Chapter 1521 It's Coming

In the reception room of Taiyu Electronics, Wen Zaisong, Bai Mingfu and others gathered together, all staring at the TV.

The performance of the MiKe 2nd generation electric vehicle is being shown on the TV screen.

Compared with a real car, the performance of the second-generation Mihu car is still a bit worse, but it is significantly improved compared to the first generation.

For example, steering wheel assistance, fast charging, etc.

Wen Zaisong looked at these things, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

He glanced at Bai Mingfu and others, and then said to Park Yisheng in the words of his hometown: "After the collapse of MiKe Electronics, must we win the MiKe electric vehicle project?"

Park Yisheng said: "Okay, we will put it on the list of must-wins when the time comes."

Wen Zaisong said: "This electric car comes first. Although electric cars now have many shortcomings, except for price, there is no way to compare with cars in other aspects."

"However, with the depletion of energy, electric vehicles will definitely be a development trend in the future."

"If we can stick to this project, it will not be a dream for our automotive industry to transcend its small days."

Wen Zaisong waved his hand and said, "You must remember this matter well."

Hearing Wen Zaisong's solemn words, Park Yisheng said: "Don't worry, Mr. Wen, I will never forget this matter."

Bai Mingfu and others listened to Wen Zaisong and Park Yisheng talking. Although they didn't understand what the two people were talking about, they all looked thoughtful.

After Wen Zaisong and Park Yisheng finished talking, Bai Mingfu said: "Mr. Wen, Shen Lin used this electric car as the first product to be launched. It seems that he has a big goal?"

Wen Zaisong smiled and said: "It should be similar to what we guessed."

"Their main promotion this time should be wireless fixed-line phones."

Bai Mingfu said: "Shen Lin has found the wrong opponent this time. He doesn't know that everything about him is part of your plan, Mr. Wen!"

At this moment, the price of electric cars began to appear on the huge TV screen.

Looking at the Mihu second-generation electric car, which is only 1000 yuan more expensive than the first-generation electric car, Wen Zaisong nodded lightly.

The price does not fluctuate much. It seems that Shen Lin will focus on promotion in this aspect.

However, he already had thoughts about electric cars in his heart, so at times like this, he became more reluctant to speak.

At this moment, Shen Lin on the TV was already smiling and said: "This year, the sales volume of Mihu electric vehicles is more than 1 units. To be honest, this number exceeds my expectations."

"Here, I am very grateful to everyone for your support to our Mihu Electronics. What I want to say is that we, Mihu, will definitely work harder and use better products to repay everyone's support."

Speaking of this, Shen Lin smiled and said: "Next, the second product we are going to launch is the latest water dispenser..."

One, two, three...

As each product was recommended under Shen Lin's explanation, Wen Zaisong and others watching the live broadcast in the conference room became more and more serious.

They thought that MiKe Electronics's press conference should have exhausted all talents, but they did not expect that in this new product launch conference of MiKe Electronics, various innovative products would still emerge one after another.

Although they are basically upgrades of the previous generation products, these alone can basically support MiKe Electronics’ new product launch conference.

"Their VCD player hasn't been released yet." A middle-aged man sitting next to Bai Mingfu said in a deep voice.

This middle-aged man is one of the store managers of Jiale Electrical Appliances. Although Jiale Electrical Appliances has basically surpassed Mike Electrical Appliances Mall these days, there is one thing that is not as good as Mike Electrical Appliances Mall, that is, among their products, there is no VCD player.

And every time they face customers who want to buy DVD players, they can only introduce these customers to MiKe Electrical Appliances Store.This situation made him feel very uncomfortable.

Now, he is looking forward to and a little afraid of MiKe Electronics' DVD player.

What he was looking forward to was that he wanted to see whether this kind of video disc players would improve, but what he was afraid of was that Mishell Electronics' VCD players had made too much progress.

Once you make too much progress, you'll be in trouble.

Just when he was feeling uneasy, Shen Lin on the TV had already smiled and said: "Everyone has already received the news before this press conference."

"We say that we at Mihu Electronics are going to launch a major product, but until now, what we have launched during the press conference are still upgraded versions of previous products."

"Everyone is a little impatient."

Hearing this question, many people in the audience below responded: 'Yes! '

"Director Shen, what is your new product? Take it out quickly."

"Director Shen, we are here just for the new products!"

All kinds of shouts came and went all of a sudden, giving people a chaotic feeling.

Wen Zaisong and others all fell silent after listening to the chaotic noise.

In their hearts, they also really want to know whether this new product is as they imagined.

And just as everyone was looking forward to it, Shen Lin said: "Since everyone is looking forward to it so much, we can no longer hide it."

"Show your face, my little darling."

Following Shen Ling's words, a balloon was slowly falling from the sky above the stage.Underneath the balloon, tied is a white box.

"Tinkle bells, jingle bells..."

Just when the box fell in front of Shen Lin, a pleasant ringtone rang from the box. Shen Lin caught the falling box, then easily opened the lid and took out a palm-sized mobile phone from inside.

"Hey, son, I'm holding a new product launch conference for our MiKe Electronics. I'm not sure how long it will take to finish!"

And just as Shen Lin finished speaking, a childish voice sounded from the palm-sized mobile phone: "Dad, I am watching your live broadcast, you are so handsome..."

The clear voice echoed in everyone's ears through the microphone.

Shen Lin talked with Xiao Guoke for 2 minutes, and then hung up the phone full of reluctance.

At this time, both the audience at the press conference and those in front of the live TV broadcast stared at the palm-sized mobile phone in Shen Lin's hand.

They had realized what the object in Shen Lin's hand was, but they were not sure because compared with their elder brother, this thing was too small.

"Everyone, this is the new product that we at Mihu Electronics are going to grandly launch for you this year. It is a mobile phone supported by wireless local phone technology. We have decided to call it PHS."

"Compared with Big Brother, PHS is very compact, which makes it more convenient to carry, and it has a longer standby time."

"Our PHS has a standby time of one week when fully charged."

"Such a standby time allows everyone to say goodbye to the impact of having their mobile phones run out of power."

As Shen Lin finished speaking, there was a burst of applause.

(End of this chapter)

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