Chapter 15 A Big Fish

In the factory workshop, Lu Xiaorong clumsily operated the machine.Now she is working for the master He Chaoying she just accepted.

Although He Chaoying is a woman, she has a quick temper, so she has identified one method of teaching her apprentices: simple and rough are the most effective.If one is dissatisfied, he will be reprimanded loudly.

However, after this day's contact, Lu Xiaorong felt that the master was kind, but he was a little stricter on his apprentices.

"Lu Xiaorong, have you eaten all the operation skills I gave you yesterday? Look at your movements, even a three-year-old child!"

He Chaoying picked up the glass wrapped in a woolen bag, and said dissatisfiedly: "Look at you, what are these parts cut into?"

"I can tell you, if you are so careless again, you will practice an extra hour for me every day!"

Lu Xiaorong smiled and said, "Master, I will definitely change it next time."

Although Lu Xiaorong was working at this time, Shen Lin still appeared in her heart from time to time.

In the past few days, Shen Lin, who would have breakfast with her on time every day, did not come back.

Why did this happen? Did the radio not sell?
Just when Lu Xiaorong was in a mess, she saw her mother Chen Hongying striding in with an angry face.

"Lu Xiaorong, I don't care what you think, you must divorce that bastard today!"

"If you refuse again, don't recognize me as a mother! Don't step on your mother's door in the future!"

The busy workshop suddenly became quieter, and almost all the workers stopped their work.

He Chaoying looked at the menacing Chen Hongying, stood in front of his apprentice and said, "Chen Hongying, this is the workshop, can you go home and talk about something!"

"He Chaoying, if I can go home and talk about it, I won't come here to find her!" Speaking of this, Chen Hongying said with a cold face: "Lu Xiaorong, do you want to leave this marriage?"

Lu Xiaorong was a little embarrassed, after all, her mother forced her here under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"Mom, let's talk about family matters when I get home. Don't delay me from going to work, okay?" Lu Xiaorong persuaded his mother, holding back tears so that they wouldn't fall.

Although the mother is doing it for her own good, she can't force herself to express her opinion in public. Where does this put her face?
Chen Hongying snorted and said, "Let's talk about it when we go home? It's too late to go home!"

"Let me tell you, that bastard, he didn't learn well. He stole things and was taken away by the police station. This matter spread throughout the factory."

"You are still reluctant to divorce him, are you afraid that my face and your father's embarrassment haven't finished yet!"

Lu Xiaorong's head buzzed for a moment, she never expected that her mother would bring her such news.

Getting caught for stealing, is this possible...

But looking at my mother's appearance, it doesn't seem like nonsense.

Shen Lin suddenly spent a lot of money, those repaired radios and color TVs...

"Mom, Shen Lin won't steal, he has money." Lu Xiaorong hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to trust Shen Lin.

Although she was a little skeptical, the feeling Shen Lin gave her these two days made her feel that Shen Lin was not a stealer.

Chen Hongying snorted and said, "He has money, but he doesn't have a job. His money is not stolen, but where did it come from."

"You go to him for a divorce today, and if he persists, I'll go to his father!"

Looking at her aggressive mother, Lu Xiaorong felt angry. She has always been dissatisfied with her strong and snobbish mother.

If Shen Lin's father was still the director of the factory, Chen Hongying would not have dared to speak like that.If my mother hadn't insisted on this marriage, I would not have agreed to it at the time.

"Master, I'll go to the police station." Lu Xiaorong ignored his mother and said to He Chaoying.

He Chaoying nodded and said, "Xiao Rong, go, I'm here."

"However, your mother is right in saying that if Shen Lin is not doing his job right, you are still young, so you should keep going, and you will be messed up by it!"

Lu Xiaorong looked at the solemn He Chaoying, hesitated for a moment and said, "Master, I know what to do."

Just as Lu Xiaorong walked out of the workshop, Fang Boyuan, who was wearing glasses and a white shirt, strode over and said, "Xiaorong, you're a girl, it's hard to go to the police station by yourself, I'll go with you. "

Lu Xiaorong's first reaction was to refuse!

Ever since Chen Hongying said that she should get in touch with Fang Boyuan more, she has resisted this old classmate in her heart.

Now that something like this happened, she was even more unwilling to ask Fang Boyuan to help.

"No, I'll just go by myself." But just after Lu Xiaorong finished speaking, Chen Hongying had already said loudly: "Bo Yuan, I'll trouble you about this matter. Our Xiaorong has never been to the police station. You go I feel relieved now."

"By the way, when you see that little bastard Shen Lin, you must tell him that we, Xiao Rong, are going to divorce him."

"This kind of thing can't be delayed for a day."

Fang Boyuan looked at the resolute Chen Hongying, smiled gently and said, "Auntie, I will persuade Xiao Rong well."

Lu Xiaorong was in no mood to pay attention to his mother at this time, she was pushing the bicycle and was about to go outside.

Seeing this, Fang Boyuan also chased him up on a bicycle. Before Lu Xiaorong refused, he took the initiative to say: "I have a high school classmate who works in the police station. Ask him to help me. It's more messy than you alone." Please ask."

Hearing what Fang Boyuan said, Lu Xiaorong hesitated for a moment and said, "Thank you Boyuan, then I will trouble you."

"We are classmates, we should help each other, shouldn't we?"

Fang Boyuan said gently: "But Xiaorong, don't be angry with the aunt, she is doing it for your own good."

"After all, no mother wants to see her children suffer."

Lu Xiaorong nodded, but did not speak. At this moment, what was still surging in her heart was the matter of Shen Lin.

Did Shen Lin really steal something?What if he stole it?
Just when Lu Xiaorong's heart was surging like an overwhelming river, she felt nauseated for a while.But soon, she suppressed this reaction.

Fang Boyuan is an outsider after all, and Lu Xiaorong is unwilling to show his uncomfortable side in front of her.

The police station is not far from Lu Xiaorong's factory. When they came to the police station with a row of brick buildings, an old man with a broom who was cleaning the door stopped them and said, "What's the matter with you two?"

"Master, I'm looking for Xu Ruibing!" Fang Boyuan said in a deep voice without waiting for Lu Xiaorong to speak.

The cleaning man also ignored Fang Boyuan, but shouted loudly, "Xu Ruibing, someone is looking for you."

A young man in his 20s came out of an office nearby: "Who is looking for me?"

"Rui Bing, I'm Fang Boyuan." Fang Boyuan waved to the young man.

Xu Ruibing quickly came to Fang Boyuan, punched him on the shoulder and said, "You boy, you have been in college for three years, and you are becoming more and more refined, hahaha."

"Why, is this your partner?" Xu Ruibing glanced at Lu Xiaorong and said with a smile.

"I'm Fang Boyuan's colleague." Lu Xiaorong quickly explained: "This time I invite him over, because I want to trouble you with something."

Fang Boyuan said calmly: "Rui Bing, this is Lu Xiaorong, who is also my former classmate. She wants to ask, has someone named Shen Lin been arrested in your institute?"

Xu Ruibing glanced at Lu Xiaorong, smiled at Fang Boyuan, and said solemnly: "A man named Shen Lin was arrested, and I heard from colleagues who went to his house to search that he was a Big fish not only stole the radio to sell, but also stole a color TV."

"Then... those things are all collected from him." Lu Xiaorong argued loudly.

"Collect rags?" Xu Ruibing looked at Lu Xiaorong, and then said with a smile, "Have you ever seen someone who sells a good big color TV imported from abroad as rags?"

Speaking of this, he said to Lu Xiaorong: "Girl, if you want to talk about friends with Shen Lin, I will give you a piece of advice. Break up with this kind of person as soon as possible."

Lu Xiaorong's expression changed for a moment, but he said firmly, "I am his wife."

Xu Ruibing's expression changed suddenly, while Fang Boyuan said: "Old classmate, did you make a mistake in this matter?"

"How could it be wrong? We received a clue from the neighborhood committee that he sold three half-new radios in the past two days."

"Aside from stealing, where did he get so many things?"

Along the way, Lu Xiaorong had been thinking about Shen Lin's performance these days. If something like this happened a few days ago, she believed that Shen Lin would steal it.

But thinking of the way Shen Lin took back those radios, and the way Shen Lin concentrated on repairing the radios under the dim light, Lu Xiaorong's heart suddenly became firm.

"Comrade, I can testify to him that he took all these things back and repaired them himself."

Xu Ruibing smiled and said: "It's useless for you to tell me these things. Although I want to believe that what you said is true, we have to use evidence to speak."

"By the way, that Shen Lin told me where he collected his things, and our director has sent someone to investigate."

"What is true cannot be false, and what is false cannot be true."

Ps: The new book sets sail, please support me!
(End of this chapter)

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