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Chapter 150 Can't afford to provoke, really can't afford to provoke

Chapter 150 Can't afford to provoke, really can't afford to provoke
A group of young men in their 20s, if they come with brute force, no one else can stop them.

Qiangzi felt that he was not good enough, and those old ladies standing in front of Lu Xiaorong, Qiang Zi felt that they were even worse.

Just when Qiangzi was about to pick up the stick that he put down and start a fight without hesitation, he heard Chen Hongying yelling at a young man who was following behind the mule: "Li Ernuo, get out of here!" go!"

"Otherwise, I'll go to your mother in a while and ask her how she raised you, a bitch, to dare to fight with his aunt."

The young man who was called Li Ernuo blushed all of a sudden, and most of his indomitable momentum disappeared all of a sudden.

"Gu, I can't help it, that..." The young man glanced at Ye Yichen hesitantly, and whispered.

At this moment, He Chaoying also said to a young man, "He Qiang, do you still want to beat your aunt?"

The young man known as He Qiang also struggled for a while, and he finally said: "Grandma, am I here for work!"

"Hurry up! Get out of here! Ye Yichen did it, is it a human thing? Get out and wait, otherwise I will beat you like I beat your father when he was a child." He Chaoying said unceremoniously.

The young man named He Qiang was not annoyed either, he said to Ye Yichen: "Uncle Ye, my aunt can't even offend my father, let alone me, what, I'll find a place to hide first."

"Chen Erbing, come here, what's the matter, do you want me to ask Xiaolan's father, his prospective son-in-law is so powerful that he dares to fight with my family?" A middle-aged female worker standing behind Chen Hongying said, Li said like a knife: "I see, you can't have a son-in-law like you!"

The young man named Chen Erbing wanted to laugh at his companion just now, but now he also froze.

He cupped his hands quickly and said: "Cousin, I'm just here to make up the number of people, haha, don't go to my dad, you treat me like a fart, can't I go as far as I want!"

"What about your father? That's Xiaolan's father. You are not married yet!"


one, two, three...

After only ten minutes of work, Ye Yichen was annoyed to find out that the group of junior soldiers he had transferred, who he considered to be able to fight hard, hadn't done anything yet, and all of them had fallen to one side.

For this situation, he was really anxious and angry.

Although he can order these people to charge forward, but what if these guys don't work hard one by one?If he blamed them for this incident, then all the relationships behind these children would be offended.

After all, the parents of these children are considered old people in the factory. If one is not good, he will lose his wife and lose his army.

Although Ye Yichen was annoyed by this situation, he knew it was normal. After all, everyone had lived in the factory area for many years, and they were related to whomever they didn't know.

What's more, these old women maintain their factory regulations and civil agreements with their unique aggressive style.

If the juniors dare to fight with the elders, especially with these difficult old ladies, they don't know how to arrange it in the future, and maybe they won't even be able to marry a daughter-in-law.

"Chief Ye, what should we do?" This was the first time Du Beikang encountered such a thing, and he really didn't know what to do.

Ye Yichen's scalp was also a little tingly, he was in the No. [-] Match Factory, and he knew very well how difficult these old ladies were.I would rather fight with male workers than speak to old women.

Compared with ordinary female workers, these female workers are not only older, louder, but also not taboo about meat and vegetables, and can do anything.So in the factory, the most difficult to deal with are these people.

Ye Yichen didn't expect that he, who had the chance to win, would be restrained by these old women.

After taking a breath, Ye Yichen said loudly: "Chen Hongying, I also obeyed the order of our factory director, so I have to come." "Actually, I don't want to come either. Isn't there nothing I can do?"

"Tell me, our director Liu is too dishonest. Shen Lin has done a good job. He just wants to be taken back."

"No matter how I persuade him, he won't listen!"

Of course, Chen Hongying refused to believe Ye Yichen's statement.This guy is now pretending to be a good person here, she snorted and said: "Ye Yichen, once you poke your butt, I'll know what shit you're doing! What kind of person are you, do you think I don't have a clue in my heart!"

"Let me leave the words here first. Today, you don't want to take back this old warehouse without saying a word. If you dare to be tough, don't blame the old lady for knocking your head off!"

Chen Hongying who was waving the rolling pin made Ye Yichen feel uncomfortable.He knew that if he reasoned with this old woman, it would definitely not make sense.

Instead of wasting time with him, it's better to find Lu Xiaorong who is more willing to reason.

"Lu Xiaorong, you just said that Shen Lin said to solve the problem within three days. If you don't solve it, you will take the initiative to move away. Does that still count?"

At this time, Lu Xiaorong had already sat down on the stool brought by Zhao Honglian, looking at her mother standing in front of her, her heart was full of heat and emotion.

In any case, the mother is still toward her.

Now, Ye Yichen suddenly turned the topic on himself, which made Lu Xiaorong hesitate a bit.

It seemed that with his mother around, he didn't have to face Ye Yichen at all!
"Ye Yichen, what's the matter with you, just tell me, don't look for my daughter, a child, you eat more salt than she eats, are you ashamed to bully the little?"

Chen Hongying waved the rolling pin in her hand, and said to Ye Yichen sarcastically.

At this time, Ye Yichen felt his teeth hurt, and he really couldn't resist such a messy person.

However, as the chief of the general affairs section of the Second Match Factory for many years, he must have a certain emergency response ability, and immediately coughed and said: "Chen Hongying, if you have to mess around here, then don't blame me for going to Baichang of your hardware machinery factory long."

"Let me tell you, you prevent our No. [-] Match Factory from taking back its own factory buildings, and your director Bai will not stand idly by."

Chen Hongying snorted and said, "You can go find it and see if our director Bai will help you or help us. You can walk around the world with reason, but you can't walk without reason. If you think you're bluffing, I'm afraid of you!"

Although Chen Hongying said so, the middle-aged female workers who followed Chen Hongying showed signs of fear at this time.

The county magistrates are not as good as they are now. They don't need to care about Ye Yichen, but they must care about their factory manager.It's okay to help Chen Hongying, but because of this kind of thing, it's not worthwhile to involve myself and others.

What Ye Yichen wanted was not to make Chen Hongying give in. Seeing those middle-aged female workers shrink back, he said to Lu Xiaorong, "Lu Xiaorong, you keep saying that Shen Lin didn't run away, don't you even have the confidence to do that?" ?"

"If you don't even have confidence in Shen Lin, how can you convince other merchants that Shen Lin didn't just run away with money?"

This sentence has great lethality.

Although Sister Luo and the merchants knew that Ye Yichen had no good intentions in saying this, they still couldn't help discussing it.

At this moment, Lu Xiaorong felt a lot of pressure on her body. After pondering for a while, she said in a deep voice: "I have confidence in Shen Lin, and what Shen Lin promised, of course it counts!"

ps: The second update today, please support

(End of this chapter)

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