Chapter 1299
Shen Lin is very busy!

Take interviews, take pictures, answer questions...

From the end of the press conference to eight o'clock in the evening, Shen Lin felt that he was busy running around and had no time to rest.

After dealing with the last thing, Shen Lin felt that he almost collapsed on the ground.

He nestled on the sofa and stretched for a long time.

Although he had eaten something before, he was still hungry at the moment.

"Xiaomei, do we have anything to eat here?" Shen Lin casually asked Fang Xiaomei.

Fang Xiaomei was also exhausted today.

Although she doesn't have to answer questions like Shen Lin, there are some things that she, as a secretary, needs to coordinate and deal with in a timely manner.

Seeing Shen Lin's exhausted appearance at this time, she said softly: "Mr. Shen, we don't have a kitchen here. Otherwise, I'll send someone out to buy some things?"

Shen Lin glanced at the sky and said, "Forget it, let's go out and eat."

"Call it to Chengzi, find a small restaurant to deal with it."

For Shen Lin's arrangement, Fang Xiaomei agreed with both hands. After all, she was also starving, so going out to eat something would fill her stomach.

While Shen Lin was speaking, a staff member of the Donghai branch quickly came over and said, "Mr. Shen, this is the call we received today, and we all want you to call back."

While speaking, he handed over a thick stack of paper.

When Fang Xiaomei saw this stack of papers, she frowned, wondering why the staff in Donghai were so ignorant.

The thing for Mr. Shen, why is it...

But when she opened the stack of papers, she found that it was densely packed with the identities and phone numbers of the contacts.

Looking at the list that needs to be called back, Fang Xiaomei handed it to Shen Lin helplessly.

Shen Lin picked up the information and glanced at it, then directly filtered out most of the people. For him, there are so many calls now that he can't finish answering them, so he only looks at the most important ones.

When Shen Lin saw Zhong Tianyang's name, he waved to Fang Xiaomei and said, "Let's leave later, I'll make a few calls."

"Mr. Shen, why don't I ask someone to buy it back." Fang Xiaomei knew that although Shen Lin said that he only made a few phone calls, it was difficult to grasp how long it would take.

Shen Lin hesitated for a moment and said, "Forget it, let's go out to eat."

While speaking, Shen Lin picked up the phone and dialed Zhong Tianyang.

The phone rang three times, and Zhong Tianyang's voice came over: "I'm Zhong Tianyang, who is that?"

"Brother, I'm Shen Lin. I'm sorry to call you back just now." After the call was connected, Shen Lin said with a smile.

After hearing Shen Lin's words, Zhong Tianyang smiled and said, "Shen Lin, I don't think you have time to call me back today!"

"To tell you the truth, I just finished my work and saw you call." Shen Lin said with emotion: "I'm so tired today, I want to go to sleep now."

"In this press conference, you Mishell Electronics showed your face. You have been on the news for more than 2 minutes!"

When Zhong Tianyang said this, he said with emotion: "But your products are indeed tough enough!"

"In my opinion, although your solar garden lights make less money, they are extremely practical and can solve many problems." "I don't care about other places. Here, you must open up the supply and never give I’m out of stock!”

Listening to Zhong Tianyang's request, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Brother, don't worry, I must give the sales department a death order, and request that no matter what, your goods cannot be broken."

"Okay, Shen Lin, your press conference this time was very successful. As long as Mi Ke continues to do this, I believe you will receive more and more support."

Speaking of this, he pondered for a while and said: "I heard that because of this press conference, the above-mentioned opinions on Mishell Electronics are getting better and better."

Shen Lin understood the meaning of Zhong Tianyang's words, and he said solemnly: "Thank you Brother Zhong, I know what to do next."

After chatting with Zhong Tianyang about some family matters, Shen Lin put down the phone.But he just rested for a minute and started making other calls.

Half an hour later, when Fang Xiaomei came over to see if Shen Lin could go to dinner, she heard that Shen Lin was talking on the phone with Lu Daqing.

In Lu Daqing's words, there was a hint of a smile and he said: "Mr. Shen, I have received several complaint calls today!"

"They said that the price of your rice shell is obviously unfriendly to their customers! They have had good cooperation with Mishell in the past!"

Listening to Lu Daqing's words, Shen Lin said with a smile: "Brother, if they complain, you just push me here. After all, we trade fairly."

"They think the price is high, so they don't need to buy ours. I didn't ask them to buy my things. We don't do forced buying and selling, what do you think?"

Hearing Shen Lin's words, Lu Daqing couldn't help laughing and said, "Mr. Shen, what you said makes me feel very comfortable."

"Grandma, when we bought their products back then, they all had the same attitude. They always said that you love to buy and buy, and if you don't buy it, I don't care about selling it."

"At that time, I thought, when, we can have this kind of addiction once."

"I didn't expect that Chairman Shen helped me realize my thought."

After Shen Lin said something, Lu Daqing said with a smile: "Mr. Shen, I'm calling this time because I was entrusted by our boss, and I want to ask if you can still participate in the trade fair next year. "

"After all, without Chairman Shen participating, we don't have enough confidence in our hearts!"

Hearing Lu Daqing's compliment, Shen Lin couldn't help but said, "Brother Lu, what you said really thinks highly of me."

"I have a few pounds and a few ounces myself, and I know very well that even without me, Brother Lu, you can still come up with a satisfactory answer."

"But since you said it, Brother Lu, then I will absolutely participate."

When Lu Daqing got the answer he wanted, he told Shen Lin a few words and came back, invited him to have a good drink, and hung up the phone.

"Chairman Shen, can you go out to eat now?" Fang Xiaomei asked the tired Shen Lin.

"Let's go, let's go out." Shen Lin waved his hands and said, "This time, no matter who calls, I'm not going to answer it!"

"After all, no matter how big a thing is, it's not as important as filling your stomach."

But just as Shen Lin was about to leave, the phone rang again.Shen Lin hesitated for a moment, then waved at Fang Xiaomei.

The meaning is obvious, that is to tell Fang Xiaomei, if it is someone who is not important, don't bother.

Fang Xiaomei answered the phone, and after saying a few words, she turned to Shen Lin and said, "Mr. Shen, this is lawyer Zhang Yuqing. She said she has something important to report to you."

Shen Lin heard that it was Zhang Yuqing, so he answered the phone, and just after connecting, Zhang Yuqing said on the other end of the phone: "Mr. Shen, we might be in trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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