Chapter 1297 Sudden Touch

As a college student, Chen Xiaoyou's main job is to study.

However, as an enthusiast of rice shell products, he pays great attention to the affairs of rice shells.

But it's a pity that he didn't have a chance to watch Mi Ke's new product launch conference, so although he felt itchy in his heart, he could only wait.

"Xiaoyou, what are you thinking?" A classmate came to Chen Xiaoyou's side and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

"The product release conference of Mi Ke should have ended, and I don't know what new products will be brought." Chen Xiaoyou looked at his companion, with a hint of melancholy in his words.

The classmate was stunned for a moment, and said helplessly: "Let's go, it's time to have dinner, and there is a TV in the cafeteria, maybe you can see the news about Mishell Electronics' autumn conference."

Listening to the comfort of his classmates, Chen Xiaoyou said helplessly: "Brother, look at the time, it is [-]:[-], and when we go to the cafeteria for dinner, only the [-]:[-] news is broadcast."

"You know? News at seven o'clock!"

Having said that, Chen Xiaoyou smiled wryly.

The classmate scratched his head and said: "Xiaoyou, maybe he will be on it, after all, Boss Shen of Mike Electronics is still very famous."

Chen Xiaoyou snorted, but finally said: "Okay, then let's go and have a look, it happens to be time for dinner."

The food in the cafeteria will never make Chen Xiaoyou feel the joy of being a cook!
He just ate it bite by bite in order not to feel hungry.

After swallowing a mouthful of steamed buns, Chen Xiaoyou said to his companion, "What product are you talking about, it can be compared with electric bicycles."

Hearing Chen Xiaoyou's question, the classmate looked at Chen Xiaoyou twice and said, "I think, the computer is fine."


Hearing this answer, Chen Xiaoyou unceremoniously said this to his companion.

"Xiaoyou, don't speculate here. Since the electric bicycle was produced, I don't know how much sensation it has produced."

"Tsk tsk, now our school has basically one female teacher per capita. It seems that if you don't buy an electric bicycle, you will lose face." The companion said with a smile: "In this situation, what can you say to compare with it? .”

"Actually, our professor said that if Mishell Electronics devotes itself to the development of electric bicycles, they will be able to continue to be brilliant for decades."

"Think about it, who can compare to this kind of future."

"I think your Boss Shen, the biggest possibility is to launch the second generation of electric vehicles for us, tsk tsk, after I graduate, I will also save money to buy an electric bicycle."

Although Chen Xiaoyou felt that his friend was talking about running the train, he also felt that what he said was not unreasonable. For Mishell Electronics, as long as the current basic market is consolidated, it will be the biggest victory.

But he really didn't want the company in his mind to be so unwilling to make progress.

"Don't forget the original intention, move forward with inspiration!"

Just when Chen Xiaoyou felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, he suddenly heard such a sentence in his ears.

This is a sentence from the TV.

The moment he heard this sentence, his eyes fell on the TV, and he heard the announcer say in a deep voice: "Miike Electronics held their autumn new product launch conference at the Mike Building in Donghai today."

"I'll go, it's amazing!"

"A new product launch event of Mi Ke made the news!"

"That's awesome, it really is my Chairman Shen!"

Hearing these bluffing voices, Chen Xiaoyou simply put down his job. He really wanted to yell and tell these guys to keep their voices down so that he wouldn't delay his old man from watching TV.

At this time, I heard the above continue: "In order to completely solve the problem of electricity consumption for urban and rural residents, Mishell Electronics has finally developed a solar garden light through unremitting efforts."

"This garden light mainly uses solar energy for lighting!" "Its principle is..."

"This solar energy-saving lamp, as long as it is placed outdoors, even if it is cloudy, it can also fully charge the battery!"

"Within eight hours, it can be fully used for lighting."

Hearing this introduction, Chen Xiaoyou clicked his mouth and said: "To be honest, this new product is really amazing."

"But unfortunately, it's not what I expected!"

The companions understood what Chen Xiaoyou meant, after all, they didn't need this kind of garden lights.

But the classmate said with emotion: "Xiaoyou, we don't need it. After all, our school has electricity every day, but some places really need it!"

"For example, some students in our class from the countryside, according to them, as long as they go home, half of the night is spent in the dark."

"Mr. Shen invented this product to solve the lighting problem!"

Chen Xiaoyou naturally understands the reason behind this, but this... This and his expectations are full of surprises!

"This kind of lamp should not be practical, it may be too expensive, who can afford it!" A young man sitting at the table next to Chen Xiaoyou said with emotion.

Too expensive!

When Chen Xiaoyou heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and immediately felt that this product should not be cheap.

After all, it is solar energy, battery and LED energy-saving lamp.

The combination of these things, even if sold for 200 yuan each, is cheap.

And in rural areas, there are probably not too many people who are willing to spend 200 yuan to buy such a lamp.

Just when some people were sighing that the products promoted by Mishell Electronics this time were not practical although they were not low in technology, the so-called expert said in a deep voice: "The products of Mishell Electronics are not only technological High content and very practical."

"More importantly, its price is very close to the people, and ordinary people can afford it."

"The price of 30 yuan made me think that the product of Mishell Electronics should not be profitable after studying its cost."

30 yuan!

Chen Xiaoyou's eyes widened.

Although 30 yuan is quite a lot, it is enough for their food expenses for half a month, but 30 yuan to buy such a solar lamp is really a bargain!

For a moment, Chen Xiaoyou felt that the big rice shell logo on the TV screen was so kind.

"30 yuan each, the rice shell is good."

"As expected of the conscience of the industry, even the experts say, 30 yuan, Director Shen is not making any money at all!"

"But the more you don't make money, the more benefits you can bring to more people."

"Chairman Shen, you are really my idol!"

In the midst of this messy discussion, Chen Xiaoyou suddenly heard applause. He saw more than a dozen classmates, and suddenly stood up and applauded the TV.

After a moment of bewilderment, Chen Xiaoyou also stood up and applauded.

Although the man who had already held the Mi Ke product launch conference would not hear their applause, Chen Xiaoyou felt that in this case, he should still applaud, and he should pay tribute to Mi Ke, a conscientious enterprise that pursues social integrity. Congratulations to the righteous act of efficiency first!

The applause became louder and louder, so much so that the entire restaurant burst into applause.

(End of this chapter)

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