Chapter 1478 A must-win game
Although Shen Lin's trip to Xiangjiang was eager to take place, he had so many things to do that it was basically mid-June when he arrived in Xiangjiang.

Before Shen Lin came to Xiangjiang, he had already dealt with a lot of things.

For example, the finalization of the name of PHS, such as the agreement of PHS technology, of course, the most important thing is still the official start of the fab project.

Although there was a rough estimate for the fab project before, with the start of the fab project, Shen Lin still has a feeling of spending money like water.

At the beginning of this project, although Donghai had coordinated a loan of one billion yuan, the one billion yuan loan was still consumed very quickly.

It has only been two months since the start of work, and one-third of the money has already been spent.

The construction of a fab requires not only infrastructure, but also various equipment.

For Shen Lin, the procurement of fab equipment this time should be a tough battle in his opinion.

After all, many people don't want to let Mishell Electronics develop rapidly.

However, to Shen Lin's surprise, the equipment that the fab needed to introduce was not hindered except for being more expensive.

As long as he pays, some equipment that is not too top-notch will be sent back.

It can be said that it went smoothly unexpectedly.

However, amidst this success, the money in Shen Lin's hands was being spent faster and faster.

This is also the reason why Shen Lin had to come to Xiangjiang.

"Mr. Shen, I'm really glad to see you again." Zhang Yuqing looked at Shen Lin with an incomparably bright smile on his face.

Shen Lin and Zhang Yuqing shook hands and said, "Lawyer Zhang, I am also happy to see you."

After the two chatted for a while, Shen Lin turned to Zhang Yuqing and said, "Lawyer Zhang, are you ready?"

"Mr. Shen, everything is ready." After Zhang Yuqing asked Shen Lin to get into the car, he said, "Mr. Shen, do you really want to mortgage those patents?"

"We are just mortgaging, not selling." Shen Lin smiled and said, "It's okay."

Looking at the confident Shen Lin, Zhang Yuqing hesitated for a moment and said, "Mr. Shen, I made a rough count. After mortgaging the various patents in our hands, plus our patent income over the years, what we can gather Funding is $8000 million."

8000 million U.S. dollars, that is, four to five billion!

However, Shen Lin decided to do a big job. Although 8000 million US dollars was a lot, Shen Lin still felt that it was not enough.

After all, such opportunities are definitely gone forever.

He pondered for a moment and said, "Lawyer Zhang, how much do you think I can mortgage if I mortgage Mi Ke Electronics?"

Zhang Yuqing was driving the car. Hearing Shen Lin's words, she almost braked immediately. She was taken aback, turned her head to look at Shen Lin and said, "Mr. Shen, Mike Electronics is very important to you. I don't recommend You can easily mortgage Mishell Electronics."

"After all, no matter how much it costs, I think Mishell Electronics can earn it back."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Lawyer Zhang, I've already said that I'm just a mortgage."

Zhang Yuqing pondered for a moment and said, "Mr. Shen, if you mortgage Mishell Electronics, I think you can get [-] million yuan."

"After all, this is Mishell Electronics!"

"However, there are not many companies that can take over this mortgage." Five hundred million US dollars is enough for him to start a big fight!

After all, in the futures market, leverage can be added. With my own [-] million funds, the funds that can be driven are [-] billion US dollars.

Five billion, quadrupling, is enough for the construction of its own fab.

"Then what advice do you have for this mortgage?" Shen Lin asked Zhang Yuqing, who was driving, with thoughts surging in his mind.

Zhang Yuqing pondered for a while, before he said: "Mr. Shen, there are several people in Xiangjiang who can provide you with this fund, but I think your top priority should be Superman and Ship King. "

"I heard that Superman has been trying to find new economic growth points for his company over the years."

Shen Lin silently made some calculations in his mind about the people Zhang Yuqing suggested, and then said: "Then help me contact them and see which of these big guys has time to meet with me."

"According to your status, Chairman Shen, I think they all want to meet you." Zhang Yuqing complimented Shen Lin very sincerely.

"However, Chairman Shen, as your lawyer, I still want to remind you that it is really a very risky move to mortgage Mishell Electronics."

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I know, but I urgently need a large sum of money now."

"I believe that these funds will be returned soon."

Seeing Shen Lin's firmness, Zhang Yuqing knew that it would be useless to remind her at this time, so she didn't say anything more.

Shen Lin had bought a property some time ago. Although it is not a villa in the middle of the mountain, it is also very good.Because someone cleaned it regularly, when Shen Lin lived in it, there was no mildewy feeling.

And just when Shen Lin settled down, Zhang Yuqing began to connect with the determined goal according to Shen Lin's request.

Although Zhang Yuqing's status was not high, after she reported Shen Lin's name, she quickly made appointments with these big guys.

Among them, Boss Li is the most enthusiastic, and he must clean up the dust for Shen Lin, and the location is at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant.

Shen Lin naturally would not object to this reception.

This time he came to Xiangjiang, apart from Fang Xiaomei, the secretary, Cheng Zi was the only entourage he brought with him.After tidying up briefly, he brought Zhang Yuqing and four others to this famous sea food city.

Because Boss Li had reserved the seats in advance, they were ushered into an extremely luxurious private room as soon as they boarded the ship.

Shen Lin and the others originally came half an hour earlier, but when they entered the private room, they saw Boss Li leisurely drinking tea and chatting with someone.

"Mr. Shen, welcome!" When Boss Li saw Shen Lin, he stood up with a smile and said, "Once I heard that Mr. Shen is coming to Xiangjiang, I will definitely welcome you, after all, this opportunity is too rare."

"Mr. Shen is a rare and honored guest for us!"

I don't know if it was intentional, but among the people Boss Li leads, besides his eldest son, there is only one subordinate who has followed him for many years.

After exchanging pleasantries with Boss Li, Shen Lin smiled and said to Boss Li: "President Li, I'm really flattered by your invitation!"

While the two were talking, Boss Li said to Shen Lin with a smile: "Chairman Shen's fab is a rare masterpiece. After I heard that you recommended this project, I admire it very much!"

While the two were talking, the service staff came in with a large plate. It was a steamed grouper, which weighed more than ten catties.

"Mr. Shen, we are lucky. There happens to be a grouper weighing more than ten kilograms here." Boss Li smiled and pointed at the grouper and said, "As for eating fish, I always like to share. It's better to be happy with everyone, it's easy to get beaten if you eat alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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