this, Roberts said: "For example, if you feel that one billion dollars is too little, we can still increase it."

"What's more, in terms of share replacement, the ratio between each other can also be further evaluated."

When Roberts said this, he solemnly said: "In this matter, we have the greatest sincerity."

Shen Lin and Roberts shook hands and said: "Mr. Roberts, I have already felt your sincerity, but I think we will talk about this matter later."

"After all, this is not something that can be decided in a few words."

Roberts looked at Shen Lin with a firm expression, and could only say: "Mr. Shen, from my heart, I still very much hope to reach a cooperation with Mr. Shen."

"I also hope that Director Shen can give me good news."

After sending Roberts away, it was Bai Mingfu who Shen Lin sent away next.

Although Bai Mingfu did not come with Wen Zaisong and others, they did leave together when they left. This naturally represents the cooperation between the two parties and they are still very close.

"Mr. Shen, I admire your company's business model very much, and I hope that we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future." Wen Zaisong shook hands with Shen Lin and said with a smile on his face.

Shen Lin said with a smile: "I also hope to strengthen cooperation with your company in the future."

After the two chatted for a while, Wen Zaisong said again: "Director Shen, although a company's products are indispensable for innovation, there are only a few exciting innovations in any company." "I'm really curious now. , what kind of surprises will Director Shen bring us at the autumn press conference?"

"If it's just an upgraded version of some old products, it's too disappointing!"

Speaking of the word disappointment, Wen Zaisong shook his head lightly, with a look of emotion in his heart.

Shen Lin looked at Wen Zaisong's expression, and said with a smile: "Please rest assured, Mr. Wen, we will not let you down."

"Next, there will definitely be products that will catch your eye."

Wen Zaisong looked at Shen Lin's smiling face, laughed and said, "So, then I'll be here, and wish Chairman Shen a success for your autumn conference."

"I'm waiting for my eyes to shine!"

Shen Lin shook hands with Wen Zaisong and said, "Mr. Wen, just wait and see."

After getting in the car back home, Wen Zaisong said to Bai Mingfu, "Boss Bai, how much of Shen Lin's words do you think is true?"

Bai Mingfu was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that what Wen Zaishong asked was whether Mi Ke could continue to release impressive works in autumn.

He pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Mr. Wen, although I have always felt that we should not underestimate Shen Lin. However, this kind of eye-catching thing is not so easy to appear, let alone Mi Ke The electric car is indeed a phenomenal product!"

After saying the words "Phenomenon", Bai Mingfu let out a long breath. He really couldn't find words to describe the Mishell electric car.

Now, these phenomenal words made him feel that he described it very well.

Pu Yisheng didn't wait for Wen Zaisong to ask him, so he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Wen, I think Shen Lin is also bluffing in this regard."

"Let's not talk about anything else, just take our Taiyu Group as an example."

"Our body is much larger than the rice shell, but can the rice shell be on par with us?"

Speaking of this, Pu Yisheng's face showed a hint of pride: "Even our company, in a year, can't produce a product like Mishell electric bicycles. With Mishell Electronics, they can do it." ?"

"Our scientific research funding is several times that of rice shells."

Wen Zaisong nodded. He had worked in the group, so he knew everything about the group.

As Park Yisheng said, the size of Mishell Electronics is simply not comparable to that of Taiyu Group. Under such circumstances, the development of electric vehicles is already very popular.

How could Shen Lin launch another phenomenal product within half a year?
"Didn't Chairman Shen say that they will definitely come up with eye-catching products? Then let's help Chairman Shen to promote it well."

When Wen Zaisong said this, he looked at Bai Mingfu and said, "Boss Bai, you are familiar with the situation in Beijing, and you can do some things."

"We must help Mi Ke to build momentum."

Speaking of this, he turned to Pu Yisheng and said, "You also find some experts to question Mi Ke's new products."

"In this way, the two sides have conflicting views, so that we can better create public opinion topics, and we can better achieve the goal of helping Mi Ke to build momentum."

Pu Yisheng smiled and said, "President Wen, don't worry, I will definitely help Mishell Electronics to make this momentum great."

(End of this chapter)

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