Chapter 1503 Quality Customers
Liang Jialuo's work style is still in a hurry.

After confirming the meeting between Shen Lin and her classmate, the account manager of Grass Flag Bank, they agreed on a place for dinner that night.

When Shen Lin and Liang Jialuo came to the dining place, they saw a tall young man in a suit.

Although the man's face was a little green, but behind the eyes hidden by the gold-rimmed glasses, there was a trace of arrogance.

This kind of arrogance is hidden very deeply, and most people can't see it if they don't observe it.

"Hi Dong Shen." After seeing Shen Lin, the young man quickly stretched out his hands towards Shen Lin.

His expression was quite close, and his gaze towards Shen Lin was full of enthusiasm.

Shen Lin smiled and said, "Mr. Li, hello."

"Mr. Shen, my English name is Bill. Mr. Shen, you can call me that. I like my friends to call me by this name."

Li Bier smiled and said, "I don't know what you call Mr. Shen by your English name?"

Liang Jialuo stood behind Shen Lin and did not speak.

She knew very well that Shen Lin could handle this situation more than enough, so she didn't need to take action at all.

On the contrary, at this moment, she looked at Shen Lin with great interest.

Liang Jialuo, who had been Shen Lin's assistant, knew very well that Shen Lin didn't like foreign names, but he didn't know how Shen Lin would react to Bill, the God of Wealth.

She was really quite curious about such a situation.

Under Liang Jialuo's attention, Shen Lin smiled and said, "I really like people calling me Shen Lin."

"The names are all called by others. Mr. Bill, you can call me Shen Lin."

Li Bier was stunned for a moment, but then he smiled and said, "Haha, Mr. Shen is really interesting."

"In that case, I'll call you Director Shen."

Having said that, he looked at Liang Jialuo and said, "Jialuo, please come inside, I have already ordered your favorite caviar and tomahawk steak for the restaurant!"

Liang Jialuo never paid much attention to this kind of flattery, but just responded lightly.

The three of them came to the western restaurant of the hotel. After the waiter brought the menu and ordered two more dishes, Li Bier said: "The western restaurant of this hotel speaks very unorthodoxly."

"It can even be said that there is a little bit of imitation."

"Does Jia Luoqi know? If it weren't for the fact that there was no place to eat, I really wouldn't want to come here."

Speaking of this, he turned to Shen Lin and said, "Mr. Shen, if you have time to go out, I will definitely treat you to a real French meal."

Shen Lin smiled, and said very politely: "Then thank you, Bill."

Because there are not many customers eating here, the speed of serving food is still very fast.

Those who come here to eat, except for people like Li Bier who work in foreign companies, are some rich bosses.

It's just that the meals of these bosses are quite restrained.

Although Shen Lin doesn't like western food very much, he also ate it in his previous life.

As for eating Western food, he eats very casually.

Li Bier looked at Shen Lin who was eating casually, feeling like he was eating a roadside stall, and he had a feeling in his heart that he was winking at a blind man.

This kind of most grand reception for him really didn't make him feel the slightest sense of accomplishment in this person.

"Director Shen, I heard from Jialuo that you and MiKe Electronics have encountered financial difficulties." After Bill Li ate the steak, he took a sip of the coffee in front of him and asked Shen Lin.Liang Jialuo suddenly looked at Shen Lin nervously.

She knew that Shen Lin was very important in some aspects. If Li Bier said something like this, Shen Lin would definitely not like it.

When he was cursing his classmate for not being able to speak in his heart, he heard Shen Lin say: "That's right, the recent funding of Mishell Electronics is indeed a bit difficult."

"So I hope to get some support from your bank."

What Shen Lin said was extremely calm, which made Liang Jialuo heave a sigh of relief.Her eyes turned to her classmates.

Li Bier said: "Mr. Shen, we naturally welcome your loan."

"To be honest, since our bank established a branch in Donghai, you have been at the forefront of our high-quality customers."

"We are very willing to provide services for you and Mishell Electronics."

Liang Jialuo said: "Do you have many high-quality customers? Is our ice dew considered your high-quality customers now?"

Li Bier was stunned for a moment and said: "Jia Luo, although your Binglu has developed well, but to be honest, you have not yet entered the ranks of our high-quality customers."

"This high-quality customer is not something we can decide. He is determined by a rating from the headquarters."

Shen Lin looked at Liang Jialuo who was furious, and said with a smile: "Jialuo, every company has its own fixed procedures for this kind of thing, so don't make things difficult for Birla."

"Bill, Mishell Electronics needs more funds now. Since we, Mishell Electronics, are your high-quality customers, we don't know what kind of procedures we need to go through for a loan of [-] million U.S. dollars?"

Although Li Bier had prepared for Shen Lin's loan amount, after all, it was impossible for Shen Lin to find him without a loan.

But at this time, hearing Shen Lin's words, his heart still trembled.

One billion dollars!

As he worked in the bank, he couldn't say that he had never seen money, but such a large loan still made him feel sad.

"Mr. Shen, the figure of [-] million US dollars is really not something I can promise."

Li Bier pondered for a while and said: "For a high-quality customer like you, my authority is only 1000 million US dollars. If there is more, I will have no authority."

1000 million US dollars is actually a very large number.

If the person who wants the loan is not Shen Lin, Li Bier doesn't even have this authority.

When Shen Lin heard 1000 million, he pondered for a while and said: "1000 million dollars is a bit too little, how about this, you report to your superiors, and say that Mishell Electronics hopes to get a loan of [-] million dollars, see What's his opinion?"

Li Bier understood that such matters were beyond his control, so he didn't waste any time, and said directly: "Mr. Shen, I will report immediately after I go back."

"Because this number is too large, it will take some time. Please wait for my message. I will contact you immediately after I have the result."

After a meal, Li Bier left in a hurry. What Shen Lin said made him feel that this was his chance, and he was not going to delay it.

Liang Jialuo looked at Li Bier who was leaving, and said to Shen Lin: "Shen Lin, although Caoqi Bank has money, their requirements for collateral are very high."

"This time you have a loan of [-] million US dollars, I don't think it is so easy to get it."

Shen Lin smiled and said: "It's up to man, if I can't get it off, I'll think of another way."

"After all, this attempt will not cause any major loss to us, don't you think so?"

Liang Jialuo nodded and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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