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Chapter 1288 The much-anticipated new product

Chapter 1288 The much-anticipated new product
Rice shell electric vehicles are in short supply!
MiKe's LED energy-saving lamps are not only energy-saving, but also bright!

Mi Ke's Walkman is sought after and welcomed by many young people.

Rice shell water heater...

With the rapid development of Mishell Electronics, more and more young people like to use Mishell products.

They feel that the products produced by Mishell Electronics are all high-quality goods.

Even they themselves have begun to use the word shell powder to flaunt themselves.

Xiao Sui, a second-year student in the dormitory building of the University of Technology, listens to music with the Mi Ke Walkman, and at the same time heats the water in the thermos with the Mi Ke Heater.

In just a few minutes, he heard the whistle of boiling water. He quickly got out of bed and unplugged the hot plug.

Just when Xiao Sui poured water into the cup, and was about to drink some hot water beautifully, she saw her roommate walking in quickly.

"Xiao Sui, you're not going out for activities today. There's a basketball game today, and the chemistry department will play against the foreign language department. Go and see." The roommate enthusiastically extended an invitation to Xiao Sui.

Xiao Sui waved his hand and said, "I don't want to go, I might as well read in the dormitory!"

"What book are you reading in the dormitory alone, why don't you go to the library, it's quiet there, maybe there will be chance encounters!"

Listening to her roommate's words, Xiao Sui showed a trace of contempt on her face.

You were going to study, but you were meeting by chance under the guise of studying, okay?
Xiao Sui, complaining in his heart, gently turned on his Walkman, and turned the tape to the other side.

"Brother Sui, please lend me your Walkman, the library is just in use." The roommate glanced at Xiao Sui's Walkman, eyes full of envy.

Looking at his roommate's eyes, Xiao Sui's eyes flashed a glint of complacency. He bought this Walkman after saving for a year's food expenses, so how could he be willing to lend it out.

"I can use it in the dormitory." Xiao Sui calmly refused.

Hearing this ruthless rejection, Xiao Sui's roommate felt helpless.He begged without giving up: "Brother, I only use it for a while, and I will buy you two batteries."

"What do you think? It's a brother's, give me a hand!"

Just as the two were joking and joking, another roommate wearing glasses walked in, holding a newspaper in his hand.

After entering the door, he said directly to Xiao Sui: "Brother, you are a hardcore rice fan. What good things will they release at the autumn conference of Mi Ke this fall?"

Xiao Sui, who was discussing with her roommate, was stunned when she heard this question.

He is well aware that Mishell Electronics has an autumn product launch conference, which is what Shen Lin, the boss of Mishell Electronics, said.

For this press conference, he was full of expectations.

But he really didn't know what products Mishell Electronics would release.

After all, no one told Xiao Sui about this kind of thing!

"How do I know this?" As an honest person, Xiao Sui did not pretend to understand.He immediately asked, "Did the newspaper say something about the product?"

The roommate holding the newspaper said, "It didn't say anything in the newspaper, it just said that people in the know had asked Chairman Shen of Mishell Electronics, and Chairman Shen said that it was definitely not worse than the spring conference."

The roommate who was pestering Xiao Sui to borrow the Walkman raised his head in surprise and said, "It's no worse than the spring conference, how is this possible."

"In the spring, Mishell Electronics released an electric car!"

"Do you know? The teachers in our school, especially the female teachers, are proud of having electric bicycles!"

"Tsk tsk, most of the teachers in our school now have a Mihu electric car!" The roommate holding the newspaper said with emotion: "No, I heard that some time ago, the teacher from the normal school next door Teachers came to us to communicate and saw the neatly arranged electric bicycles in our charging shed, and they were all envious."

"I keep lamenting that our university is rich and powerful!"

Xiao Sui smiled and said: "Our teacher is not rich and powerful. Take Mr. Chen, who teaches us physics, as an example. He helped Mi Ke with some research results, and was recognized by Mi Ke Electronics. I heard that he will directly reward him bought a house."

"He's only under 30 years old, and he's not married yet!"

"Those people who looked down on him at first have all been found now. I think Mr. Chen will soon make a move for Hong Luan."

The classmate holding the newspaper suddenly felt a little crooked.

Aren't you discussing the new products of Mishell Electronics?Why are we talking about Mr. Chen's marriage now?

"Stop talking nonsense here, what I'm talking about is, what kind of products do you think Mi Ke will present at this autumn conference?"

"It's no worse than an electric bicycle!"

After hearing what his roommate said, Xiao Sui pondered for a while and said, "Although I think Boss Shen of Rice Shell Electronics will never disappoint us shell fans, but I really can't think of any good things he can come up with. what!"

"After all, this is compared to electric bicycles!"

Listening to Xiao Sui's words, another roommate said, "I've already thought about the new products of Mishell Electronics."

"This new product is absolutely no worse than the popular Mishell electric bicycle."

Xiao Sui and the roommate holding the newspaper suddenly became interested, and they almost asked urgently, "What do you think you guessed?"

"Brother Sui, if you want to know, first lend me the Walkman for a morning, and I'll buy you batteries." At this moment, my roommate felt like everything was under my control.

Although he was a little annoyed by the coercion of his roommate, Xiao Sui hesitated and handed it over.

Even after listening to it all morning, he was still able to hold back.

"Brother Sui, you are really generous, so let me tell you. I think that the only one that can be as good as the current rice shell electric car is the second generation of the rice shell electric car." The roommate said with a smile: "Boss Shen said so, Absolutely nothing wrong."

Xiao Sui didn't know what to say when he heard the teasing words.

The second generation of electric bicycles seems to be really reasonable!
He froze for a moment, and finally roared: "You've been fooled! Give me back my Walkman!"

And the roommate who was holding the newspaper and wanted to discuss it, shook his head helplessly at this moment.

The second generation of rice shell electric vehicles!
This is really an unreliable statement, but it seems normal. After all, phenomenal products like electric vehicles are really hard to find.

It is indeed a bit embarrassing for Mishell Electronics to come up with a product that can be compared to electric vehicles at the autumn conference after half a year.

But Chairman Shen, since you feel embarrassed, you don't have to do it, and everyone can understand.

But your approach is unacceptable.

Now make the tone so high, and then get a second-generation rice shell electric car, isn't it fooling people!

Not only young people like Xiao Sui, but actually many people started to discuss the new products of Mishell Electronics.

For this new product that is not weaker than electric bicycles, many people are full of expectations and have a trace of instinctive suspicion.

After all, it's too hard!
(End of this chapter)

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