Chapter 1292 Solar Garden Light
Accompanied by Shen Lin's words, Xiao Sui and the others widened their eyes, especially Xiao Sui, whose expression was full of anticipation at this moment.

He really wanted to know what the product that was first brought out by Chairman Shen was.

After all, this is the first product to be unveiled at this press conference!
In fact, not only Xiao Sui, but others also stared wide-eyed.

Since the introduction of electric bicycles, it has been accepted by more and more people.People also pay more attention to the products of Mishell Electronics.

Technology changes life, which is already the perception of many people about Mishell Electronics.

However, under the expectant eyes of everyone, what they saw was a long box-like thing with a handle more than one meter long.

Seeing this new product, almost everyone was stunned.

Mishell Electronics has always been pursuing exquisite and high-end products, but now, your first product is a dark box.

And the workmanship does not look so good.

The moment Xiao Sui saw this thing, her first feeling was, Boss, are you playing with me?

Otherwise, how did you come up with such a thing?
"What is this?" Xiao Sui's companion beside him asked curiously.

Xiao Sui looked at the shining board and glass surface that Shen Lin had already picked up, and guessed, "This seems to be a lamp, right?"

"No way, the autumn press conference of Mishell Electronics turned out to be a lamp, let me go, this... I can't believe it!"

"Isn't it? I thought I was wrong."

"Director Shen, did you take the wrong thing?" Someone couldn't help but shouted loudly towards Shen Lin on the rostrum.

Hearing this shout, Xiao Sui also shouted: "Boss, this product is not a product of your rice shell, is it?"

"Hurry up and change it!"

Listening to these shouts, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Everyone, this is the first new product of Mishell Electronics that I want to introduce to you today."

"Solar Outdoor Lights!"

When Shen Lin said this, he raised the lamp and said: "This outdoor lamp is above a solar panel, which collects solar energy during the day and converts it into electrical energy, which is then stored in our large storage battery."

"Then, at night we just flip the switch and the outdoor light is powered directly."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin asked a staff member to hold the street lamp, and then lightly pulled the switch himself, a bright light immediately shone on the stage.

Listening to Shen Lin's introduction, Xiao Sui felt a lack of interest.

Although this thing seems to be very useful, it seems that there is still a big gap between it and the product that Xiao Sui was looking forward to, which can make his eyes shine.

"Everyone, what I want to say is that our solar outdoor lights, whether it is sunny or cloudy, can be fully charged with the collected electricity, and can supply energy-saving lamps to turn on for twelve hours."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "For this energy-saving lamp, our price is 30 yuan!"

"As long as 30 yuan, we can make our life full of light."

Just when Xiao Sui was feeling disappointed, a middle-aged man stood up and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Shen, how long is the shelf life of your solar lights?"

"Five years, our shelf life is five years!"

"That is to say, as long as you buy our products, we will repair them for free within five years." Shen Lin said: "This means that as long as you spend 30 yuan, you will not have any problems in your yard within five years." There will be a shortage of electricity.”

Hearing Shen Lin's answer, the middle-aged man said with a more serious expression: "Mr. Shen, when I first started, I didn't understand why you took solar lights as the first main product of this conference, but now, I Understood."

"I came from the countryside, and I know very well the situation of electricity use in the village."

"Not to mention the daytime, even at night, it is often due to insufficient power supply. Many children have to read and write under kerosene lamps."

"If your solar lamp can be promoted, their learning environment will definitely be greatly improved."

Listening to the middle-aged man's words, Xiao Sui immediately thought that when he went back to his grandfather's house in the countryside years ago, the whole village was dark at night.

If this kind of solar light is hung in the yard of grandpa's house, can grandpa sit in the yard and smoke a pipe, can grandma chat with neighbors...

Thinking of these, Xiao Sui felt excited.

At this time, Shen Lin said with a smile: "The purpose of this solar lamp we launched is to make everyone's life more comfortable."

"Actually, our solar lights can also be used indoors."

While speaking, Shen Lin began to introduce the use of this energy-saving lamp, and Xiao Sui also saw a reporter in front of him, who had already begun to write in his notebook.

With the light of the fluorescent stick, Xiao Sui saw that the person wrote quickly with a fluent pen: "Technology changes life, and Mi Ke has been practicing it!"

Looking at these words, Xiao Sui's mood became more and more excited.

"Although this solar lamp is not very useful to me, I have to say that if this solar outdoor lamp is popularized, especially in rural areas, it will definitely be a product that is not inferior to Mishell electric vehicles."

Beside Xiao Sui, a young man couldn't help sighing.

"Yeah, I also think this product is not inferior to Mishell's electric car, but when I came to the press conference, I was a little disappointed to see a product that is not very useful to me."

"Why are you disappointed? Think about the children studying in the village. I think this product is more practical than electric bicycles."

In the midst of everyone's discussion, Shen Lin has already picked up the microphone: "I will stop here today for the introduction of solar outdoor lights. If you like this product, you can go to the Mishell Electric Store and call our company. still alright……"

After Shen Lin talked about several purchase methods in one breath, he continued: "The next thing I want to introduce to you is the second product of our Mishell Electronics at this new product launch conference."

"This product is also the flagship product of our Mishell Electronics conference."

"Now, please ask our staff to bring up the utensils that introduce this product. Thank you!"

Following Shen Lin's thank you, several staff members came to the stage quickly.

Xiao Sui and the others originally thought that the solar outdoor lamp was an important product of this conference, but they didn't expect that what they got now would be the blockbuster product.

Being able to be said so by Shen Lin means that the next exhibit is the product that Shen Lin says can rival electric bicycles.

For a moment, almost everyone's eyes widened, wanting to see what kind of product this was.

However, when the staff brought up a 30-inch TV, many people frowned.

Isn't Mi Ke going to make TVs?

(End of this chapter)

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