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Chapter 1502 What is Rest assured

Chapter 1502 What is Rest assured
After talking with Shen Lin, Cheng Zhenyuan returned home.

Although his expression was tense, his heart was extremely relaxed.

After all, what he was most worried about, there is no need to worry about it now.

Shen Lin didn't advance as aggressively as he thought. In this matter, Shen Lin already had a backhand.

"Old man, take a break and feel better?" The daughter-in-law asked in a deep voice, handing him a cup of tea.

Cheng Zhenyuan wanted to say that I was in a much better mood, but when he thought of Shen Lin's entrustment, he hesitated for a moment, and said coldly: "What's the matter?"

"By the way, pack up, I'm going to sleep in the study today."

Cheng Zhenyuan's wife was stunned for a moment, she did not expect that her old man would make such a request.

"what is wrong?"

"I've been having insomnia for the past two days, I'm afraid it will affect you." Cheng Zhenyuan waved his hand and said, "And when you snore, I can't sleep even more."

After saying this, Cheng Zhenyuan thought to himself: I can't help it, I'm afraid that what I should not have said in my dreams when I was sleeping.

If you spread this kind of thing, it will be a disappointment to Mr. Shen's value.

And it will also cause great losses to the development of rice shell electronics in the future.

Looking at Cheng Zhenyuan's insistence, although his wife felt a little uncomfortable, she finally made the bed in the study for him according to Cheng Zhenyuan's arrangement.

Lying on the bed, thinking about the documents Shen Lin showed him, and thinking of Shen Lin's abnormal behavior these days, Cheng Zhenyuan was greatly relieved.

Soon, he quickly fell asleep.

This time, he slept incomparably comfortable and relaxed.

The days are still moving forward. Although Mishell Electronics only distributed a catty of mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival, it has become news, but this kind of news is quickly dissipating.

However, in some reports, there are still news about Mishell Electronics.

Most of the content of these news is about Mishell Electronics.

And in the news, most of them are about the financial difficulties of Mishell Electronics.

When Shen Lin's family returned to the provincial capital, everything seemed to be the same as before, but many people paid attention to Shen Lin's whereabouts these days.

What Shen Lin did the most these days was to meet with the person in charge of the bank.

Although neither Shen Lin nor Mishell Electronics said the purpose of these meetings, many people said that Shen Lin was raising money.

However, none of these meetings had any good results.

There was even a magazine that somehow took a photo of Shen Lin who was a little tired, and used this photo as the cover.

Although the cover didn't say anything, it seemed to have said everything they wanted to say.

"Shen Lin, Sister Zhong asked me to come over this time and said that I can provide you with 8000 million in funds, but these funds are already our entire working capital of Binglu."

"Give you the money, and we will have a hard time." Liang Jialuo sat in front of Shen Lin and said with dissatisfaction in his voice.

Liang Jialuo does not agree with the current practice of Mishell Electronics.

She even ran over once specifically to persuade Shen Lin, but unfortunately, her persuasion did not have any effect.

At that time, she left angrily, but this time when she came, it was Zhong Qing who arranged for her to come here and send money to Shen Lin.

Looking at Liang Jialuo who looked unhappy, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Jialuo, thank you, Sister Zhong, for helping me. Now is the time when I need money the most, so I won't be polite."

After listening to Shen Lin's words, Liang Jialuo said angrily: "I see, you are obsessed with this fab." "Binglu originally wanted to use this money to expand production capacity, but now we will use it to expand production capacity." Here you go, it’s difficult to increase our production capacity.”

Liang Jialuo said angrily: "In the past two years, beverages outside have developed rapidly. Although we can still occupy the market, if we don't develop, we will be swallowed up sooner or later."

Shen Lin knew that Liang Jialuo was telling the truth, but he couldn't tell Liang Jialuo some things.

It's not that he doesn't trust Liang Jialuo, but sometimes Liang Jialuo can't control his mouth.

So Shen Lin could only watch Liang Jialuo's resentment with a smile.

"Shen Lin, plus our 8000 million, how much money are you missing now?" Liang Jialuo looked at the silent Shen Lin, although he felt aggrieved, he could only bear it.

Shen Lin did some calculations and said, "Your 8000 million, plus the [-] million I have already raised, is almost enough for the down payment."

"This is only the down payment, you really need a hundred million dollars!" Liang Jialuo asked in disbelief as he put down the teacup in his hand.

Shen Lin smiled, Bing Fan said something, but in fact, his meaning has already been made clear.

After playing with the lid of the teacup in his hand, Liang Jialuo said, "When I flew back this time, I met a former classmate."

"He's working as a manager at Grass Flag Bank now."

"Listen to him, they're looking for quality customers to support, or you can get them from them."

Listening to Liang Jialuo's words, a smile flashed across Shen Lin's eyes.

He believed that Liang Jialuo would never harm himself.

But the classmate Liang Jialuo met at the Grass Flag Bank was probably not easy.

But no matter what he thought in his heart, Shen Lin pretended to be anxious and said: "Jia Luo, then please introduce your classmate to me."

"I'll see if they can get some money over there."

Liang Jialuo nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make a call right away."

Liang Jialuo made a quick call, and after 3 minutes, he turned to Shen Lin and said, "My classmate said that he has something to do today, but he will wait for you tomorrow."

"Talk to him carefully, their financial resources are still very strong."

Listening to Liang Jialuo's introduction, Shen Lin smiled and said, "Okay, I will definitely pay attention to it and try to secure the funds for the gap."

After the two chatted for a while, Liang Jialuo changed the subject: "Mr. Shen, although the fab has a bright future, but you really shouldn't be involved in this kind of thing now."

"After all, this not only consumes funds, but also hinders the development of Mishell Electronics itself.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "That's not how the accounts are calculated. Let's suffer more now, so that we will have less trouble in the future."

Speaking of this, he said with a smile: "I heard that your brother introduced you to a partner a few days ago, how is it?"

"What else can I do? Let it go!"

"Like a little old man, lifeless, I don't like it?" Liang Jialuo waved his hand and said: "I have already warned my brother, if he finds me again, don't blame me for being rude."

Liang Jialuo bared his teeth and claws and said, "I look like the kind of person who can't get married? Arrange a blind date for me."

Shen Lin looked at Liang Jialuo who was full of anger, lay down gently on his back and said, "It's also for your own good. It will also make them feel at ease when they get married and start a career soon."

"Okay, don't talk about this, let's talk about how to persuade my classmate to lend you money." Liang Jialuo jumped up, turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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