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Chapter 1300: Teach Shen Lin a lesson

Chapter 1300: Teach Shen Lin a lesson

Zhang Yuqing's words stunned Shen Lin for a moment.

His first feeling was that there was trouble with MiKe VCD's patent.

If that's the case, it's really not a small matter.

But Shen Lin calmed himself down immediately, and then said in a deep voice, "Lawyer Zhang, what's the trouble?"

"Director Shen, I received calls from two or three shopping malls that cooperate with us. They are dissatisfied with the fact that our VCD is priced at 3999 outside."

"Hopefully we can correct this mistake as soon as possible and treat all people equally in terms of price."

"Among them, Mr. Walson from Jialifu is included!"

Hearing Zhang Yuqing say that it was only a matter of price, Shen Lin heaved a long sigh of relief. He thought it was a problem in other aspects!
Since it was only someone who raised objections to the price, this was not a big problem for him.

So Shen Lin smiled and said: "Don't worry about them, if they think the price is not suitable, they don't have to buy our products."

"After all, our domestic supply is still somewhat insufficient."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin was a little worried: "There is nothing wrong with our patents, right?"

Hearing Shen Lin suddenly mention patents, Zhang Yuqing was stunned for a moment, and then realized what Shen Lin was worried about.

She said with a smile: "We use a small and inconspicuous patent to create such a powerful product, which many people can't think of."

"I'm afraid even the gentleman who made this technology will be surprised."

"However, Chairman Shen, please rest assured that our contract has no loopholes at all. If that gentleman breaks the contract, not only will he not get any benefits, but he will also face sky-high compensation."

"So, no matter how uncomfortable he feels, he can only endure it."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "That's fine."

After chatting with Shen Lin for a few more words, Zhang Yuqing smiled and said, "Mr. Shen, the products released by Mishell Electronics have made me more and more confident in Mishell."

"With Mi Ke's support, I plan to set up a new law firm that is entirely my own. I hope that I can continue to cooperate with Director Shen in the future."

Establish a new law firm!

After Shen Lin was stunned for a moment, he realized that Zhang Yuqing had earned a lot of money and wanted to do something big.

After Mi Ke, he has a lot of international affairs. It is very important for Shen Lin to have a law firm that knows the basics.

He smiled and said, "Congratulations to Lawyer Zhang, it seems that I will call you Lawyer Zhang from now on!"

"I also hope that Lawyer Zhang can provide Mi Ke with better services, and I also believe that Lawyer Zhang's career will reach a higher level."

Listening to Shen Lin's words, Zhang Yuqing smiled and said, "Mr. Shen, I'm actually a little nervous."

"However, as the business of Mishell Electronics grows bigger and bigger, if I am still a small law firm, I think that in the end, I will lose the agency rights of Mishell."

"After all, Mi Ke will become a world-class company in the future."

"How can I not try hard?"

The words Zhang Yuqing said were not only a compliment to Shen Lin, but also her sincere words.

After all, the current situation of Mishell Electronics is very clear in her heart.

As the companies that Mishell Electronics deals with are getting higher and higher, if her law firm remains unknown, even if Shen Lin thinks of the friendship and cooperation these years, but what about Shen Lin's subordinates?
Do those people think that their law firm and Mi Ke have cooperated for many years?
After chatting with Zhang Yuqing for a few words and saying that he was going to attend the opening ceremony of Zhang Yuqing's law firm in person, Shen Lin hung up the phone.

And when Shen Lin was hungry and looking for a place to eat, several people were discussing in a high-end hotel in Xiangjiang.

They didn't drink. In front of everyone was a bottle of mineral water.Sitting in the middle is Watson from Jialifu.

At this time, compared with the previous period, he looked younger and more powerful.

But when he looked at these partners, his heart was filled with emotion.

As the vice president in charge of procurement of Jialifu, not only has he been promoted to a higher level, but he is still in charge of procurement.

However, those former competitors or partners are no longer visible.

Such as Lavro, such as...

Looking at these young people and thinking of those old friends, Walson's heart was full of emotion.

"Everyone, although we are all in Xiangjiang recently, we haven't seen each other very much. Come on, let's replace wine with water, which can be regarded as a celebration for our meeting."

While speaking, Walson held up the mineral water in front of him.

For the proposal of the old man Walson, the people present did not object, and almost everyone raised the mineral water in their hands.

Of course, whether to drink or not, it all depends on each other.

Walsen took a sip of ice-cold water, and then said in a deep voice, "The reason why I invited everyone here is only one purpose."

“That’s why I want to ask everyone’s opinion on MiKe Electronics’ VCD pricing this time.”

As soon as Walson finished speaking, a young man said: "I think we should unite and teach some companies who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth a profound lesson."

"For example, Mishell Electronics, his pricing is simply aimed at us."

"So I suggest that we all work together and no one buys their VCDs. We can even stop purchasing their other products so that they know the consequences of offending us."

Hearing the youthful words, Walson frowned suddenly.

But before he could open his mouth, someone said in a deep voice, "I agree with Jerry's proposal. I think we should hit hard against an unfriendly business like Mike Electronics."

"For example, we don't buy their air fryers, such as their refrigerators. In that case, it will be difficult for their rice shell electronics to appear in our market."

"When they realize their loss, they know how to bow to us."



In almost a minute, all the people agreed with the suggestion of pressing rice shells.

Seeing that these young people had already made a decision before he could speak, Walson felt helpless in his heart.

"Everyone, should you wait for me to finish speaking first?" Walsen tapped his finger on the table lightly.

Hearing Walson's words, the eyes of those young people looked at Walson, but Walson felt that the eyes of these young people looking at him were not so friendly.

Some people even had a trace of obvious provocation in their eyes.

This kind of provocation made Walson feel like the newly grown wolf challenged the wolf king that he saw on TV.

And he is the wolf king.

"Everyone, although everyone's ideas are good, I think it's a bit difficult to implement!"

(End of this chapter)

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