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Chapter 139 Finding Shen Lin and His Wife

Chapter 139 Finding Shen Lin and His Wife

Shen Lin ran away!

This news stunned everyone present!

Especially Sister Luo, just now, she swore that she was not a non-refundable person, but now, Shen Lin has already run away.

At this moment, Sister Luo didn't know what to say!
What about trust between people?What about sincerity between people?
"Zhenghui, who did you hear that Shen Lin ran away?" The person who spoke was a middle-aged man in his 40s. He was a little bald on the top of his head. a lion.

A roaring lion!

The messenger known as Zhenghui, when he heard the brother-in-law's question, he panicked and said: "Brother-in-law, I saw it with my own eyes! Today I sent my friend to the train station, and I happened to see Boss Shen getting on the train going east. .”

"His bag is bulging, and I reckon he took all the money away."

As soon as these words came out, the person who was already full of surprises became even more irritable.

"Shen Lin ran away, so who should we go to ask for our rent?" Some people's hands trembled a little. After all, if Shen Lin ran away, it meant things would be much more troublesome.

"The monk can run away but can't run away from the temple, let's go, let's go to his shop."

"Yes, Shen Lin must give us an explanation this time, otherwise, we can't finish today's affairs."

Following these messy voices, the people present rushed towards Shen Lin's shop with almost no need to organize themselves.

Sister Luo, who is a tenant of the No. [-] store, is still willing to trust Shen Lin a little more at this time, but she still followed the crowd to the store with the Lin Rong Electronics sign.

At this time, Lin Rong Electronics didn't have too many customers. Qiangzi was negotiating the price of an old tape recorder with someone. Seeing so many people coming in, Qiangzi clenched his fists instinctively, but when he saw clearly After the person, he pushed open the door and greeted him.

"Sister Luo, what's the matter with you?" Qiang Zi and Big Sister Luo had dealt with each other before, and the two of them were fairly close, so when they calmed down, they greeted first.

Sister Luo smiled wryly at Qiangzi, and then said to Qiangzi, "Qiangzi, where is Boss Shen? We have something to do with him."

"Sister Luo, what a coincidence, Brother Shen has gone out, I'm afraid that you may..."

Before Qiangzi finished speaking, he heard someone say in a strange way: "Qiangzi, tell us whether Shen Lin is going out or running away."

"Yes, did he run away with all of our money? Qiangzi, you must give us an account of this matter as soon as possible."

"Hurry up and tell us where Shen Lin went?"

Hearing these aggressive words, the anger in Qiangzi's heart suddenly rose. From Qiangzi's point of view, Shen Lin would never run away.

These people came here to question Shen Lin's escape. In his opinion, they were purely making trouble for no reason. For such people, Qiangzi felt that he could not be lenient.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could Brother Shen run away? I told you that Brother Shen just went out to talk about things."

"If any of you make any noise here again, don't blame me for being rude."

Qiangzi's words made some people retreat, but after a little calm, someone said loudly: "Qiangzi, why are you so fierce? You are just a part-time worker. Let me tell you, it is only right and proper to pay off debts. If Shen Lin doesn't come out today, we will move things."

"Yes, move all these things away. I have only used this shop for two days. The rent of 2000 yuan is definitely not in vain."

Although Qiangzi is easily impulsive, facing the current scene, he also feels uncertain.Just when Qiangzi was thinking about what to do, Sister Luo stepped forward and said, "Qiangzi, I know you are just a buddy."

"Here, everyone is not going to make it difficult for you, but wait for everyone's questions, you must answer honestly."

Sister Luo's words made some people around Qiangzi calm down.But at this moment, they surrounded Qiangzi one by one, with no intention of leaving.

"Qiangzi, where did Boss Shen go?" Sister Luo took a breath. She knew that her question at this time was very important, so the first question was asked what everyone cared about the most.

Sure enough, Sister Luo's question attracted everyone's attention, and everyone looked at Qiangzi with concern.Qiangzi spread his hands and said, "Brother Shen just called and said he was going to find a lawyer to resolve the contract. He went to Donghai and will be back soon."

Speaking of this, Qiangzi argued: "Everyone, I know you are anxious, but you have to believe that Brother Shen will never covet your rent."

"If he can't keep this street, he will definitely give everyone the money."

Qiangzi's words were not recognized, someone snorted and said, "Speaking is better than singing, but Shen Lin still ran away."

"Lawyer, what is a lawyer? Shen Lin can solve the problem with a lawyer. I think he must have run away!"

"I don't know what a lawyer is, but I think it's unreliable for Shen Lin to find a lawyer."

"He should have run away."

"If he runs away, what should we do with our rent!"

"Yes, I borrowed part of the 2000 yuan. I hoped to turn over, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing."

"If I had known by now, I should have refunded the money yesterday. I blamed you for saying that I should trust Shen Lin. I just listened to you, and that's why..."

All kinds of complaints came and went one after another, and Qiangzi, who was surrounded in the middle, had nothing to do all of a sudden.

"Hee hee, why is it so lively? How did I hear that Shen Lin ran away." Just when everyone was in a mess, Boss Li and several people walked in.

Boss Li, who was driving Anbu, squinted in Qiangzi's direction and said, "Qiangzi, did your boss really run away?"

Qiangzi really didn't like Boss Li at all. At this juncture, this shit-stirring guy, he was clearly instigating the flames!
Immediately, he said neither humble nor overbearing: "Don't talk nonsense here, my brother won't run away."

"My brother just went out to talk about things, he will be back soon."

"Come back soon? I think he will never come back. That's more than 7 yuan. If Shen Lin takes it away, it will be enough for him to spend most of his life!"

Hearing this, the bosses, who were already a little panicked, added fuel to the fire one by one. After all, for them, the rent of 2000 yuan was not a small amount for one person.

"Boss Li, it's all my fault that I didn't listen to you."

"Boss Li, what do you think we should do now?"

"Old Li, you've seen the world, and you gave us an idea! What should we do now?"


Boss Li is extremely enjoying the current situation. He waved his palm leisurely and said, "Everyone, listen to me."

"As the saying goes, if you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple. Shen Lin ran away, but you can't solve the problem by gathering here."

"After all, Qiangzi is just a worker. You can't ask him for money, and it's impossible for him to have so much money."

"If you want to recover the rent, there is only one best way right now, and that is to go to Shen Lin's house and ask for it from Shen Lin's family."

"I believe that if Shen Lin knew about this, he would definitely come back."

Boss Li's words immediately made the bosses present hopeful, and at this moment someone said: "Shen Lin's wife works at the radio station of the main factory, let's ask her for money."

"Yes, let's go together!"

(End of this chapter)

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