Chapter 148

Mules have ears that you can't believe yourself!

He thought Lu Xiaorong was going to say something great?Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaorong said such a sentence.

Call the police, this...

Originally, he wanted to ask whether you were joking, old classmate, but seeing Lu Xiaorong's serious expression, Mule finally swallowed what he wanted to say.

He also didn't want to hurt Lu Xiaorong's confidence, so he waved his hand to his companion behind him and said, "Everyone wait a moment, I'll report to Lao Ye."

Although Mule and the others would honestly call him Section Chief Ye in front of Ye Yichen, but behind Ye Yichen's back, they would call Ye Yichen Lao Ye.

Of course, this is due to the large number of people.

"Sister-in-law, sit down first." Qiangzi knew that Lu Xiaorong was pregnant, so he usually brought a bench and said, "Aren't you going to work? Why are you here?"

Lu Xiaorong didn't hide it either: "I'm a little worried, so I asked for leave today to come and have a look."

Sitting on the stool, Lu Xiaorong felt that her legs were a little weak. She saw the situation just now from a distance, and walked over quickly.

"Qiangzi, remember, no matter what time it is, you can't do anything. If the things in our store are taken out, we can just move them in again."

Lu Xiaorong told Qiangzi: "But if something happens to you, it will be our biggest loss."

Listening to Lu Xiaorong's instructions, Qiangzi's eyes flashed with excitement and said: "Sister-in-law, I remember."

While the two were talking, the mule had already arrived at a small courtyard around the corner.At this time, Ye Yichen and Du Beikang were drinking tea and playing chess under the dilapidated grape trellis in the courtyard.

Looking at the green tea in the big enamel jar in front of the two of them, the mule who felt that he was a little thirsty was not polite, so he grabbed the big enamel jar in front of Du Beikang and drank it.

Du Beikang was a little uncomfortable with the mule's behavior. After all, he didn't drink the tea much.But now he needs mules and others to contribute, so although he is unhappy, he still has a smile on his face.

"Mule, how's it going?" Ye Yichen took the cannon in his hand two steps to the left, then casually asked the mule.

"Chief Ye, we have already notified the merchants, but they are not planning to move now." The mule didn't dare to call Old Yetou at this time, and put down the enamel jar.

Ye Yichen picked up his enamel jar with the portraits of workers and peasants printed on it, blew on the tea leaves on it, and said, "They won't move if they say they won't?"

"We are also going to help them, but Shen Lin's wife came, and she said that the time has not come yet." Mule scratched his head, he and Lu Xiaorong were classmates, he was not going to tell Ye Yichen about it.

When Ye Yichen heard that Lu Xiaorong was coming, a trace of surprise appeared on his face.

Ever since he wanted to take back the old warehouse, Ye Yichen had been paying close attention to the actions of these merchants.

When he heard that Shen Lin had run away, he was extremely excited. After all, as long as Shen Lin ran away, he didn't know how much energy he would save.

So he was very clear about Lu Xiaorong's situation with those rent-chasing merchants, and he still felt a little bit of admiration for Lu Xiaorong's daring to write down the IOU at this time.

After all, it is not easy for a young girl to be able to do this.

Before he opened his mouth, Du Beikang said very unhappy: "So what if his wife is here? Just ignore her?"

Du Beikang's words made the mule very upset, he rolled his eyes at Du Beikang, the meaning was very clear, you are not worthy to say these things to me.

Du Beikang was aggrieved by this supercilious look, but no matter how aggrieved he was, he could only endure it.But he turned his gaze to Ye Yichen.

Ye Yichen coughed and said, "Why?" The meaning of these two words was very clear, which was to let the mule answer Du Beikang's question.Mule snorted and said, "I didn't want to pay attention to her at first, but they said that the lease is not up yet. If we dare to touch their store, they will report us to the police station."

"Chief Ye, I came here just to ask, what should I do?"

Du Beikang snorted and said, "So what if they report the case to the police station? The old warehouse belongs to your No. [-] Match Factory."

"I know it belongs to our factory, but they have a contract, so you are so sure that we will be fine if we forcefully move their things."

The mule glanced at Du Beikang and said, "If you think we can't do it, you can do it!"

Du Beikang still wanted to speak, but Ye Yichen waved his hand at this time and said, "The notification is three days, right?"

"Yes, it's three days." The mule said honestly.

"Okay, you go and inform those merchants that we will close the house on time at six o'clock this afternoon, and ask them to vacate all their things before six o'clock, otherwise they will be forcibly emptied."

Ye Yichen waved: "Okay, you go over."

After the mule left, Du Beikang frowned and said, "Brother Ye, what are you waiting for him? It's too late to make a difference?"

"It's too late to change, what a change!" Ye Yichen looked at Du Beikang quietly, and said with a smile: "You still think that Shen Lin can keep this place."

Du Beikang looked at Ye Yichen who was full of confidence, swallowed what he wanted to say, he smiled and said: "Of course not, I see that Shen Lin has probably already run away."

"His daughter-in-law's coming here is actually setting himself on fire."

"When it's six o'clock, Shen Lin won't come. Let me see how to solve the IOUs she gave to those merchants."

Ye Yichen said: "At that time, her biggest trouble will be those merchants who were cheated of the rent by Shen Lin."

"If we just wait a little longer, not only can we resolve a big conflict, but we don't have to worry about them going to the police station. Why are you so anxious about such a thing that kills two birds with one stone?"

Du Beikang nodded and said, "Brother Ye, you think far ahead, am I not in a hurry to take over those shops?"

Although on the surface, Du Beikang agreed with Ye Yichen's opinion, but in his heart, he was a little anxious. He had a vague feeling in his heart that Shen Lin would not run away like this.

Under Du Beikang's anxiety, the sun seemed to move very slowly.After losing more than a dozen games in a row, Du Beikang finally saw the sun go down.

Looking at the time on the watch, it was half an hour before six o'clock, and he couldn't sit still.

"Brother Ye, let's go, it's almost time."

Ye Yichen looked down on Du Beikang for being anxious, but his cooperation with Du Beikang made him respect some of Du Beikang's opinions.

"Okay, let's go over there." Ye Yichen waved his hand and said, "Let's go over this time, the shops on this street are all yours."

"Haha, Brother Ye, it's all thanks to you."

While the two were talking, they soon arrived outside the old warehouse.Mule and the others who were drinking water and playing cards outside each store quickly gathered over after seeing Ye Yichen.

At this moment, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became tense.

ps: The fourth update is coming, please support!
(End of this chapter)

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