Chapter 1295 The Tough Rival

As a competitor, Wen Zaisong has been paying attention to the press conference of Mishell Electronics.

Although Shen Lin said that he would be given tickets to the press conference, he would not attend such a press conference no matter what.

After all, if he goes, the worst impact will be their own products, so he can't go.

However, among the people who came to the press conference, there were people from them.

And it's not just one person, not only that, everyone who comes to participate has a big brother.

Therefore, he can grasp the latest information of the press conference at any time.

Although Wen Zaisong can conclude that Shen Lin can't release an explosive product like an electric bicycle, this press conference also makes him feel anxious.

Sitting in the office, he chatted with Park Yisheng.

However, before they said a few words, their topic would shift to the press conference of Mishell Electronics.

"Mr. Park, I think we seem to have chosen the wrong opponent!" Wen Zaisong's words were full of emotion: "Mike Electronics is a hard bone, so it's not easy to chew on! This guy Shen Lin is more like a dog." Like a hedgehog, people have no place to talk!"

Park Yisheng can be said to empathize with this sentence.

He nodded and said, "Boss Wen, you are right, Mishell Electronics is really easy to deal with."

"However, if we can't defeat the rice shell electronics, I'm afraid we will always be affected and constrained by it."

While the two were talking, Wen Zaisong's phone rang.Wen Zaisong checked the time and found that the product launch event of Mishell Electronics had only started ten minutes ago.

At this moment, he felt a little nervous.

Because this means that Shen Lin has released the product.

The subordinates called so eagerly, could it be that some surprising product appeared!

He answered the phone, listened to a few words on the other end of the phone, and hung up the phone in a hurry.

Park Yisheng, who had the same idea as Wen Zaisong, kept staring at Wen Zaisong's expression, saw him hang up the phone with a serious expression, and asked a little eagerly: "Mr. Wen, is the product over there released?"

"Yes, released."

There was a hint of weirdness in Wen Zaisong's expression.

This look made Pu Yisheng a little nervous. He said in a deep voice, "Mr. Wen, what kind of product is it? Is it really not inferior to electric bicycles?"

Listening to Pu Yisheng's words, Wen Zaisong hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Speaking of which, the value of this product is really not inferior to that electric bicycle."

Such remarks immediately made Pu Yisheng's expression change.

He looked at Wen Zaisong intently, waiting for him to continue.

Because he knows that if this product is really as valuable as an electric bicycle, Wen Zaisong's expression at this time will definitely not be so relaxed.

However, Wen Zaisong gave such a high evaluation.

"Mishell Electronics released a solar garden lamp. The function of this product is to hang energy-saving lamps in the courtyard. It does not need to be powered on at night. The power source converted by Tianyang can light up for ten hours. "

Speaking of this, he solemnly said: "According to our people, it is very bright."

"The new technology of LED energy-saving lamps should be used here!"

"I believe this product will spread quickly and be welcomed by many people. After all, in many rural areas, the power supply is not too sufficient."

Listening to Wen Zaisong's explanation, Pu Yisheng was stunned for a moment and said, "Mr. Wen, what is the price of this product?"

"30 yuan!"

"I'm talking about great unity!"

After Wen Zaisong finished speaking, Park Yisheng took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Wen, although I don't know the cost of this product of Mishell Electronics, I feel that it is almost difficult for Mishell Electronics to earn anything from this product. Big money."

"After all, its price is too low." Wen Zaisong nodded: "So, after hearing about this product, I wasn't too anxious."

"However, with the release of this product, Mishell Electronics will have a significant improvement in terms of reputation and other aspects."

"Shen Lin has a heart." Wen Zaisong said here, with a hint of admiration in his voice: "A product like his doesn't care about cost and benefit, but values ​​social benefits. It will definitely arouse a wide range of benign responses."

Pu Yisheng studied with Wen Zaisong and has made great progress. Now that he is allowed to go to other places, he can basically be alone.

"General Manager Wen, I think Shen Lin said that this product is not inferior to electric bicycles, and it seems to be true."

Pu Yisheng rubbed his eyes, and said with sincere emotion: "This Shen Lin, I'm afraid he has already figured it out, so he told us that his products are not inferior to electric bicycles."

Wen Zaisong smiled, but did not speak.

The two continued to drink tea, but at this moment, the expressions of both of them relaxed.

After all, Mi Ke's new product launch event is over for the two of them.

Even if Shen Lin released some upgraded versions of old products, there was no threat to them.

"Mr. Wen, let's find a place today and have a quick drink. The hometown shochu that I sent someone has already arrived."

Pu Yisheng smiled and said, "Please taste it, is it authentic?"

Wen Zaisong nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go taste it, we haven't had it for a while..."

Just as Wen Zaisong was speaking, the phone rang in a hurry.

Wen Zaisong picked up the phone. After hearing the words inside, he couldn't help but said excitedly: "What, VCD player?"

"A more advanced machine than a video recorder."

"One set costs less than 3000 yuan!"

"How could they do that!"

Wen Zaisong's voice became faster and faster. After asking a few questions, he didn't put down the phone, but held the phone, and said nothing in a daze.

Pu Yisheng felt that something must have happened, otherwise, with Wen Zaisong's self-cultivation, he would never lose his composure like this.

"General Manager Wen, what happened?"

Park Yisheng asked cautiously, but Wen Zaisong didn't respond to his question.

This kind of reaction made Park Yisheng feel even more bad.

The relationship between him and Wen Zaisong is extraordinary, and now, Wen Zaisong's reaction like this shows a problem, that is, the things mentioned on the phone must have exceeded Wen Zaisong's imagination.

That's why Wen Zaisong lost his composure.

Just when he was hesitating whether to talk to Wen Zaisong again, Wen Zaisong suddenly sighed and said, "Mr. Park, I can't think of it!"

"VCD is the focus of Shen Lin's press conference."

"I don't know what a VCD is yet, but from the description, I feel like it's a new type of video playback machine, like a video recorder."

"Or more advanced."

Although it was just a simple description, after listening to these, Pu Yisheng already understood.

Pu Yisheng, who was more and more jealous of Shen Lin, couldn't help but said: "Mr. Wen, what is the price of this DVD player?"

"2999 yuan." After Wen Zaisong said this, he added: "For export, it is 3999 yuan."

Hearing these two different prices, Pu Yisheng frowned tightly.

He didn't even understand what kind of operation this was!Shen Lin, how could he do this!
(End of this chapter)

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