Chapter 1296

Pu Yisheng couldn't figure out Shen Lin's purpose for a while, but Bai Mingfu was very clear about Shen Lin's purpose in his operation.

He also sent someone there, and he got the news no later than Wen Zaisong and others.

When he heard about solar garden lights, Bai Mingfu couldn't help but think of his hometown.

Back then, when he was a child, what he wished the most was that the lights at home could be turned on, so that he would not be allowed to do his homework under the dim kerosene lamp.

However, due to the problem of power supply, it is not easy for him to realize his wish in his hometown.

But now, hearing the introduction of solar garden lights, Bai Mingfu's eyes lit up.

He has already thought that this kind of lamp is in the sun during the day, collects solar energy, and brings it into the house at night, so that the whole family can be illuminated.

Children can do their homework under this lamp.

Mother can mend clothes under this light.

Even my father can leisurely sip a few sips of soju under this kind of lamp...

When the price of this solar garden light came out, Bai Mingfu admired it even more.

Although he didn't know how much the garden light cost, he could feel that Shen Lin and Mi Ke Electronics didn't make much money from this kind of garden light.

"Brother Sun, Mr. Shen is a person who can't be admired. With the launch of this energy-saving lamp, I don't know how many people will admire Mr. Shen!"

Sun Kang's expression also carried a trace of solemnity: "Mike Electronics can invent this product, but it has solved many major problems in many places!"

"The price of 30 yuan is really low enough!"

Bai Mingfu nodded and said, "I understand why Mishell Electronics set the price so low."

"Actually, according to the value of this product, even if the price is more than 100, the supply will exceed the demand."

"In that case, Chairman Shen and Mi Ke will surely earn a lot of money."

"But Shen Lin deliberately lowered the price of this product in order to allow more people who need him to use this product."

"Oh, you can't accept this kind of mind!"

Sun Kang didn't say a word. Although he admired Shen Lin in his heart, he was not Bai Mingfu after all.

As the boss, Bai Mingfu can say whatever he wants, but Sun Kang is just a laborer, so he has to be careful when speaking.

"When I met Chairman Shen this time, I have to admit that he didn't brag. His products are indeed no worse than electric bicycles."

"In addition, please contact Shen Lin for me, and tell us that Jiale Electric is willing to help Mishell Electronics sell this energy-saving lamp for free."

"Please Mr. Shen believe in our sincerity."

Sun Kang nodded and said, "Okay, after the press conference is over, I will contact Mishell Electronics."

Bai Mingfu tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and he already had a strong feeling that if he fought against the Mishell Electric Mall again, he might really have no hope of winning.

Not to mention anything else, let’s talk about the support of Mishell Electronics to the Mishell Electric Store, plus the fact that I am a student of the Rice Shell Electric Store, the two add up...

If energy-saving lamps made Bai Mingfu feel a little depressed, then the news about VCD made Bai Mingfu feel a little desperate.

As the owner of Jiale Electric Appliances, he certainly knows the price of VCRs, and he is also very clear about the desire of many people for VCRs.

It's just that the video recorder is too expensive, and the video tape is also expensive.

The combination of these two makes many people shy away from video recorders.But now, Mi Ke has launched a VCD that he has never even heard of.

This price is only about 3000 yuan machine.

No, it should be said that the export price is 4000 yuan, and the internal price is 3000 yuan.

The gap between the two is not that big!
Boss Shen, who has already gained a wave of prestige by using low-priced energy-saving lamps, has been harvesting his prestige non-stop.

After this incident, I am afraid that Boss Shen's golden body will become more stable, and people's views on Mishell Electronics will also...

Also, how much profit is there.

If your own shopping mall does not sell this kind of VCD, then the competition with MiKe Electronics may become even more difficult.

After careful consideration, Bai Mingfu started to contact Wen Zaisong.

Although he admires Shen Lin, he still wants to stand by his side when it comes to the survival of Jiale Electric.

"Mr. Wen, have you seen the VCD player launched by MiKe Electric? Do you think we can produce the same product?"

Wen Zaisong felt helpless when he heard Bai Mingfu's straightforward question.

When Bai Mingfu asked the question, he had already started thinking about it.

After all, if you want to solve the problem of VCD, you need to produce the same products as MiKe Electronics.But after hearing the patents Shen Lin prepared at the promotion meeting, Wen Zaisong knew that this might not be easy.

Not to mention that they can't beat Mi Ke in terms of profit when producing the same product. Most importantly, they not only have to face the patent lawsuit of Mi Ke, but it is also difficult to export.

However, the rice shell side can create a steady stream of profits by relying on exports.

As each thought flashed, Wen Zaisong said solemnly: "Boss Bai, I already know the news."

"However, I haven't seen the prototype yet, so I don't know if it can be imitated."

Speaking of this, he pondered for a while and said: "Riceshell Electronics has applied for patents from various parties. If we want to imitate it, we can only do it in a small way."

Wen Zaisong seemed particularly helpless when he said the words "small fights and troubles".

Of course, Bai Mingfu understood the meaning of making small troubles, he pondered for a while and said: "Mr. Wen, if the DVD player really becomes a hot seller, we..."

Bai Mingfu didn't say what happened to us, but Wen Zaisong understood the meaning of his words.

Cracks have already appeared in the cooperation between me and Jiale Electric Appliances. If I can't come up with corresponding means in this regard, then Bai Mingfu is likely to invest in Shen Lin.

Although Wen Zaisong was not afraid of such threats, he was also a little helpless. He turned to Bai Mingfu on the other end of the phone and said, "Boss Bai, according to my estimation, no one can stop this kind of sales. .”

"What we can do now is to look at the situation first."

Bai Mingfu sighed, and hung up the phone gently. He knew that what Wen Zaisong said was reasonable, but this kind of statement made him feel very uncomfortable.

After all, Mishell Electronics has more and more new products, and the most uncomfortable thing is their Jiale Electrical Appliances Store.

In some rumors I have heard, some people have even said that Jiale Electric does not even have Mishell Electronics products, and it should be going downhill.

Although there are not many such sayings, they are extremely harsh to Bai Mingfu's ears.

He Bai Mingfu, when did he encounter such a situation?

However, Bai Mingfu felt very clearly that the influence of Mishell Electronics' press conference had not yet come out, and the impact would be truly revealed after the press conference was broadcast!
(End of this chapter)

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