Chapter 1293: Find out more about VCD

Mishell Electronics makes TVs!

It seems very normal!
In the eyes of Xiao Sui and others, Mishell Electronics has entered the refrigerator industry, so it seems reasonable to enter the TV industry.

After all, in the eyes of many people, Mishell Electronics will enter the TV industry sooner or later.

"Rice shell TV, I'm really looking forward to it!" Someone muttered: "I just don't know what new functions Mr. Shen can add to this TV."

"Hehe, I don't think it's easy to do. Even if it's a rice shell, it's impossible for it to come up with any innovations under the current circumstances."

But in the anticipation of everyone, the staff left soon.

But at this time, everyone's attention has already begun to focus on a bright silver box placed on top of the TV, which looks very beautiful.

The box is forty centimeters long and twenty centimeters wide. It is now connected to electricity and still glowing blue.

"It's not a TV. That TV seems to be made by Shenhong. It's impossible for Mi Ke to promote other people's TVs here."

Finally, someone who recognized the TV brand said loudly.

"That must be this box. What is the use of this box?"

Xiao Sui stared closely at the beautiful box, and her first feeling was that this box must not be simple.

It should be the product that Mr. Shen said is not inferior to electric bicycles.

In the anticipation of everyone, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Everyone, everyone has been asking me, what new products can you have in your autumn new product launch conference."

"My answer to everyone is to ask everyone to wait and see."

"And now, I have the answer for you. Although everyone has different views on the efficacy of this product, in my opinion, it is definitely not inferior to electric bicycles."

While speaking, Shen Lin turned on the TV, and what caught everyone's eyes was a snowflake.

However, when Shen Lin flicked the switch on the box on the TV, the logo of Rice Shell suddenly appeared on the TV.

Accompanied by this logo, it is the rice shell, which uses technology to change life in big red characters.

At the same time, everyone heard a burst of music, and then a line of words appeared on the TV screen: Everything is ready, please put in the DVD.

"Everyone is very tired today, why don't we listen to a song and relax."

While speaking, Shen Lin took out a disc, lightly pressed the opening button, and put the disc in.

The disc was made a long time ago, and as the play button was pressed, a small bridge and flowing water appeared on the TV...

"what a beautiful Jasmine Flower……"

The beautiful singing made all the people present couldn't help but widen their eyes when they felt extremely enjoyed.

"Is this a VCR?"

"No, why is the video recorder so small, this is not a video recorder!"

"I don't think the VCR is as convenient as it is..."

"What is this box?"

When everyone was full of doubts, someone suddenly asked Xiao Sui: "Do you know what this is?"

"I don't know." "I haven't seen it abroad. I just came back this year." An audience member sitting on the left side of Xiao Sui said in an incredible tone: "I came back from the United States, and there is no such thing in the United States." This product!”

Xiao Sui's head was a little buzzing at this moment, he had already realized something, but at this moment, he didn't know what to say.

Rice shell, here is a creative product released, this... this...

Just when Xiao Sui and the others felt that their brains were not enough, the beautiful music had come to an end.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Everyone, there are still 10 minutes left on this disc, but I can't let everyone listen to music with me all the time, let's watch a movie."

While talking, Shen Ling picked up another disc and put it into the VCD.

Accompanied by a burst of majestic singing, a movie that almost everyone is familiar with has come into everyone's eyes.

"The Great Wall will never fall down, and the Yellow River flows for thousands of miles..."

Accompanied by the familiar melody, Xiao Sui's eyes widened even wider.

Only then did he discover that the most wonderful function of this box is not to listen to songs, but to watch movies.

Can I also watch TV shows?
If you have such a box at home, you can watch whatever movies you want.

"Mr. Shen, to interrupt you, I want to ask, is this product an exclusive product of your Mishell Electronics?" A man in his 30s, wearing glasses, shouted excitedly at Shen Lin asked.

Shen Lin looked at the man and said with a smile: "Thank you for your question. This is a VCD disc player developed by our MiKe Electronics. It uses the imaging technology of..."

"In its appearance, we adopted a stainless steel metal plate, in full protection..."

With Shen Lin's introduction, the sound of the movie playing on the TV gradually decreased.Almost everyone looked at the box intently.

"We at MiKe named this product VCD Disc Player. You can also call it VCD. Haha, before launching this product, we have registered technology patents in various countries."

"Everything in it belongs to Mishell Electronics!"

Listening to Shen Lin's answer, Xiao Sui felt a sense of pride in his heart.As he expected, this VCD player was indeed developed by Mi Ke himself. Boss Shen Lin never disappoints people.

"We designed a total of three colors for this disc player, namely silver, red and gold."

Shen Lin went on to introduce: "What kind of color do you like, you can buy it at will. Of course, if you have a better model design, please let us know. Once adopted, we will also have a mysterious award for the designer. !"

Shen Lin held the microphone in his hand and said, "Now, someone will definitely ask me about the price of this DVD player. After all, how can everyone not be moved by such a good thing."

Shen Lin's words really touched the hearts of many people. Some people have already asked eagerly: "Director Shen, how much is the price of this VCD player?"

"Mr. Shen, is this disk player of yours less than 5000 yuan?"

Shen Lin looked down, and the audience who had already fallen into excitement felt a burst of joy in their hearts.

He knew that his product launch this time was a complete success.

The future sales of VCDs will probably be in short supply.

He was in a good mood, took two steps slowly, and said solemnly: "The purpose of our MiKe Electronics has always been to facilitate the lives of all users, and the same is true for this VCD player."

"So, the price of this disc player is..."

After Shen Lin finished speaking halfway, he turned to the back of the TV and said, "Look at the big screen!"

(End of this chapter)

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