Chapter 16 Can You Repair Radio
Shen Lin sat on the chair in a stable manner!

Although he was being questioned, Shen Lin didn't panic at all. After all, he had only collected these old radios for three or two days. As long as he was asked, he could be cleared.

Just when he regretted such a good time and couldn't go out to collect waste products, he saw Lu Xiaorong and two men walking in.

One of them was wearing an old-fashioned police uniform, which seemed to belong to the police station. As for the other, he was polite and looked like a college student.

College students in the early 80s are like treasures.Among other things, as long as one enters the university, it means that one's job is guaranteed.

There is no such thing as an examination of civil servants by thousands of troops.

"Daughter-in-law, why are you here?" Shen Lin didn't have time to think about who the quiet young man was, and immediately asked Lu Xiaorong.

Lu Xiaorong said softly, "Are you okay?"

"What can I do? It's just a misunderstanding. I'll go back later." Shen Lin comforted with a smile.

Looking at Shen Lin who was dressed casually, Fang Boyuan couldn't help frowning.However, his self-cultivation made a smile appear on his face quickly.

"Let's go out soon? What do you think is this place? Do you think you came here?" Xu Ruibing was young and just full of blood. He obviously looked down on Shen Lin's sloppy behavior.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "I didn't steal anything. After you investigate clearly, you will naturally let me go home."

Xu Ruibing snorted and ignored Shen Lin.And Lu Xiaorong hurriedly said: "Shen Lin, this is Brother Xu Ruibing, if it wasn't for Brother Xu, I would not have seen you!"

Xu Ruibing waved his hand and said, "You don't need to thank me, I'm also giving you a chance to meet for the sake of my old classmates."

"Shen Lin, be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist. You should think about these eight words carefully." Xu Ruibing said here, his voice suddenly raised a lot: "I hope you will tell the truth, don't see the coffin and not cry!"

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Brother Xu, what I said is true, if..."

While Shen Lin was talking, a man quickly walked over. He was also wearing an old-fashioned police uniform. When he arrived, he said, "Shen Lin, what's going on with you?"

Shen Lin carefully looked at the person who came, and then realized that the person who came was his second brother-in-law.

It's just that the second brother-in-law in Shen Lin's memory is a depressed ordinary policeman. When he was in his 40s, his hair started to turn gray.

And now, he is still in his prime.

Shen Lin has always been very close to this brother-in-law. Although he did not bring him great wealth in his previous life, he has always been helping him sincerely.

"Brother-in-law, I was misunderstood. I collected a few broken old radios and repaired them to sell them. I was treated as a thief." Shen Lin said calmly.

Xu Ruibing snorted and said, "Brother Chu, don't listen to his nonsense, he can repair the old radios that other people sell as scraps, so why don't they send them to the repair shop, but sell them to him instead?"

"Also, he repaired an imported color TV!"

"Tsk tsk, repairing the color TV that was regarded as a waste product, isn't this a daydream?"

Chu Feng frowned. He knew Shen Lin very well.If it was said that Shen Lin stole things before, he would not believe it, but now Shen Lin has just been fired.

With no source of income and his father-in-law's affairs, the brother-in-law, who has always been idle, might have actually done such a thing.

"Shen Lin, if you make a mistake, you have to admit it. While the mistake you're making now is not serious, fighting for leniency is the way out."

Shen Lin looked at Chu Feng who believed he was stealing, and was really speechless.He knew that this situation was mainly caused by himself.

If it weren't for the impression that I was idle in my previous life, others would not doubt me like this.

"Brother-in-law, what I told is the truth. The comrades from the police station have already gone to investigate, and the results will be out soon." Shen Lin's words made Chu Feng and Lu Xiaorong silent.At this moment, the roar of a motorcycle sounded.

On the motorcycle with the side body, three policemen came down, carrying three huge radios in their hands.

"Director Song, what's the matter?" Xu Ruibing quickly ran to the middle-aged policeman who got off the truck, and asked with a smile.

The middle-aged policeman handed the radio in his hand to Xu Ruibing and said: "After investigation, the place where the radio Shen Lin said was indeed sold to Shen Lin's old radio."

"But they said that those radios are basically beyond repair."

Song Suo said this, and strode towards the room where Shen Lin was.

"Shen Lin, I have already visited the units you mentioned, and they indeed proved that you collected waste radios from them."

"But they all said that basically those radios couldn't be repaired."

Shen Lin heard Director Song's suspicion. He knew that the most important thing for him now was to prove his innocence.

Otherwise, as an object of suspicion, he might not be able to return home today.

"Song Suo, they think it can't be repaired because they are not skilled enough." Shen Lindao: "I am better than the repairers they hired, so I can naturally repair it."

"Director Song, I'm Shen Lin's wife, Lu Xiaorong. In the past two days, I can prove that when Shen Lin goes home every day, he repairs the old radio at home." Lu Xiaorong said hastily.

Director Song's face showed a trace of hesitation.

Although what Shen Lin said was similar to what they investigated, how could a fired young worker repair these second-hand radios that even skilled repairmen couldn't repair?
By the way, the unit that deals with imported color TVs has said that their color TVs have not only found several repairers, but even sent them to color factories, but they couldn't repair them.

It's not logical at all that Shen Lin can fix it.

"Director Song, if you don't believe me, we can fix it on the spot." Shen Lin could see his suspicion from Director Song's face.

Knowing that whether he can go out today is all in the director's decision, Shen Lin immediately took the initiative to fight for it.

"You try it on the spot? I don't have an old radio here." Director Song felt a little more trust in Shen Lin.

"Director, isn't the FM transmitter of our radio broken? If Shen Lin really does what he said, let him repair the FM transmitter." Xu Ruibing stood aside and suggested.

Director Song frowned. In his opinion, the radio FM transmitter in the institute was much more difficult to repair than the radio. Since something went wrong, he personally found four or five masters, but none of them were repaired.

Using this to make Shen Linxiu, isn't it an obvious embarrassment?

This little Xu is usually prudent in doing things, what happened today?
After hearing the FM transmitter, Shen Lin realized what it was after hearing Xu Ruibing's words.

In the past, he did not seldom repair this kind of machine, knowing that this thing looks complicated, but knowing the principle inside, it is easy to repair.

"Director Song, I've read a book on repairing radio and FM transmitters, why don't you let me try it." Seeing Director Song's hesitation, Shen Lin asked straightforwardly.

Lu Xiaorong hurriedly said: "Shen Lin, you have never repaired the FM transmitter. If you can't repair it, don't repair it again. Don't try your best!"

The second brother-in-law, Chu Feng, who was standing aside, also followed Chao Shen Lin and said: "Shen Lin, don't talk nonsense, this thing needs to be repaired by experts from the manufacturer, how can you repair it well!"

"Director Song, my little brother-in-law doesn't have any serious problems at ordinary times, he just likes to show off, so don't trust him!"

ps: The new book sets sail, please support
(End of this chapter)

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