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Chapter 1298 Stay up late to watch the press conference

Chapter 1298 Stay up late to watch the press conference

As the applause continued, the news screen flashed and said: "In addition to launching solar garden lights, MiKe Electronics's press conference also launched an exclusively developed VCD player."

"This new product uses new technology to compress the video to...and then play it through the DVD player."

"Now, Mishell Electronics has registered patents around the world, and the patents on various technologies of DVD players are..."

As the sound sounded, the scene of the DVD player playing the movie appeared on the big screen of the TV.

Chen Xiaoyou looked at the silver DVD player, his eyes lit up immediately.

At this moment, he realized that the rice shell electronic product launch conference he was looking forward to had really come back.

This is what I expected.


Master various patents!
And it has applied for patent protection on a global scale!
A series of words made all the young people present feel deeply moved.

As a college student, they already have the ability to think independently, and they have clearly seen the gap in electronic technology.

Many people feel that there is still a long way to go to catch up with those large electronics companies.

But now, the emergence of MiKe VCD player has made many people realize that this gap is not too big.

But just when Chen Xiaoyou looked at the TV screen greedily, the picture on the screen changed and turned into an elegant and intellectual female host. She heard her say in a solemn voice: "Investment in scientific research" , let us come to the next level again in VCD technology..."

"At 11:30 tonight, this station will broadcast the status of the Mishell Electronics product launch."

Hearing this comment and the preview of the show, Chen Xiaoyou's face suddenly brightened with a smile.

"Oh, what's going on, I remember it very clearly, it's a ball game at eleven o'clock tonight, it's my favorite..."

A fat man standing beside Chen Xiaoyou yelled angrily, "Why is this happening? Isn't it supposed to broadcast the ball game?"

"Isn't it obvious that it was squeezed out by the rice shell electronics conference. Grandma's, this is the first time I've seen that the product conference squeezed out the scheduled programs."

The complaining classmate yelled: "Mishell Electronics must be in operation, otherwise, how could their press conference squeeze out the ball game!"

When Chen Xiaoyou heard this, he was immediately annoyed.

Although he has never met this classmate, it is impossible for him to say that about Mishell Electronics.

Just when he was about to stand up, someone said: "Nonsense, the reason why Mishell Electronics' press conference can squeeze out the football program this time is because Mishell Electronics' press conference has something that we pay attention to and be proud of." results."

“The two products of MiKe solar garden lights and MiKe VCD are enough to make many people look forward to this conference.”

"As for the football game, when can't you watch it?"

Being teased back like this, the classmate who couldn't watch the game instinctively wanted to reply, but when he found that there were many people in the restaurant looking at him with unfriendly eyes, this made him suddenly quiet down.

A hero doesn't suffer from immediate disadvantages. At this time, it's wise to choose to shut up.

Reluctantly watching the news at seven o'clock, Chen Xiaoyou went to wash his aluminum lunch box and said, "Oh, when will it be eleven o'clock, I can't wait!"

"Don't think about it, just think about where you are watching TV at eleven o'clock."

"The restaurant is closed."

Seeing Chen Xiaoyou's expectant look, the classmate couldn't help pouring cold water on him.

After hearing the reminder from his classmates, Chen Xiaoyou realized that he was thinking too much.There are several TV sets in the school, but these TVs all play at scheduled times. There is no one that plays until eleven o'clock.

In the evening, I went to a small restaurant with a TV to eat, and took the opportunity to watch the press conference of Mishell Electronics.

As soon as this thought came up, Chen Xiaoyou felt a pain in his flesh, after all, it would cost money.

Just when he was gritting his teeth and preparing to mainly eat pickled vegetables and steamed buns this week, someone shouted loudly: "Good news, good news!"

"The school announced that the big TVs in the dining room and auditorium are open tonight."

"Students who want to watch the rice shell electronic conference can queue up to watch."

Hearing this news, Chen Xiaoyou felt that he almost jumped up. This is really good news for him.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, when Chen Xiaoyou sat on a stool he had brought and looked at the dark crowd all around, he was filled with admiration.

I know, they are watching the new product launch conference of Mishell Electronics, but I don't know, I thought they gathered together to watch a movie!

There are too many people here.

When did the shell powder in our school become so much?

While chatting boredly with his classmates and waiting for the TV to start broadcasting, he heard someone say, "Xiaoqian, aren't you not interested in Mi Ke's products?"

"I don't want to come either, but our teacher said that the new products of Mishell Electronics are very forward-looking for the future development of the electronics industry."

"He asked us to come over and take a look, and then each of us would write a review. Oh, tell me, where can I find such an assignment?"

When Chen Xiaoyou heard this complaint, he stopped talking immediately, but in his heart, his admiration for that teacher was like a rolling river, flowing endlessly.

And at eleven o'clock, the big screen of the TV quickly turned into the scene of the Mishell Electronics conference.

When the scene of Shen Lin boarding the rostrum appeared under the bright light, a burst of applause began to resound in the restaurant.

Although everyone knew very well that this kind of applause would not be heard by Shen Lin who had already held the press conference, but there were still many people applauding desperately.

When Shen Lin spoke, the applause began to subside, and when the first product, the solar garden light, was taken out and started to illuminate, more and more people applauded.

"It would be great if we had a few solar garden lights like this here."

"The quality of Mi Ke's products is still outstanding."

"I'm going, this is simply an artifact of energy-saving lighting!"

Although Chen Xiaoyou and the others already knew that the price of this product was [-], when Shen Lin announced the price, they couldn't help applauding.

Applause for Mishell Electronics for positioning such a blockbuster product that can make a lot of money so cheap.

However, the real wave of applause came when the VCD was announced. Chen Xiaoyou looked at the patent pictures one by one and felt very excited.

Although some of them were bought by Mi Ke, more of them were researched by Mi Ke Electronics.

This filled his heart with pride.

After the price of VCD appeared, Chen Xiaoyou felt that applause could bring down the roof.

Looking at the two compared prices, Chen Xiaoyou felt that he was a little crazy today!

(End of this chapter)

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