Back to 84: Getting rich from collecting rubbish

Chapter 138 The heart is scattered, the team is not easy to lead

Chapter 138 The heart is scattered, the team is not easy to lead

Paris Street, the crowds are surging!

"Oh, I've learned a lot. It turns out that European architecture is like this!" A middle-aged man in his 40s said with emotion.

While talking, he said to the young man next to him: "Little brother, take a photo for me, it's right under the iron tower."

"Tsk tsk, this time, I want to open the eyes of those guys who are watching the sky."

The young man didn't object to helping to take pictures, after all, he also asked someone to help him take pictures just now.

"Brother, I heard your accent, are you not from our place?" The young man is a talkative person, so he just asked casually at this opportunity.

"My family is from Nanxiang, and this time I came here specifically to see Paris Street. Tsk tsk, seeing is better than seeing!" The elder brother said with a smile as he posed for the photo.

The young man's hands trembled, and he almost threw the camera in his hand.Nanxiang is at least 200 kilometers away from Dongzhou City. Why did you travel so far just to see Paris Street?

This is too crazy!
Although he was emotional, the young man was very solemn and helped his elder brother take several photos. After all, he came all the way, so he had to entertain him.

The flow of people is large, and there are many people taking pictures, so the business will naturally be good.

It was another good day for those who have shops here.They have already clearly felt that this place is a treasure land of geomantic omen.

The rent of 2000 yuan is really not a big deal. If it continues like this, it will soon be able to earn back the rent.

At this time, several shops had already closed their doors. Although the original owners of these shops, Boss Li and others, had already moved their goods away, and even got Shen Lin asked Qiangzi to bring back the rent, their people did not Walk.

Gathering together, they all looked at the crowd coming and going with solemn expressions.

Watching these people come in and out of the shops around him, they came out with a few bags in their empty hands.

It made their eyes a little red.

If they hadn't returned the store, they should be taking stock of their income for the day right now?It's a pity that they no longer have a store, and their things have been moved away, so they can only hide and stare.

"Old Li, are you sure that we can rent the shop back from the new boss?" A middle-aged man with a dark face asked Boss Li.

Boss Li was the first boss to ask for a refund of the rent, and he also brought the news that the Second Match Factory wanted to take back the old warehouse, so the people present unconsciously began to follow his example.

Boss Li enjoyed this feeling very much.

But he also knows that the reason why these people regard him as the backbone is entirely to rent back the shop.

He didn't care too much about whether these companions could rent back the shop again. What he valued was whether he could rent back the shop.

Boss Du has already agreed to him. According to his understanding of Boss Du, it is almost certain that he will get back the shop.

As for other people, what does it have to do with me?When Shen Lin was in trouble, these people refunded the rent just like me, why should I help them.

"Hehe, the boss of this family said that as long as our rent is sufficient, we will give priority to renting it to us."

When Boss Li spoke, he was full of smiles, but in fact, there was one thing he didn't express in his words, that is, your rent is not enough, so if you don't rent it to you, you can't blame me.

The people present didn't understand what Boss Li was hiding, so they were relieved a lot, and then said: "Wait, let these guys be happy for two days, after two days it's time for us to make money."

Although this kind of words sounds refreshing, no matter how you listen to it, it gives people a sour feeling. "What do you think they are doing here?" a boss said, pointing to his former colleagues who gathered together to discuss matters in the No. [-] store.

Boss Li snorted and said, "Of course we are discussing what to do next!"

"Let me tell you, don't look at them as if they are making money now, in fact, they have no bottom in their hearts than us!"

"They are now worried that Shen Lin will not be able to keep the house, and they are also worried about what will happen if Shen Lin does not refund the rent."

"Let me tell you, in a few days, they won't be able to find Bei even if they cry."

Although Boss Li's words were a bit harsh, he was right.At this time, some bosses who gathered in Sister Luo's shop were really anxious.

After all, it is not so easy to find a place with such a good business. If it is lost here, it will be a big loss.

"Sister Luo, it would be best if Boss Shen can keep this place, but if Boss Shen can't keep it, what do you think we should do?" A stocky middle-aged man asked Sister Luo.

As the owner of Shop No. [-], Sister Luo quickly won everyone's trust by relying on her shop and her warm heart.

Now hearing what the middle-aged man said, Sister Luo said in a deep voice, "I think Boss Shen should be able to keep this shop."

"After all, although Boss Shen is young, he has vision! It is not ordinary skill to turn an old warehouse that has been neglected for so many years into a crowded Paris street."

"What if it happens?" someone asked worriedly.

This person is not trying to raise an argument. The reason why he is asking so much now is because he is worried. Sister Luo pondered for a while and said, "If Boss Shen can't keep it, we'd better rent it from the new boss."

"However, when the time comes, I think the price may still be raised."

Roger's words made the surroundings silent for a while. For them, the business was going smoothly, but now it suddenly happened.

"Damn the Second Match Factory, they are simply deceiving people too much. It is an old warehouse that no one uses, and they have signed a contract with them for more than ten years. Now they say that the contract is terminated. Isn't that tantamount to farting!"

"That's right, someone here wants to pick Boss Shen's peaches."

"Actually, Boss Shen has lost the most!"

In the midst of this chaotic discussion, someone suddenly said: "If Boss Shen can't keep this shop, let alone refund our rent, what should we do?"

This guy's words hit the weakness of many people.

After all, 2000 yuan is not a small amount, and they feel uncomfortable that the store may not be able to rent what was supposed to be a matter of making money.

If the money is not earned, but lost instead, they will be even more unacceptable.

Sister Luo smiled and said, "Boss Shen shouldn't be that kind of person. Although I haven't dealt with him for long, I don't think Boss Shen is that kind of person."

"What's more, this time..."

Just when Sister Luo finished speaking, a person hurried over, and he said to a skinny man, "Brother-in-law, Shen Lin has run away."

"I just saw him get on the train with the money!"

(End of this chapter)

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