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Chapter 1520: Bad stomach, eat soft food

Chapter 1520: Bad stomach, eat soft food

The warm applause lasted for half a minute and then stopped.

The young man who asked the question wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing and gave up the microphone in his hand to someone else.

"Director Shen, I heard that the royalties for the first Harry Potter movie were already tens of millions of dollars?" someone shouted loudly.

"It's not tens of millions of US dollars, it's 300 million US dollars." Shen Lin said with a smile: "Of course, this is also related to the fact that Ms. Lu Xiaorong is the owner of the publishing house, so the royalties are higher."

Shen Lin's words caused another burst of smiles.

"Director Shen, I have read Harry Potter. I have to say that this book is very good. What I want to ask is, when will the second part of this book be released?" A female voice took the microphone and shouted loudly. Shen Lin asked.

Shen Lin smiled and said: "Everyone, this is the winter product launch conference of MiKe Electronics, not Ms. Lu Xiaorong's new book launch conference."

"Please make sure you know exactly what we do before you ask questions."

"Of course, I will not disappoint you on this issue. Ms. Lu's new book has been written and will be released next week."

"I hope you will support me a lot."

Seeing Shen Lin who was relaxed and at ease with the audience below, Yun Ping'er breathed a sigh of relief.

With such a good partner, she didn't have to worry about this press conference at all.

Just when thoughts were surging in Yun Ping'er's mind, someone else said: "Dr. Shen, although I think it's a bit wrong to ask Ms. Lu Xiaorong about the new book here, I still can't help but want to Just to ask."

"How many new books do you plan to write for Ms. Lu's new book?"

Shen Lin was naturally aware of this, but he still looked hesitant and said, "As for this, I once told Lu Xiaorong that the more she has, the merrier."

"But I already had a plan when I started writing, so as far as I know, Ms. Lu Xiaorong plans to write eight parts."


Hearing this number, many people took a breath of air.

If the sales of the first film can be maintained, then Lu Xiaorong's royalties will be a very scary figure.

For a time, many people looked at Shen Lin with jealous eyes.

After all, having a wife who can earn hundreds of millions in royalties alone, and who also earns hundreds of millions of dollars, is indeed enviable and jealous.

"Don't you guys envy me? In fact, sometimes I feel that there is no need for me to work so hard for MiKe Electronics, so I can just lie down and eat soft food at home."

"After all, when I was a child, my mother often said that I had a bad stomach and it would be best to eat soft food when I grow up."

Shen Lin took the microphone and said with a smile.

Shen Lin's words naturally provoked a burst of laughter and curses, and some people even said loudly: "Director Shen, you must not lie down, we cannot live without MiKe Electronics."

"Dr. Shen, I don't know if your stomach is good or not, but my stomach is indeed not good, but I don't have soft food now."

"Hahaha, Mr. Shen is so funny. Eating soft rice has something to do with your stomach."

Listening to the warm words below, Yun Ping couldn't help but admire Shen Lin even more.

She knew very well that even if she and a familiar partner were hosting this type of event, they would not be able to complete such an interaction.

Just when thoughts were surging in her mind, she heard Shen Lin say: "Everyone, our chat time passed too fast. I looked at my watch. The live broadcast time is coming. I will go back first and now hand over the stage to Yun Ping. Miss." "Please give me a round of applause when I make my debut!"

As Shen Lin left, Yunping calmed down, and then said in a deep voice according to the words he prepared: "Everyone, welcome to the winter conference of Mihu Electronics."

"I am Yun Ping'er, and I am very honored to be the host of this conference."

"MiKe Electronics' press conference has been held for two years. Almost every press conference can bring us surprises."

"Electric cars and VCD players have entered thousands of households, and have even become essential appliances for young people to get married."

"Today, the winter conference of MiKe Electronics begins again. This time, what surprises will Director Shen and MiKe Electronics bring us? Please wait and see."

"Now, with the warmest applause, let us invite Mr. Shen Lin, chairman of MiKe Electronics, to introduce to us the products at this conference."

Following Yun Ping'er's words, Shen Lin walked out with a smile on his face.

As Shen Lin walked out, the entire venue burst into extremely warm applause.

At this time, the live TV broadcast has begun. I don’t know how many people gathered at the front door of the TV, waiting for Mihu Electronics’ press conference.

"Shen Lin's popularity is high enough." Bai Mingfu looked at Shen Lin striding towards the stage, with a trace of jealousy flashing in his eyes.

Although he has always thought highly of himself, now, he can feel that there is a big gap between himself and Shen Lin.

This gap made him very uncomfortable.

Sun Kang didn't say anything. Although he knew what his boss wanted to hear, he didn't want to talk about it.

Fortunately, Bai Mingfu's attention was not on this aspect. He quickly set his sights on the press conference.

"Everyone, I am very grateful for your support for our MiKe Electronics. It can be said that without your support, there would be no MiKe Electronics today."

Shen Lin, who was holding the microphone, said with a smile: "Everyone has been looking forward to this product launch for a long time. Let's go straight to the products without further ado."

As he spoke, Shen Lin clapped his hands, and the light that originally illuminated him moved towards the position in front of Shen Lin.

Then the light caught everyone's eyes, and what caught everyone's eyes was a blue compact four-wheeled vehicle.

The lights hit the car body, giving people a dazzling feeling.

“This is our second-generation electric car, which we call Mihu 2. Compared with the first-generation Mihu electric car, the second-generation Mihu car is not only faster, but also has better battery life. from……"

There are still many people who are interested in MiKe Electronics' electric cars. Listening to the data reported one by one by Shen Lin, many people stared at the electric car with their eyes widened.

While fans care about the various data of the car, dealers care about the price of the car. For them, the price of the car actually determines the sales volume of the car.

"If this car can maintain its original price, I will order [-] units." A dealer said: "MiKe Electronics' electric cars are selling really well."

"Most of the people who use this kind of car here are the boss's wives. This kind of car is quick to learn and slow enough. It's just right for grocery shopping and shopping."

"I hope Mr. Shen won't raise the price this time!"

“Do you think this is MiKe Electronics’ heavyweight product?”

"Of course not. Although the first product to appear is very important, it will definitely not be the protagonist of this conference."

(End of this chapter)

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