Chapter 149

For Du Beikang, these two days were too difficult; for Sister Luo and other merchants, this time passed a little too fast.

The figure they were looking forward to had never appeared, and the time had swished by. It was really unpredictable what would happen next.

Whatever you are afraid of, come here.

Faced with Ye Yichen and the others who came to collect the house, Sister Luo and the others felt very uncomfortable.

It's almost six o'clock, and it's getting dark.At this point, Shen Lin still hasn't seen anyone, so the biggest possibility is that Shen Lin won't come back!

He has wrapped up everyone's money and has gone somewhere.

Just when everyone felt sorry and sad, Ye Yichen, accompanied by his mule, came to Lin Rong Electronics.

From Ye Yichen's point of view, the courage to move the merchants now all come from Shen Lin's shop. Once he drives away the people from Lin Rong Electronics, all follow-up problems will be solved easily.

As the saying goes, if you hit a snake and hit seven inches, the king is the first to catch the thief!

Lu Xiaorong was basically in the store that day, except for the first time when he and Qiangzi learned about Linrong Electronics' business, the rest of the time he sat and wrote.

In fact, Lu Xiaorong, who seemed calm, was still very anxious.She believed in Shen Lin and knew that Shen Lin would definitely come back.

But as time passed, she began to feel a little anxious. What happened to Shen Lin, why didn't she come back.

When the pointer of the plum blossom watch on his wrist pointed to five o'clock, the anxiety in Lu Xiaorong's heart had reached its peak.

Fortunately, Lu Xiaorong's emotions are very hidden, obviously his heart has been turned upside down, and what is exposed is only the tip of the iceberg.What's more, now, she knows very well that if it is difficult for her to keep calm, then there is no way to ask Qiangzi and others to keep calm like herself.

"Xiao Rong, don't worry about writing, just drink some brown sugar water when you take a break." Zhao Honglian said softly, holding a large porcelain bowl.

Looking at her mother-in-law standing beside him, Lu Xiaorong couldn't help but feel a little more warmth in his heart.My mother-in-law came here this morning. Although she can't give me any advice on the matter of the store, she keeps getting water and food for herself.

This relieved Lu Xiaorong's anxious heart a lot. After all, he is not fighting alone now.

"Mom, drink it, I just finished drinking the honey water."

"Sister-in-law, Ye Yichen and the others are here." Before Lu Xiaorong finished speaking, Qiangzi ran over and said anxiously.

Lu Xiaorong's hand paused for a moment, but she did not stop the pen in her hand, but continued to write this paragraph, and then put down the pen in her hand.

At this moment, Ye Yichen, surrounded by more than 20 men including Mule, walked over aggressively.They formed a circle around the store, surrounding Lu Xiaorong and the others directly in the middle.

"Lu Xiaorong, it's time to vacate the warehouse for us. Do you want to vacate it now, or let us help you?" Ye Yichen looked at Lu Xiaorong who was indifferent, and said with a half-hearted smile.

Lu Xiaorong stood up, raised his hand and said, "It's not time yet."

"That's half an hour. Do you think there will be any changes in this half an hour?"

Ye Yichen chuckled and said, "Lu Xiaorong, delaying for half an hour, what's the significance to you guys?"

"Didn't you say that Shen Lin will come back to solve the problem today? I don't think he will come back in his life."

"You'd better think about how to pay the rent for others."

Sister Luo and the others gathered outside felt even more uncomfortable after hearing Ye Yichen's words.Although they could also realize that the reason why Ye Yichen spoke like this was to sow discord and disintegrate their group.

But I have to admit that what Ye Yichen said hit their weakness.Which fool is willing to lose money and put the capital into it.So at this moment, their eyes were all on Lu Xiaorong.

Facing the mule at the beginning, Lu Xiaorong felt the pressure increased many times, and her heart beat a little faster.

But she secretly reminded herself that at this time, she must not be weak. Once she shows a little weakness, then what awaits her next will be a failure.

Shen Lin, where are you?Why don't you come back!

Although she was worried that something else happened to Shen Lin, but at this moment, she still said calmly: "Shen Lin will come back, I believe in my husband."

"He won't lose a little rent from the big guy, I can guarantee this. If he doesn't come back, I'll pay the money back."

"Also, time is running out. Ye Yichen, if you ask people to move things in the store, you are illegally occupying other people's property. I will call the police immediately." After saying these words, Lu Xiaorong felt his hands trembling. Although she remained calm on the surface, her hands were a little out of control.

"Lao Ye, although we are not in the same factory, we know each other well. You should wait for Shen Lin to come back and discuss with him how to solve this matter." Zhao Honglian stepped forward and stood in front of Lu Xiaorong, with a hint of Pleadingly: "Don't embarrass Xiao Rong, she is still pregnant?"

"Old sister-in-law, it's not me who made things difficult for Lu Xiaorong, it's her who made things difficult for me. This is an order given to me by our factory manager, and I have to do it!" Ye Yichen said with a look of embarrassment: "Why don't you persuade Lu Xiaorong? leave first."

Zhao Honglian glanced at Lu Xiaorong, then said to Ye Yichen in a low voice: "Lao Ye, you are also an elder, so just give Xiaorong half an hour, can we move after half an hour?"

Lu Xiaorong is full of begging mother-in-law, tears can't help rolling in her eyes, although she has only been married to the Shen family for half a year, but she knows her mother-in-law's personality very well.

Her mother-in-law, Zhao Honglian, has a gentle temperament, but deep down she is unwilling to ask for help, and she rarely does things like asking for help in public like now.

Now in order to protect herself, she not only stood up, but also let go of her dignity. This... This made Lu Xiaorong feel very close to her from the heart.

"Mom, you don't need to beg him. It's his fault. If he dares to force you, we'll call the police."

Ye Yichen chuckled and said, "Lu Xiaorong, you don't need to scare me, it's already past 05:30, even if you call the police, it will be almost six o'clock when things are dealt with."

"Six o'clock. This time basically means that the time our factory gave you to vacate the house has run out. By then, we will clear your things out of our warehouse. Is there any logical error!"

"So, now you can move things out by yourself, or we can help you."

While talking, Ye Yichen looked at Mule and said, "Mule, you guys are helping their store move things, I remind you, be careful, don't damage their things."

Mule cast an apologetic look at Lu Xiaorong. Although he was a classmate, at this time, he could only listen to Ye Yichen.

Lu Xiaorong looked at the mule and others who were about to come, and although he was anxious, he was helpless.After all, she and Qiangzi together, that is, two people, can't stop so many people at all.

Just when Lu Xiaorong was thinking about what to do, he suddenly heard someone shout loudly: "What are you doing? If any of you dare to touch my daughter's finger, I will chop him off!"

Following the scolding, Chen Hongying, who was wearing a work uniform, rushed over in a hurry. In her hand, she was still holding a rolling pin that she got from no one knew where.

Chen Hongying did not come alone. Behind her, He Chaoying and a dozen middle-aged female workers followed. These people were basically about the same age as Chen Hongying, and they all rushed over with cold faces.

Before Lu Xiaorong could speak, Chen Hongying pointed at Ye Yichen and said, "Rotten Yezi, since you started working, I knew you didn't have any good intentions, why are you still bullying me at such an old age?" girl?"

Chen Hongying was in a hurry. Although she and Lu Xiaorong had an affair with Shen Lin, when she heard that her daughter Bei was bullying her, she immediately became furious.

The daughter was bullied by himself, and whoever dares to bully my mother's daughter, my mother will never end with him!
God can't!

Lu Xiaorong looked at his mother who was holding a rolling pin, and his heart hung in his throat, and he immediately put it in his stomach.And the name her mother called Ye Yichen made her want to laugh out loud.

She turned her head and glanced at her mother-in-law who was standing tremblingly beside her, and felt a burst of warmth in her heart inexplicably.

Chen Hongying's words made Ye Yichen's face twitch.

He lived around the factory area when he was a child, so he knew people of the same age as Chen Hongying.

His nickname was given to him by those friends who grew up with him when he was young.However, since he became the chief of the general affairs section of the No. [-] Match Factory, no one has called him that.

Being yelled at by Chen Hongying in public like this, he immediately felt a little uncomfortable.

Looking at the old women who came behind Chen Hongying, he felt ashamed and hard to get into the sheath while having a headache.Immediately, he scolded Mule and the others angrily: "Are you deaf or blind? Are you all fucking stupid? What did I ask you to do?"

"If you can't take over this room today, don't go back to the factory, you all go in and move things for me."

Mule and the others felt relieved when they heard Chen Hongying's roar.

They had long had opinions on Ye Yichen, and now seeing him deflated, they were all overjoyed.

But Ye Yichen's embarrassing and angry words made them dare not refuse. After all, they had put in a lot of effort to work as temporary workers in the factory.

"Come on, let's go in." The mule waved his hand and was about to move forward.

ps: The first update today, please support

(End of this chapter)

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